On our recent visit to Oz we tried to catch up
with as many of my friends as possible. Debbie
has been a friend since school. Her husband is Clive
and their kids are James, Warwick and Alice.
In my first job I made some long-lasting friendships.
We went out for dinner with Bev and Fred, Margo and
Jim and Helga and Bill. Glenda also came along to say
When your children go to school you develop more
friendships. Some come and go - others last.
Bob and Desley have been close friends for a long time now.
Fred is the man you want to
contact for all things Mac. He and Bronwyn have 4 sons.
The eldest is Mark. He and Lorelle recently became engaged. It certainly is a small world! Lorelle and I used to chat
with each other on the net - imagine our surprise when we realised we both knew this
Jan runs a cafe in Torquay known
as the Sandbah. This is the place to go for a great lunch. We also caught up with Athol-Mary over coffee one morning at the Sandbah.
Leanne and Floyde were neighbours and friends of mine in Jan Juc. Their son Nate is a friend of my son Nic