I guess I should start with a photo of me. I'm
an Australian, married to an American, currently living in the US.
This is my husband Stephen. We met
on the Internet! He's a Geologist and an inspiration. He also designs fantastic
web sites. Why not take a look?
I have three
wonderful sons. Don't you agree that they are handsome? Of course I'm not
biased at all! Christopher is 18 now and in his first year as an apprentice electrician. Nicholas 
is 16 and a bit of a computer wizz. Alistair is 14. He loves to play sport -
basketball in the winter and diving in
the summer.
My mum came to visit us last year. She was very
nervous about travelling alone, but survived the trip and we loved having
her here. Here she is with her dog, Charlie.
Dad has retired now. When
he's not out catching the 'big one' for dinner or out riding his bike, you'll
find him taking mum for holidays in far-off places.
My sister Cher is
a very talented lady. She's always busy and a very special person. You should
visit her web page. You'll see why I'm so proud to have her as my sister.
Paul is my
brother. His life seems to revolve around surfing - except when he's snowboarding,
that is. Mum and Cher and I all think he's very good looking. Definitely
not a case of family bias there!! |