Cyprus College of Art - Art Education for the Twenty-First Century

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Fees and Finance

The fees for full-time students 2009-2010 are:
  • Foundation in Art and Design: 2723 euro (includes Kition Bursary discount)
  • Associate Fellowship in Fine Art: 4600 euro per year (includes Kition Bursary discount)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Art: 2173 euro (includes Kition Bursary discount)
Part-time study for the above programmes is an appropriate proportion of these fees.

  • Study Abroad (full academic year): 3200 euro (includes Kition Bursary discount)
  • Study Abroad (one semester): 1630 euro (includes Kition Bursary discount)

Study abroad is full-time only.

Most people attending courses and other programmes at the Cyprus College of Art are self-funded. The College offers a limited bursary scheme for the Foundation, Associate Fellowship and Postgraduate Diploma courses. The discount this gives on the fee is already included in the above sums. For information on this please click on the link at the top of this page.

Most programmes are Canada Student Loan eligible (Canadian citizens only).

For information on other sources of funding, such as Grant Making Trusts and educational charities, please ask at your local Reference Library or careers' advice service.

For fees for the Cyprus Summer Studio please see the internet pages for the Cyprus Summer Studio. For other programmes please ask.

Fees for all programmes pay for course fees, registration, studio use, tuition, and assessment. Fees do not pay for materials or equipment.