Please send all enquiries to this address of the Mother House:
Sr. Superior General, MC, Missionaries of Charity, 54/A, Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Road, Calcutta 700 016, W.B., India. Kind Attn: Sr. M. Nirmala, M.C.
Phone: (091-033) 22497115 ,(091-033) 22175267 for Shisu Bhavan, Contact: Sr.Sara Grace.
(Old Address: Lower Circular Road, Calcutta 16)
Missionaries of Charity, Next to
Rosary Church, Venkatala Village, Yellanka Post, Bangalore 560 064 Phone:
(91 080) 8460074
Missionaries of Charity, Nirmala Shishu Bhavan, 25 Ashoka Road, St. Thomas Town, Bangalore 560 084, Phone: (080) 5474993
See below for Missionaries of Charity Addresses around the World ,
This Order was started in Calcutta by Mother Teresa, and has two branches in Bangalore which takes care of the destitute, abandoned and dying of all Castes and Religions. It survives on the Love of God, and by donations given by persons of all Faiths. They reach out to the poorest of poor, and take the old people and children into their premises and look after them with the Love of the Lord, bathing their wounds and helping those who are dying to die with dignity and surrounded by the Love of the Lord. Agnes Gonxha Bejaxhiu was born in Albania (* see below) on 27th August in 1910. She entered the order of the Sisters of Our Lady of Loreto at the age of 18, and took the name of Teresa. She taught in the Order's school in Calcutta until 1946, when she experienced what she described as a "call within a call" to aid the desperately poor of India in a way that required she leave her Convent. She received permission from Rome to do this and began her work by bringing dying persons from the streets into a home where they could die in peace and dignity. She also established an Orphanage. Slowly other women joined her, and in 1950 she received official approval for a congregation of sisters, called the Missionaries of Charity, whose members are dedicated to serving the poorest of the poor. Mother Teresa was awarded the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize.
Mother Teresa expired on 5th September, Friday 1997 in Calcutta, incidently, this was also the day of Lady Diana's funeral in England.
(*)From:"SINF@sinf.gov.mk" "SINF"
15-SEP-1997 21:27:58.37
To: "'ronnie.johnson@usa.net'"
Subj: Correction on Mother Teresa's birth place
Dear Sir / Madam,
We would like to sent you an official correction to the information that Mother Teresa was born in Albania.
Our beloved Mother Teresa was born in Skopje, the capital of the Republic of Macedonia on August 27, 1910.
We remain truly yours,
Secretariat of Information of the Republic of Macedonia
There have
been some conflicting messages circulating on the Intenet regarding some
prophesies of the Late Mother Teresa, Sr. M. Nirmala M.C. has requested
that you kindly refer to http://www.motherteresacause.info for correct and
factual information. Thank you. Regarding all enquiries
about volunteering
yourself for Missionaries of Charity programmes, please check with
M.C. Calcutta.
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My Personal experience of Mother Teresa
I did get a chance to get very close to Mother Teresa once in 1980 when she came to Bangalore for the Fourth National Convention of Catholic Charismatic Renewal ( May 15 to 18, 1980). It is very hard to explain the experience you get when you see her. I was photographing the Conference, and I was about 30 feet from her. I watched her through my zoom a 100-200 zoom and you can guess how big I saw her. I was just zapped by the aurora around her. Through the lens I could see a glow around her whole countenance. I clicked and clicked, and shot off the whole roll. Her simplicity was something to be just seen, and the Peace of the Lord was all around her. She did not have to speak much, she just sat and looked, a look of such mild intense Love that comes from within, she had empathy for every Living Being, and wanted to reach out for every Soul in distress, and looking at her was enough to know that the Lord was abiding in her as she was filled with His Love, and you could draw on that Love by just looking at her.
To my surprise, when I processed the roll, there was not one photo I could
get, it was a slide film, and all got washed away. Don't ask me how, but
I still have it with me to prove I did click the roll. It was an experience
I cannot forget.
Just the other day, 26th May, 1998 my daughter found the roll that
was missing and thrown in a drawer, and she gave me a surprise, the roll
was that which I had lost about two years back. And surprisingly, the slides
seem to be quite clear, or am I imagining things. I am trying to get someone
to make prints of the slides, but not that this is collectors items the flim
shot in Dec 1980, have to be careful it does not disappear again!! Understand
that one has to make a negative from the flims and then print and I have
to be endowed with a lot of patience.
This Convention is also important to me, I met my wife there !!! All the more I remember Mother Teresa, and I have opened this Page for her Sisters.
Mother Teresa is more popular with the real believers of God in my country. The Hindus accept her as a living Saint. There are some Political Parties in India who were out to bring her down because she converts people to a better life by just being what she is, but in her death, she has surpassed all human comment. She did come to Bangalore about a year back (1995), for the Centenary plus celebrations of the Church of the Sacred Heart, but the crowds were too much to venture to see her, the photograph centre-piece was taken during this program. Ronnie Johnson
Condolence Meeting for Mother Teresa at Bangalore
On Tuesday, 9th September, 1997 at St. Joseph's Indian High School, Bangalore, there was an Open-Air Eucharistic Celebration, celebrated by His Grace, The Archbishop of Bangalore, Dr. Alphonus Mathias, and Concelebrated by hundreds of Priests from various Orders. The Mass was attended by Representatives of the Government of Karnataka, and about seven thousand people including many Sisters from various Congregations and also specially the Missionaries of Charity. The previous day the place was flooded, but on this day, there was bright sunshine and surely the Lord looked down on all those who came to Pray for His Beloved Disciple Mother Teresa. Rev. Fr. Ronnie Prabhu, sj, Rector of St. Joseph's Institutions, was the Master of Ceremonies.
After the Eucharistic Celebration, Jos Fernandes, MLA welcomed the Chief Guest, the Speaker of the House, and the Union Minister, and other Ministers. His Grace, the Archbishop of Bangalore, gave a short talk on Mother Teresa's life and her works.
The Speaker also gave a short Memorial Talk and assurance from the Government of full support to the works of Mother Teresa and her Sisters. The Union Minister, also spoke of the good that Mother Teresa did, and could not find anymore words to express his love for her. He had made arrangements for bus transport for the people to return after the meeting, and this is a beautiful gesture on his part, and also assured full support from the Ministry to the Sisters.
The Sisters from the Missionaries of Charity also participated by summing up Mother Teresa's works by a few Reflections from the Bible. The Sisters had also arranged children and old people for the Offertory Procession during the Eucharist Celebration, symbolising different areas that Mother Teresa brought to attention of the World.
(I have taken a few photos of the program which I hope to put up shortly, and also complete this report)
Ronnie Johnson
"Heartfelt Condolence from the People of Bangalore, India on the sad death of Our Mother Teresa, a Mother to Every Human Being. A Mother of the Poor, A Mother of the Sick, A Mother of the Lonely, a Mother of the Unborn, A Mother of the People, May God's Strength be with You All through this time of Grief and Always. Mother's Spirit is with you and with us all.
Mother Teresa was A Jewel in India's Crown.
Mother Teresa was a Living Saint,
now she has gone ahead to Pray for all those she worked for "
Maisy, Ronnie, Joanne and Andrew Johnson
5/3 King Street, Richmond Town, Bangalore 560 025, India
e-mail: ronniebangalore@gmail.com
The Making of a Permanent "Mother Teresa Memorial" Site on the Net! I had proposed a Project to collect and collate all the Home Pages that have original data, interviews, testimonies, video/flim clips, photographs on Mother Teresa, and put them all on ONE PLACE on the Net so that it may becone an archivial location for anyone who wants information on Mother Teresa or the Missionaries of Charity. We had been fortunate to have the "Catholic Information Network - CIN" come forward to give us space for this Project.
However, Sr. Nirmala has expressed that the Sisters do not want an Internet Home Page of Rememberance or a Multimedia CD to be prepared as it is against the teachings of Mother Teresa to the Congregation. Hence this Project has been shelved as we should respect her wishes. Thanks for all your mails in and willingness to support. Ronnie.
We may propose to put up the completed Condolence Books on this site.
Hello Everyone,
My wife Maisy and I decided to visit the Missionaries of Charity Home in Bangalore on the Hennur Road, just to see for ourselves how the place is or what really is there. We also had to give a print out of our Home Page along with some sample print-outs of Condolence Messages also the cutting of the "Sunday Times" (Dated 14th September 1997, Times of India, Bangalore Edition ) which carried the article of this Dedicated Home Page by Sema Singh, to Sr. Usha Rani who is the Sister -in-charge, but she along with Sr. Monita had gone to the Alliance Francois for an Exhibition of Paintings in honour of Mother Teresa.
There were two Sisters who showed us around and we were really transformed into another world. Everyone reads of the simple life that these Sisters live, it is only when one visits their abode does one really understand that it takes such simplicity to really work for the Divine Master.The happiness that they worked with was really God's Gift, and we did see some families that had come to spend time with the inmates, to give them some love, infact to really get that love from the inmates instead!
This home looks after babies that have been abandoned from a few days to a couple of years. Some normal, some lessfortunate, and what really touched us was that no where in the buildings was there any love lacking. It was also quite a sight to see the lessfortunate elder children looking after the younger ones, feeding them with the same love that they themselves would have got earlier from the Sisters and those who look after them.
There are around 117 inmates, and out of which around 15 babies are put for adoption. The people who come in turn to help out with the feeding, changing the children are from varous convents also. Each have a slotted date to help out as there are many hands to help. Food as per the Sisters is provided from various sources. People give because they are touched by the dedication of the Missionaries to serve all human beings in distress, keeping no caste, creed or language as a barrier.
The Sisters cannot solict any funds for the Mission, and it is this faith they have in God to provide for those they look after that has brought about the difference between other Social Organisations and Poor Houses.
The other House in Yellanka we have not had the occassion to visit is a little on the outskirts of Bangalore, and is a Home for the destitute, dying and homeless, also for the incurable sick and lepars. (The Government had promised land to the Sisters to build a larger and more permenant Home, but this is not coming forward as scheduled. The Sisters did not ask for the land, instead the Government promised the same. Please Pray that the Lord touch some hearts in the Government to sanction the land for the less fortunate people) .
If anyone would like to help with the work of ther Sisters, they should contact the Missionaries of Charity at Calcutta, Sr. Nirmala, Superior General, or Sr. Premilla. They would then guide the people as to what they can do and what is expected from them. Understand that in Calcutta, there are some recommended hotels that have a understanding with the Sisters to take in those visitors to Calcutta who have come to serve the Mission.
There has been many requests to keep the Condolence Book open till Christmas, but I am afraid that is not possible as we already have used the good offices of Prashanth and Mahesh for the existing Book, and the Book is closed.
Thanks to all those who have logged in their Condolences and offers to help the Missionaries, we will be shortly giving the Book to Sr. Nirmala when it is properly collated. The Sisters have given me a nice photo of Mother Teresa which I am putting up also on this page shortly.
However, if there is place on my Home page only, I would keep a copy of the Condolence Book for all to read. (Sorry, the soft copy was lost by file corruption, however, the original print outs were sent to Calcutta.)
Thanks again for your support,
Ronnie & Maisy
Should you find any of the Sites below to contain any material that is not connected to Mother Teresa or does not work, please inform me immediately to necessary correction, thank you, also many of these sites may have been removed from the internet so you may not find them, please inform me so that I can delete the same from this list.
Some of the Sites on Internet related to Mother Teresa & Missionaries of Charity
Hi All, Sorry, We have been receiving queries on Mother Teresa and the Sisters. We are in no way connected to the Congregation as this is only a Link to the Memorial Page provided, hence we cannot directly help you. Any information you require, please write to the address of the Congregation given above, at Calcutta or Bangalore, or below closest to your location. Please LINK this page to YOUR page so that others can read about Mother and also log their messages. Please write to Calcutta for the address of the Missionaries of Charity closest to your location. There is NO directory available on the Net or with me to help you on this, Ronnie .
We Love You Mother Teresa as You Loved All Mankind.
Thanks World for your support, Ronnie.
This is the last communication of Mother Teresa to Fr. Ronnie Prabhu, sj at Bangalore, after Mother's visit to Bangalore for the Celebrations at the Church of the Sacred Heart (Sacred Heart's Church - see Mother's photo).
The Photograph of Mother Teresa is given for use on this Page by Rev. Fr. Solomon, Parish Priest, Church of the Sacred Heart, Bangalore. This was taken during the Centerary Celebration at Bangalore in 1995 when Mother Teresa inaugrated the Celebrations. Thanks to Sydney Mendens for obtaining the permission from Fr. Solomon. Thanks to Ravi Shankar for scanning the photo. Thanks to all who supported this Page for Mother Teresa. Thanks to my cousin Carl Noronha (Chaitra Leo Burnett) who contacted Prashanth for the Condolence Message Page, thanks to friends and colleagues for the support in trying to organise other sources. Thanks to my Family for their Love and Support in setting up this Page in Honour of Mother Teresa. Thanks to the Times of India for their support in timely broadcast, and to all the friends who helped put this page up. Thanks to Geocities for giving me an opportunity to serve Mother Teresa through their Site. Thanks to Almighty God for the inspiration to prepare this home page.
Circular from Sr. M. Nirmala M.C., Superior General
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Mother Teresa Memorial Ring
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Bangalore Pages - Churches, Christian Institutions
Condolence Message from the Archbishop Of Bangalore.
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