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(Please refer to the letter from the Archbishop at the end of the page)
Hello Friends
Dharma Darshana: Spiritual Guidance
Calling up all Bangaloreans abroad, and in India. Wishing you a very Grace-filled Christmas filled with abundant Blessings of Peace and Joy from the Infant Saviour. Our Churches in Bangalore have put on a festive appearance preparing for the Christmas day. A number of Christmas celebrations are already staged by various Schools and Institutions. Everything is set for a joyful celebration with the midnight mass in jam-packed Churches in Bangalore. I hope you can recall your past memories and join with us in this worship of the Infant Saviour and make ourselves worthy of His Blessings of Peace and Joy.
Once again, I wish you and your families a very Happy Christmas filled with the Joy of having Emmanuel with us as we go along our daily tasks.
The New Year 1998 is at our door steps. We do not know what is awaiting us in the future. But we are certain that our future is well cared for by the loving Providence of God. Do you remember the Words of Jesus "Do not be worried about tomorrow. Your Heavenly Father knows all your needs. First seek the Kingdom of God and all the rest will be granted to you." With this trust in the Loving Providence of God, I wish all of you a Very Happy and Successful New Year 1998.
God Bless You All, Yours in Christ,
Alphonsus Mathias
Archbishop of Bangalore
Insure your future - Ensure life everlasting!
Strange but True! True but Strange!
My neighbour is a Brahmin Doctor, well-qualified Gynaecologist, who has studied here in India as well as abroad. Now in his fifties he recounts with the deepest religious conviction how he died and came to life again! Some years ago he had contracted a serious disease of the liver and all medical intervention proved futile and when all vital functions ceased, he was certified dead. As customary amoung the Hindus, the last rites were devotionally performed and the body was taken to the crematorium for cremation in the only crematorium of Bangalore where other bodies were lined up in the order of arrival. Just a little before the doctor's body was to be cremated, the electric power failed and his parents and relatives were asked to take the body back and bring it on the following day. As it is not customary to keep the dead body inside the house, it was kept outside in the open where the cold wind of winter was blowing.
Sometime very early in the morning, relates the doctor with great emotion, he opened his eyes and gradually became aware of his surroundings. He began to feel the extreme cold of the melting ice kept under his body to preserve it from corruption. His mouth was tied tight with a bandage and so he could not cry or call for help. His hands and feet were tied as usually done for a corpse and he could not gesture. A servant who passed that way by chance, took to her heels screaming that she saw the body with eyes open and thought it was a ghost! When the relatives came near, they were shocked to the core of their being. Nevertheless, they quickly unbound the doctor and then inexpressibly joy coupled with unbelief gripped them and the neighbours!
This doctor says that when he was left for dead, he saw himself passing through a dark tunnel into a bright light that was beckoning him closer and closer and he felt totally weightless and was filled with joy that is impossible to express and he would have most certainly liked to continue in that state of blissfulness. He was told to go back as he had not finished his life's task. TODAY HE BEARS TESTIMONY TO LIFE TO COME, after this brief life on earth!!
Have you ever listened to your heart gently whispering to you that your life is slipping past your hands and your earthly sojourn will sooner or later end? Have you heard the gentle murmur within you that your earthly life is not ending but only changing into everlasting life? Well that is the real truth! Your destiny is immortal life! Hard to believe? Strange but true. We cannot do it. GOD HAS DONE IT FOR US.
Every Good Friday and Easter is the annual recurring and resounding announcement that death is followed by a NEW LIFE - A LIFE THAT WILL SEE DEATH NO MORE! Lord Jesus Christ died on that Friday nearly two thousand years ago and rose to life on the Sunday following which day is celebrated as Easter.
Yes God alone can do it! And Jesus Christ is God. Cling to Him in total surrender and submission and you too shall share in His victory over death and pass into eternal life.
Insure your future - Ensure life everlasting!
Strange but True! Calling The Youth!
I was born on 22nd June 1928 in a farm land in a remote village in India. I grew up in the village working in our fields, climbing trees in the forest behind our small cottage, swimming in the stream that zig-zagged our lands, playing games with the village children and enjoying fun and work.
We were amound the few Christian families surrounded by Hindus, living together with cordiality. Every Sunday I went walking several kilometers to the neighbouring church for Sunday Worship which brought fellowship amoung the scattered Christians. The Church was the centre of our life. I was amoung the few who could go to the neighbouring elementary school which meant a good distance on foot, to and fro, and a subsistance lunch, mainly rice, which we carried with us. I was amoung the very very few boys who took the trouble of walking nearly 10 kilometers every day to go to school and complete my higher primary school at the age of twelve. And then I was amoung the two boys who succeeded to go to high school. I passed out my high school studies with flying colours in 1945, at the end of World War Two.
There was poverty all around and my poor family of illiterate parents, and little educated siblings, eking out an existence on the farm land, expected me to become the earning member of the family, being considered as well educated.... AND THEN IT HAPPENED!! STRANGE BUT TRUE!!
Deep in me there was a persistent voice telling me "Come and Follow Me". I realised that Jesus was calling me to be his Priest, to be like Him by Walking in His footsteps, to bring the GOOD NEWS OF ETERNAL LEFE to all people around me. It was early morning of June 1945 when my father was ploughing the fields, I broke the news to him and sought his clearance to leave the family and join the Seminary where young men undergo training for the priesthood.
As the sun was rising that morning, my Father's dreams for my future were apparently shattered. But my dear father, being a simple farmer with deep faith in God and with ardent Love for the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, kept silent for a long time without showing any reaction to my request. I was anxiously waiting for his approval. Minutes seemed like long hours as I stood there. The he said "Son, remember that one who puts his hand to the plough should not look back. If you have firmly decided, then go ahead and the Lord be with you."
With unutterable joy I began to chalk out my next move, namely to seek the acceptance of the Bishop granting me admission into the Seminary to begin my ten years' long training for the priesthood.
Now begins the Greatest Adventure of My Life which will over the decades bring me where I am today: THE ARCHBISHOP OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF BANGALORE IN INDIA.!
My next task was to meet the Bishop personally and obtain from him admission into the Seminary to begin my long training for the priesthood. The Bishop was living in a town nearly 50 Kilometers away from my village and this distance was being crossed by four large rivers without any bridges to cross them. I left my house early in the morning in May 1945 to catch the only bus on that road which took me to the first river. After crossing the river in a small canoe, I succeeded to catch the second bus which took me upto the second river. On crossing it I could not catch the bus and was left there the whole evening. Being the end of the World War, there were no proper roads nor buses. Everything was considered as a supreme luxury!
The following morning, having failed to catch a bus, I made the remaining nearly 20 kilometers on foot reaching the residence of the Bishop in the evening. The next morning I was interviewed by the Bishop and was granted the required admission into the Seminary. With my heart overflowing with joy, I began my return journey which again I had to make entirely on foot as it was impossible to catch a bus.
So I began my return journey on foot starting early in the morning and reaching my home at sunset after covering 50 Kms on foot in the scorching sun of the hottest month of the year. I felt like a hero, all for the Love of Him who called me by name from my mother's womb to become a Priest, to carry on the Mission of Christ, Son of God, the Saviour of the world.
Yours in Christ
Alphonsus Mathias
(Archbishop of Bangalore, India)
The Catholic Bishop's Conference of India (CBCI) directive on the Jubilee 2000 |
His Grace, The Archbishop of Bangalore, the Clergy, and the Faithful, Wish All Indians on the Occasion of the 50th Year of India's Independence , Peace, Joy, Friendship, Love, and the Blessings of Our Lord Jesus, and Welcome the World to Join in this Celebration at Bangalore in India, on 15th August, 1997.
The Archbishop of Bangalore, sends his Blessings and Good Wishes to all Christians in Bangalore, India and the World on the occassion of the Feast Of Our Lady, Mary, Mother of God, being Celebrated on 8th September, 1997 at Bangalore.
The Archbishop of Bangalore in a Condolence Message and Press Release, has expressed deep sorrow on the passing away of Mother Teresa who is considered as a Living Saint by millions of people in India and abroad. She personifies God's Love for the Poor humanity. All her works of Mercy spread over 125 countries and served by over 3000 Sisters called the Missionaries of Charity would be the evidence of a Christian Message of Love and Mercy. She literally took the command of Jesus to "Love God and to Love Neighbour" as the only way to eternal salvation. She must be considered as the best Disciple of Christ in our Country, India. She must also be considered as the best Disciple of Christ in our Century.
The Archdiocese of Bangalore will be paying highest homage by holding a Memorial Mass followed by a Condolence Meeting in the open air on Tuesday, 9th September, 1997 at 5 p.m. in the St. Joseph's Indian High School Grounds, Bangalore. A large gathering of delegates including the Head of State, Ministers of the Karnataka Government and others are invited to take part.
Archdiocese of Bangalore
Archbishop's House, P.B. No: 2, Bangalore 560 046
Circular 1/1998 Dated: 4th February, 1998
Dear Rev. Father/Brother/Sister,
The Clergy Recollection and the Chrism Mass will be held on Wednesday, 1 st of April 1998 as usual at 10.00 a.m. Please come prepared for the Eucharistic Celebration.
I Batch - 20th April to 24th April 1998
II Batch - 27th April to l st May 1998.
Preacher - Rev. Fr. Anthony Swamy, St. Thomas Junior Seminary, Chennai.
As you are well aware, the year 1998 is dedicated to the Holy Spirit in the course of preparation for the forthcoming Jubilee 2000. It should be our effort to understand more deeply and teach others about the devotion to the Holy Spirit, to grasp better the mission of the Holy Spirit in continuing the work of salvation brought by Christ and help the community to live in His active presence within individuals and in the parish community in particular, and the human community in general.
As I have left it to each parish priest's initiative to foster the Jubilee preparation in the waytheyfind bestforthe parish community, I would only make the following suggestions:-
a)To devote the Lenten Sunday's preaching on the theme of the Holy Spirit. Among other sources like the Holy Scriptures, the Council Documents, Tertium Millennium Adveniente (T.M.A) Catechetical Text Books, you may refer to the "Catechism of the Catholic Church" (see the index under Holy Spirit).
I personally feel it will be worthwhile introducing a hymn to the Holy Spirit as an Entrance Song for the Sunday Eucharist throughout the year. It is bound to draw the constant attention of the worshipping community to the third person of the Blessed Trinity.
c) Parish Missions or Feast Novena/Triduums to centre round this theme.
d) A serious and systematic preparation for confirmation.
Lent is a time specially suited for making sacrifices, and the Church, year after year, appeals to us to share with others the good things God has given us. It is a genuine way of showing our concern for our less fortunate brethren. Posters connected with the Lenten campaign against hunger and disease will be sent to you before Lent begins. Please make a special effort to promote contributions towards the fund meant to relieve hunger and disease in the world, especially in our own country.
All collections/donations for this cause may please be sent to the Director, Bangalore Multipurpose Social Service Society (Director, B.M.S.S. Society), Archbishop's House, 75 Miller's Road, Bangalore 560 046, before the end of May 1998. The cheque to be written as "Archbishop's Charities - Hunger and Disease" for the purpose of audit.
a) Recording the Renovation of the Sacred Heart Church: Rev.Fr. John Solomon took the full responsibility of renovating the Sacred Heart Church, raising the required resources, planning and supervising the work to get it ready for the Centenary Celebrations in December 1995. This renovated Church has the rare distinction of the visit of the late Mother Teresa on 24.10.1995. The Church was blessed by me on 15.12.1995. I wish to heartily congratulate and thank Rev. Fr.John Solomon for the immense work and sacrifices he had made in undertaking and completing this task. I also record my appreciation for the cooperation given by the parish council and the parish community to give a new look to the Church. I regret very much for having failed to record this fact in my earlier Circulars.
b) The new church and the presbytery at Uftarahalli, devoted to St. Anthony, was blessed by me on 30th November 1997. This imposing and beautiful church, financed bythe Archidiocese, isthe work of Rt. Rev. Msgr.TJabamalai, assisted by Rev. Fr. Simon D'Silva. Both of them deserve our congratulations and gratitude.
c) A new Primary School Building and the renovated Church at Soosepalya, was blessed by me on 21.12.1997. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. T. Jabamalai, assited by Rev. Fr. J. Arokiadas, have completed this work financed partly by Manos Unidas and the Archdiocese. I congratulate both of them.
d) A new Church dedicated to St.Anthony has been built at Kaval Bairasandra, a sub-station of the Holy Ghost Parish by the Archdiocese, assisted by the parish community. It was blessed by me on 13.1.1998. Congratulations to Rt. Rev. Msgr. T Jabamalai and to Rev. Fr.Daniel Jeya Singh C.S.S.R.
e)The renovated Church of our Lady of Lourdes, Ulsoor, was blessed by me on 25.1.1998. I wish to congratulate the Building Committee of the Parish and Rev. Fr. Rajkumar, Rev. Fr. Mathew, CMF (Assistant), Rev. Fr. C.Moses, and the present Parish Priest, Very Rev. Fr. Jerome Rego.The Rt. Rev. Msgr.T Jabamalai planned and supervised the renovation work.
Towards A New Society
Year | Theme | Issues | Programmes |
1996 | "Reptent and beleive in the Gospel" (Mk 1:15) | Awareness Creation Setting up of Structures | Pastoral letter in regional languages; Regional and diocesan committees; Special prayer; logo; posters; Jubilee stamp; audio tapes; jubilee song; orientation to clergy; Retreats and Recollection; ongoing prayer and fasting in lent; missions in parishes; Sunday liturgies according to themes; Christmas cards; calendars; Committees for National Assemblies; Plan of action by commission of CBCI and the other Episcopal bodies; preparation of resource in regional languages. |
1997 (Golden Jubilee of India's Independence) | "Christ has set us free" (Gal 5:1)
Baptism |
Personal renewal Option for the poor Human Rights and
Dignity Justice and equality Primacy of the Word of God
Catachesis on Jesus and Saviour-Liberator Renewed appreciation
of Baptism, Christian initiation of adults, personal conversion. International
debt, exposure to poverty, women and children, dalits, youth, caring and
sharing, twinning of rich / poor parishes. Knowing and living the Word
of God and celebration of the Word. National Assembly: NGOs and Secular Forces |
1998 | "He reconciled through the Spirit" (2Cor 5:20)
Confirmation |
Conflicts & divisions at different levels of the Church & Society, auch as caste, ethnic & racial Transparency Accountability Participation of people within Church & Society Christian Community, An Evangelizing Community Parish, An Evangelizing Community Communal harmony HOPE | Renewed appreciation of the presence of the Spirit Reconciliation
Boards Inner-healing retreats
National Assembly: Inter-religious Assembly |
1999 | "Father, may all be one" (Jn 17:21)
Reconciliation |
Division amoung Christians (Ecumenical problem) Conflicts
in the family, parish, diocese, care of interfaith families.
Renewed appreciation and more intense celebration of
the Sacrament of Reconciliation, marriage enrichment, pastoral care of
interfaith families.
National Assemnly: Ecumenical National Assembly: Church for India 2000 |
llth March 1998
Members present - 16 Members absent,- Rev. Fathers Edwin Kagoo, Sagayanathan, M.Arogyaswamy, Antot CMI, D.S. Arokiaswamy.
The Meeting of the Archdiocesan Priests' Council was held at the Archbishop's House on llth March 1998 at 10-00 a.m. The Archbishop said the prayer.
The Items on Agenda
a) The Better World Movement model being organized in the K.G.P, Deanery.
b) The Neo-catechumenate model followed by some parishes in the city.
c) The basic christian communiy model followed in the Kolar Deanery.
d) Individual. models followed in some other parishes.
The Archbishop made it clear that a'uniform model for the whole Archdiocese was clearly found not feasible and that :ls,why freedom with responsibility was allowed to each parish, so that,each one may suitably prepare themselves for the celebration of Krista Jayanti 2000.
In order to intensify the preparation for the Yrista Jayanti 2000 and to reach out to all the parishes and to help them, a Central Archdiocesan Committee was proposed to be set up for this purpose, consisting of Rev. Fr. A. Michael (Convener), Rev. Fathers Joseph Abraham, George Puraidam msfs, George sdb, T. Bernard, Zacharias sdb with some lay members co-opted by the Committee.
It was also suggested that suitable posters be printed and exposed in all our Institutions, Churches, Schools, Hospitals, Religious Houses, etc. Suggestion, also was made to have T-shirts with the emblem of Krista Jayanti 2000. it was further recommended that there be public celebrations towards the end of the year when the whole Archdiocese or a group of parishes hold a public celebration in order to high-light the Krista Jayanti 2000 and to bring it to public knowledge.
a) to promote faith formation;
b) to organise liturgy and worship;
c) to share concern by works of charity;
d) to promote mission and evangelization.
Concluding the Meeting at 12-00 noon,.the Members oined the Archbishop in concelebrating the Chrism Mass in which the Holy oils were blessed.
Fr. T. Fransz , Secretary
Archbishop's House, P.B.No.2 Bangalore 560 046
Phone : 3330438 , 3330838
Circular: 2 / 1998 Dated:
Dear Rev. Fathers/Brothers/Sisters and dear Faithful,
His Holiness Pope John Paul II has graciously accepted my resignation submitted for reasons of health. Ever since I underwent the bypass surgery, I do not have the required stamina and energy to meet adequately the heavy demands of my office and to sustain the stress and strain of heavy pastoral responsibilities. Instead of compromising my commitments, I decided to lay down my burden and the Holy Father acceding to my request has directed the Apostolic Nuncio to write to me as follows:
My Lord Archbishop
I hasten to.confirm that our Holy Father the Pope has accepted your resignation. Considering Your Grace's delicate health, he is relieving you from the pastoral governance of the archdiocese to which you have selflessly dedicated yourself since 1986, after having successfully headed the diocese of Chikmagalur since 1963.
The news will be made public in Rome on Tuesday 24 th March 1998 at noon local time, corresponding to 16.30 hours Indian time.Till then it has to be kept secret.
I would ask your Grace to be so kind as to arrange for the publication of the news in Bangalore. As for my part I shall inform the heads of the three Hierarchies.
There is still one other matter to attend to: on the day of the announcement your diocesan consultors will have to elect an administrator to govern the Archdiocese till the appointment of your successor. His name should be communicated to the Apostolic Nunciature.
Your Grace has carried out episcopal duties for 35 years and this with the greatest dignity and distinction. The merits you have gathered are known to all. I hope that you will now - without the burden of the office - feel better. For the Archdiocese, I am suure, you will continue to pray. May Christ, the Good Shepherd grant your Grace long life in this new form of His service.
With cordial regards and every best wish, I remain, as always.
Yours fraternally in Christ,
Most. Rev. Dr. GEORGE ZUR
Apostolic Nuncio
To His Grace
Most Reverend Alphonsus Mathias , Archbishop of Bangalore
The above letter of the Apostolic Nuncio, was made public at 4.30 p.m. at the Archbishop's Office on the 24th March 1998, in the presence of the College of Consultors of the Archdiocese.
As directed by the Apostolic Nuncio, the College of Consultors met at the Archbishop's Office and held the election of the Administrator.
I am happy to inform you that the Rt. Rev. Msgr. T. Jabamalai has been unanimously elected Administrator of the Archdiocese of Bangalore. Having made the Profession of Faith, he took charge of the Archdiocese of Bangalore as the Administrator with all the rights and duties as assisgned in the Code of Canon Law, with effect from 5.00 p.m. of 24.3.1998.
While congratulating him on his election and wishing him abundant divine assistance and success, I plead with one and all to give him your unstinted cooperation and support in word and deed.
Expression of profound gratitude:
Having laid down my office, it is my privilege and joy to express my profound gratitude to the Clergy, the Religious and Faithful of the Archdiocese of Bangalore, for your constant prayers, cooperation, support, appreciation and affection throughout my episcopal ministry in the Archdiocese. I thank God for the call He gave me to serve this Archdiocese, and I thank the Holy Father who assigned the Archdiocese to my pastoral care and now promptly acceded to my request and freed me from the burden. I also thank the Apostolic Nuncio for being a brother and a trusted friend to me during all these years. A special expression of deep appreciation and gratitude to Rt. Rev. Msgr. T Jabamalai for shouldering efficiently more than half of my burden as the ever-hardworking Vicar General, and to Rev. Fr. Caetano Menezes, the Finance Officer of the Archdiocese for flawlessly maintaining the accounts, obliging everyone in time and out of time and for being a motherly minister of the Archbishop's House. My thanks are due also to my Secretaries Rev. Fr. S. Jayanathan and Miss. Flossie Saldanha for their ever obliging service and availability.
Finally, as I take leave of you, let me lighten my conscience by asking all those whom I have offiended, knowingly or unknowingly, to forgive me. I beg all of you to support my fading years by your prayers. May the Lord bless you and keep you in His love.
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