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Introduction To The Divination Term Table Of Tables

© Carol aka Secretive 1996 - 2001

PERSONAL NOTE : From the start of time, man has been curious about what may lie ahead around the corner - trying to peer into the unknown and trying to explain occurrences that were (at those time periods) "unexplainable". So, taking natural curiosity into consideration, it is no surprise that a fortune-teller in a room can attract folks like a magnet to their side at times ... all wanting to know what may be in store and yet somewhat skeptical at the same time about the ability to do so as they still seat themselves across from the divinist.

I went on a channel the other day, and the topic was "Being Psychic Can Be A Double-Edged Sword". How true!!

For every 5 that seek out your talents ... there are about as many ready to flee from you or slander you and your talents. For every 5 accurate readings ... there is one that wasn't even in the ball park and you are reminded of it's inaccuracy from time to time. For every good reader, there is an egotistical or bad reader folks will chance upon as well. (This one rankles me the most ... I can almost deal with a narrow and close minded reader who thinks that *they* know it all and etc. ... but I feel sorry for folks who chance upon a reader who "fakes it", takes the money and run and thus giving the accurate and honest minded readers a long road to haul in correcting this past.) For every 3 persons you read for, there will be almost as many that feel you can do a reading at a drop of a hat -- sort of like being compared to a lightbulb (the reader) and a light switch (the person wanting to be read) -- and failing to get thru to the person that there are occasions you can't concentrate enough at that time to do a reading - after the reader is a human being also.

The word "psychic" is becoming tinged with a stigma of sorts - due to overuse and abuse by others. This is an area that there are higher expectations put upon a person who claims to "read" or says that they are "psychic". No errors or broad generalizations can be in appearance - you have to be exact when a person consults you. Don't blame this expectation's evolution though upon the skeptics or #900 lines solely as the charlatans and frauds I mentioned prior in this article are more so the blame for these expectations to be placed upon a reader or psychic. By "exact" - don't erroneously think I am saying that during a reading you have to be able to pin down dates, minutes, and full names or initials even. This is a rarity and those events have been exxagerated upon by the media and others. Would be great to brag that you can see dates, times, places, and names - but this often is not the case of what you may "see". What I am trying to say is that you have to pretty precise in being to attach what you "see" to the person person who consulted you - i.e. everyone has an a financial, love, or career thought/interest. So take what information you are receiving thru divination techniques and put it into perspective with that person who is sitting across from you - this is the area where you can't be broad or plain ol' wordy in what you are passing along. It is perfectly all right in cases where the person is seeking specific areas of thought information that you can be honest in telling the person, "I have no idea, I don't "see" anything about that area - but let me relay to you what I do "see" ..."

So ... before you spread the word about your talents, take these thoughts into consideration.

In the spectrum of the art of divination practices, over the many many years, there have come to pass various methods. As a Tarot reader, I use one of the most popular methods ... but through the internet I have met those who chose to use the runes, numbers, astrology, cast bones, and other divination systems. The basic rule of thumb in selecting an area to "master" is *not* the ability to memories the procedures or meanings ... but if the method *feels natural* to the person employing it.

I can try my hand at the art of scrying ... but I have tried and tried to stare at the bowl of dark colored water or a crystal piece to no avail. I can pick up a deck of Tarot cards and feel an inner sense of confidence and comfortableness that I can *do* this. To put in my native Hoosier - lingo, if it flips your trigger, go for it *chuckle*.

There are many forms of divination methods, to the point that to some it appears to have no end in sight as diviners from times past used an enumeration of things at hand to make predictions with. Most of them appear to have a purely fanciful background ... childish and for fun/games aspects. But many of the methods withstood the test of time as they are still used today and have been given a track record per se of "accuracy". I have compiled a list of some of the many (past and present) methods of divination arts and practices that I have found described in various books (even trying my hand at a few myself) :

The important rule of thumb in behind my posting of this information is for you to merely enjoy the information I am sharing with you. If one strikes your fancy - feel free to try to it or try to locate more information to read about it, even on a curiosity level. The "Table" became extensive in length - to help the "load time", it is now on an individualized page. *smile*

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Last updated 2001 © Carol aka Secretive

Image used credited to Art Today.