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Shipshewana, Indiana
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
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Guiding Lights - Lighthouses  


                  I fell in love with lighthouses before they became so popular. I remember as a boy, playing in an old abandoned light house at the end of Long Island (see pictures).  For more information on this lighthouse click here.

   The picture on the left is of the lighthouse after it was restored.  The painting, on the right, was what it was like when I lived in the area.

I also remember fishing with my Father at Plum Gut, off Orient Point, on the Northern tip of Long Island.  We fished right around the light house below.                        

I don't get to vist many lighthouses, but do collect figurines and models of lighthouses.                                     

There are many sites on the web that features lighthouses.   Also some that you can stay at (I do want to that someday).

Last Updated by Gil Courtney on February 10, 2000