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Was it Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone? Were there 50 clones of the man known as Lee Harvey Oswald? Some claim that the assassination was by the hand of the CIA...or the FBI...or was it the Cubans? Yet still, others claim that the Mafia, the Masons, even LBJ was the culprit. The actual assassination and the events that unfolded after have been shrouded in mystery, still left unexplained today. Who were the mysterious men on the grassy knoll? What about the Magic Bullet?
Was the killing bullet from a Secret Service man's weapon? Why is the evidence so inconsistent?
If you know, please send the answers in to this site...
Title: Black Helicopters Black, un-marked helicopters are not really completely unfamiliar to the world, as they first started making small appearances in the U.S. during the year of 1971. The more frequent appearances around the globe started about six years ago. These would-appear-to-be military choppers have been seen flying over recently made crop circles in Europe, as well as showing up at cattle mutilation sights. (In fact, there is some speculation that they are actually doing the cattle mutilations in order to get the people to spark a war with some space alien race that stands in the way of their ambitions-- whatever those are). They have also been seen showing up at U.F.O. sights, the Gulf War, and most recently, flying over downtown Denver on a regular basis! So regular, in fact, that most people don't even think twice now about seeing them. Are people being conditioned to get used to them? How about the movie Outbreak in which they were used in? In the past, due to the helicopters' apparent interest in U.F.O. activity , most people have considered black helicopters as crazy of an idea as U.F.O.'s themselves, but the reality is that they are now in plain view. So what is really known about these secret aerial machines? All we can look at is the underground and independent research which has been done. On February 14, 1995, Channel 4 news did a report on the Black Helicopters, and spoke to Major Shawn Flora of Buckley Air Force Base. Flora insisted that Black Helicopters don't exist, and if they did, then they have not seen them. Flora stated that all of their helicopters were, 'dark green with black markings.' About this same time, the black helicopters were already regularly coming out at night, and would appear flying over downtown Denver, circling the city. They worked like clockwork, as they would frequently fly in at 11:00 PM, 1:00 AM, and 3:00 AM, circling Denver about three or four times a week. The helicopters would fly in from the east and then fly back out again. Considering the opinion that Buckley Air Force Base may have lied, this writer took it upon himself to go out to Buckley and investigate. Sure enough, as I approached the area, two black helicopters were seen flying above the base. Cautiously, a photographer friend of mine and I crept around towards the southern back part of the base, and pressed our faces close to the metal fence. In the distance, we found many unmarked and black helicopters parked on the base's ground. It was obvious that they were black, as they were parked next to dark green trucks. Good thing we didn't believe the spokespersons from Buckley! Intrigued by this phenomenon, and by the fact that these choppers from Buckley Air Force Base were doing illegal flying patterns over a major civilian populace, I took it upon myself to do more research- as everyone seemed to deny that they existed. As it turns out, Buckley A.F.B. became a special secret base about five years ago. Rumor and the papers will tell you that the C.I.A. took it over, or at least started doing operations out of it. Since that time, new structures have been built, and the Aurora City Council has lost access privileges to the base, (Buckley is in Aurora). Buckley was in the Rocky Mountain News during the summer of '95, as the paper did a report on peaceful protesters that went out to the base to protest the helicopters and C.I.A. Involvement. The protesters were all thrown to the ground, and the Rocky Mountain News photographer got his film taken, which was an illegal procedure, as it was private property. The newspaper then wrote Representative Pat Schroeder, who got the film back, but also allowed Buckley the right to tighten up on even more security! Now, what on earth could these helicopters be used for? Or more importantly, what are they already being used for? As stated before, the helicopters have been seen flying over crop circles in Europe. Ron Russell, a representative at the Center for Crop Circle Studies in England, believes that they show up to 'intimidate any onlookers of the crop circles.' Farmers have also reported seeing them during or after cattle mutilations, which are pretty regular in Colorado, and around the world. But why over downtown Denver? Perhaps a look back on the Gulf War may provide some insight. I have spoken with two marines who were seen in the Gulf war, and they have openly admitted that black helicopters were often seen during the war. However, as they were un-marked, they had no way of identifying who they were. The Marines were given orders not to shoot at the helicopters. In the book, The Montauk Project by Preston B. Nichols, the Gulf War and the use of special helicopters were again mentioned. This book is initially about secret activity that was going on at Montauk A.F.B. in New York during the 1980's. In the book, Mr. Nichols mentions an incident seen on CNN concerning the helicopters and a mind control device. As it turns out, the Government figured out long ago that if you pump between a 425-475 MegaHertz frequency into the air, you can tap into people's brain waves and effect their emotional states through their sympathetic nervous system and their sub-conscious. During the Gulf War, CNN showed an Iraqi bunker which was built by the East Germans and could probably withstand a nuclear blast. It had miles of tunnels, weeks worth of food and ammunition, and a U.S. Platoon was trying to figure out how to get the Iraqis out. Suddenly, a helicopter flew over the bunker, sat there a moment, and then flew off. Low and behold, all of the Iraqi soldiers came out with their hands up! Later, a British reporter from BBC asked General Neil how they did it. General Neil said, "We bring in the psychological..." he then broke into coughing, which didn't sound like a real cough but that he had caught himself saying something he shouldn't reveal. He then continued, "I'm sorry, we bring in helicopters with PA (public address) systems and talk 'em out (pg.134)." Remember, the Gulf War was the war in which the former head of the C.I.A., who was also the former U.S. President George Bush, continually said was paving the way for a 'New World Order.' So now isn't it convenient that black helicopters have also been seen flying over denver on regular intervals, during the late evening while people are asleep and in their sub-conscious state. This could also explain the strange 'hum' sound that many people hear coming from them. Are these also paving the way for a 'New World Order?' Could these helicopters be used for population and crowd control? Could the C. I. A. be anticipating some form of mass paranoia breaking out in Denver soon? Could this also explain the convenient new Denver Library downtown, across the street from the state capitol, which has a ready to switch over to helicopter pad on the roof? You decide, but it sure is the funniest looking library in the country right now! All this writer knows is that something is going on, which nobody is allowed to know about, and it looks like the C.I.A. is involved in it some way out at Buckley. Judging from the published proof in the Wed.' April 9, 1995 issue of Rocky Mountain News entitled, Another Scandal, Another Day at CIA, that the CIA is responsible for killing over 100,000 Guatemalan citizens, (Mayan descendants), over the last 40 years, by training the Guatemalan Generals and giving them the order to do it, I, for one, feel there is a need to be alarmed! Also, on Aug. 24, 1995, Black Helicopters were seen flying over Denver all day, (from about 3;00 PM until about 10:00 PM). The last few of these seen had some sort of glider device trailing off of them. As they continued to do whatever it was they were doing in the Downtown Denver skies, thick and dark electrically charged clouds began to emerge and cover the entire sky. Now, weather control has been understood since at least the 1940's. If you want to see how its done, I encourage you to take a Saturday tour at the International Tesla Museum in Colorado Springs; they will demonstrate it right before your eyes. Are the Black Helicopters and Buckley controlling the weather at times as well? The scientists and engineers at the Tesla Museum believe so. Is it any coincidence that when the first wave of black helicopters started being seen in Denver during the winter of 1995, the weather was dry as a bone here in denver, while the worst flooding of the century was occurring in California? Who knows, but it's mighty coincidental. I mean, after all, the best way to bring in tighter control on the people is to perpetuate natural disasters which could create a State of Emergency. Senator Church of Idaho commented on the Emergency States, saying that, "since 1933 it has been Congress' habit to delegate extensive emergency authority and not to set a terminating date. Consequently, the U.S. Now has on the books at least 470 significant emergency powers statutes without time limitations. These statutes delegate to the President extensive discretionary powers... Which affect the lives of American citizens in a host of all-encompassing ways. This vast range of powers, taken together, confer enough authority to rule this country without reference to normal constitutional processes. These emergency powers statutes are invoked by a Presidential declaration of a state of national emergency." What this means is that every time an emergency is called by the President, the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) can come in and suspend constitutional rights under a police state. What are some of the Executive Orders to be used by the President? Here is a list of some of them:
FEMA was set up by Jimmy Carter during this last executive order. This act incorporates all of the other Presidential Executive Orders pertaining to emergencies, and gave the President unlimited power to act under anything that constituted "an emergency." FEMA also controls the Federal Emergency Broadcast System and the Federal Disaster assistance Administration. FEMA is supposed to deal exclusively with disaster relief, yet in a recent congressional study, only 10% of FEMA employees engage in anything having to do with disaster relief. Question: what does the other 90% do, and is this in some way connected with Black Helicopters and a total controlled takeover of the United States citizens? You do more research and decide. So what's going on with these black helicopters doing routines over the Denver city populace? The answer is of course, absolutely nothing. Everybody knows that black, unmarked, military helicopters don't exist. Nobody is planning any type of crowd control, population control, weather control. Or mind control; and a dictator government, being run by a few, is not being set up. Go home and feel cozy, comfortable, and reassured. ****For more information on Black Helicopters, I strongly encourage you to read the book Black Helicopters over America: Strike force for the New World Order, by Jim Keith. Your local book store should be able to order it (if they don't already have it). It is published by IllumiNet Press.
© 1997 Fallout Magazine
Has anyone ever noticed that during the course of "Flash Gordon" (the 1980 release, starring Topol, Max Von Sydow, etc. et. al.) that Klytus' uniform is adorned with the Freemasons' compass? Is this the first incidence of blatant Freemason supremacy in Hollywood, or have there been other such occurences? What are the implications of such an overstated and belligerent move on the part of the Freemasons? Could it be that their plan of total-world "reconstruction" and "rehabilitation" had advanced so far during the late-seventies and early-eighties that such an aggravated display of power would be warranted? What happened which would cause the immediate submersion of such bravado? The final steps? An accidental oversight by some Hollywood executive, drunk on the power that his/her position in this secret society had brought them? Or was it something far more...Machiavellian? Please respond to this sight. Then end may be near, and the rain forests may be a park!
ing lot for the American metro-plexes before you can say, "He'll save every one us!"
Last month when I was on my way in to work I saw a truck of what looked like illegal aliens in the back. They were sitting on a bushel of tomatoes. Well, when I first saw this I didnt think anything about it, but later that day I saw an article in the paper. It read "Aliens land in tomato fields in central Texas. Story on page 12b" So I flipped to 12b and it told about four mexican (illegal) workers who saw a cigar shaped vehicle land in the field it had glowing lights and something that looked like a large penis on the underside of it. Locals just said that they were probably smoking too much peyote, and that all they saw was the bull that soetimes broke loose in the field. To this day I still believe those mexicans. They seemed like honest men to me. I will continue to investigate, but will never eat tomatoes again as they are tarnished with the alien fuel.
(picture not available)
This isnt exactly a conspiracy theory as
much as it is a report.
During the flood in Mays Landing, NJ,
black helicopters were witnessed circling
the town. This occured for more that one day.
I believe that the black helicopters are somehow
connected to FEMA.
it isn't "my" theory.
FACT: there is a network of unexplained tunnels under Adelaide.
FACT: before disappearing, a local Uni student discovered a hole
leading to an escalator that was HALF A MILE long and of antique
design deep under the city.
FACT: many of the human Jack the Ripper conspirators left England for
Australia, specifically Adelaide.
FACT: there is a nonhuman monster controlling Adelaide's homosexual
murder cult known as "The Family".
FACT: whatver lies in the tunnels is the key to the whole sick mystery
of what has polluted Adelaide, the city Stephen King called
"Salem's Lot"...
Around 1979 I went to see a little known cult film entitled "Star Wars"
with one of my fellow Star Avengers and his father. The film was sold out at one theater so we went to another.
The strange thing was an old man with a nefarious posture and look had followed us to the next theater we tried.
Coincidence- we thought so at the time but on the way home- the man appeared in his vehicle right next to us. Then
the car began to shake and swerve under its own power but we KNEW! It was the man. We soon discovered (via the Star
Avenger 6000 computer) the man's identity-THE ELDER! Also we learned of his sinister organization- E.U.F.O.A. -The
Elderian United Front Of America. We have fought this man? and his henchmen for years with some success but
it is imposssible to know just how deep in to our society and government they have burrowed-
MLK was supposedly assassinated by James Earl Ray. I say supposedly because i believe that Ray is innocent. It may sound far fetched but in my belief Ray could not have shot King. He was too far away for the bullet to hit king where it hit him. I believe that Ray was a patsy in a government consipracy to get rid of King. King was a great man who was fighting for his, as well as others, rights. But he was getting too much plublicity and too much control on the general public so the government thought the only way to end his crusade was to have him offed (excuse my choice of words) I have supported this theory through many other organizations only to be shot down by people who believe Ray did it. Well I no longer hold my peace. Ray has claimed through everything that his is innocent and some guy named Raoul was the actually assassign. Kings own son believes that Ray is innocent. And i have vowed that I will not give up my quest to have Ray's name cleared of all charge!
s regaurding Kings assassination until i did. If anyone has any information on this subject or can direct me into a direction that would help me. Please contact me bye email at
I and many other people like me have a theory of where the AIDS virus
came from I mean there isn't really any explanation, many people have thought
it to come from monkeys, but we beleave something else, something far
more scary, we beleave that the US goverment is experimenting with
chemical warfare, we beleave that it stumbled across the AIDS virus,
so they decided to test in on people, they thought it would kill them
quickly but they were wrong instead ofkilling the victomes it spread
quite rapidly until we have what we have today, an epidemic...
It was always well known throughout his presidency that John Fitzgerald Kennedy used many illegal perscription drugs. Through the Cuban missle crisis it only got worse. He was the commander of the most powerful nuclear military on the face of the earth with his finger on the big red button. To my knowledge he was thought to be a threat to national security and therefore was taken out to prevent a more tragic event such as nuclear war. It is my belief that cia or nsa took it upon themself to take kennedy out before he could start something that would end everything.
for too long i have seen men standing in chewing gum and falling for the old adage of "its just somones old gum that iuve stood in"