visitors since May 97
Email me at:
siliconavatar@ geocities.com
Free Home Pages

Assorted links and resources.

Some of the best resources and examples.
- Persistence of Vision - Website for an outstanding ray tracing package, one of the best available. Many features, very professional. Oh, and free.
- Technosphere - doesn't really fit here but I haven't got another banner. Fascinating artificial life experiment. Check out life form 187129 (still alive and going strong!)

Links to assorted resources.

Various comedy links.

For those rare occasions when this links page is not enough.
- AltaVista - the biggest, fastest and best
- Yahoo - subject based search engine, very useful
- Infoseek - supposedly one of the more intelligent engines
- Lycos - Another fine example
- DejaNews - a search engine and archiver for Usenet newsgroups

Some links to friends' homepages.
- Chris Chapman - My own homepage on the Nottingham system, it's somewhat more restrained and less interesting
- Chris Lambert - an old friend from school, we both settled in this Geocities neighbourhood. Tell him I sent you.
- Matthew Hardy - future flatmate, on the same course
- Rob Pfeifer - President of the University's Science Fiction Society, Wheel of Time fanatic and ever so slightly weird bloke