The Springfield Files!
Staring The Simpsons and crew from many alien shows including X-Files!
![]() Paranormal Happenings Non-paranormal Christianity ![]() E-mail:
The Only True Area51 Zone Homepage that provides all rounded topics on the Paranormal along with jokes here and there.
![]() Some people ask me why I put the T-Rex picture on the page and my answer to those people is, cloning a dinosaur is still science fiction although cloning a T-REX is possible through the report by Sightings which on one episode claimed that there are strands of T-REX DNA at the Genetics Lab but I hope that they would never clone a T-REX as I do not want the last part of The Lost World to actually happen. Let's just pray it remains as science fiction forever!
Ever wonder
whether there is/was life on other planets? Just think, the Universe is so big
and only Earth has life? I don't think so. Many religions say that God created
Man and the animals on Earth but there isn't any religion that says that God or
any other great beings did NOT create life on other planets in the whole
Universe. Besides, so many movies and TV shows make Aliens all evil, trying to
invade Earth, destroy Earth or alter the atmosphere but if there are really
other beings on other planets, why is it that they can't be nice and peaceful
and come to help Earth or just to plainly visit us? (supported by ET plot) This
is probably just my thinking and who knows? Aliens might be nasty and come with
ill intentions (supported by Mars Attack, Independence Day...etc.) Anyway who
says that Aliens must have a head, limbs and a body? They may be entirely
different form life on Earth itself. (supported by MIB.) In fact the most
possible Aliens are microorganisms.
Visit the Warner Bros Record Homepage For more Paranormal links, visit Unexplainable net
NEW!!! My first published novel available in online
bookstores - "The Interplanetary Visit - Mission: Milky Way" published on May
2005. To get it, go to below and search "Samuel Kegan" - This novel
contains excerpts from the conspiracy and ghosts page from here and MORE!!!
"The Interplanetary Visit II" is now in progress and
should be out in 2007!
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