School. In little Singapore SCHOOL is the most integral part of a youth these days...ah yes, the wonderous compulsory 10 years of education, and then the optional 2 to 200 more years...i think i'm almost there. =)
Here are the details of my path through school..........................My university class has changed once again...the present class of 1C is the one i'm stuck with for much longer...maybe we are 2C now. Nice people. Whacky and nice. Smart too...we do have the class computing genius too! Not many photos of them but go see anyway.
*Sec 4/10, RGS*
*S02A, RJC*
Taken on Grad Night 1997
During the 6 months break that us girls have after the A-Levels, most of us went off to have a taste of working life and earn alittle cash. I went forth and worked for Raffles Institution (for one whole term) as a relief Geography teacher to a bunch of sec 2 imps there. The experience was overwhelming....if you would like to understand a bit more as to why, you might like to visit the homepage of one of the classes-- 2I. Go check out the Links page for it.
Actually, they weren't THAT bad. Bright kids, I sincerely hope you will all grow up to be good boys. I believe you can. =)
Want to know more about them (or yourselves,
depending on who u r)? Carry on on the image...