Ah yes, the wonderous land full of country, sheep, cows, grass,
mountains, lakes, long winding roads, smiling locals....
New Zealand is my favourite country by the way...the weather is plainly superb. There is
no need for man-made attractions (not that I don't like fact if they have them,
well, great!). The natural wonders are enough the sweep you off your feet and make you
yearn for more days there. Crisp cool air...nice warm sun...sigh, and b4 you know it,
*wham!* you are back home to humid Singapore. hee...
I've been to New Zealand once, about 5.5 years ago. And i still want to go again...very pro-New Zealand i am. =)
Here are some photos and their captions. I left the background white so that the pictures will be clearer, hopefully! Well, happy viewing!
View from punting on the Avont River
Lake Hayes near Dunedin
Bald trees on the left and going-to-bald trees on the right...