Sandy Jeanne's Theme Song Dedication !
Email your dedication to us and we will post it here !
From SandyJeanne
I'd like to dedicate the song - "Been it by the Cardigans to
Quinn. "Quiet Warrior" by Jewel to Wade, "Nasty" by Janet Jackson to
Maggie, "This War is Over" by Mellisa Etheridge to Arturo, And
"Sing" by the Carpenters to Remmy.
From Crestgirl
To Quinn , I dedicate the song: "I Love You Always Forever by
Donna Lewis. She writes : Remember the line- "You've got the most
unbelievable blue eyes I've ever seen ?"
"Foolish Games" by Jewel to Quinn from Wade.
"I Hate Everything About You" by Ugly Kid Joe to Maggie from Wade and Rembrant.
"Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" by the Beatles to Wade from Quinn.
"I Miss You a Little" by John Michael Montgomery to Arturo from all the Sliders.
"Ordinary World" by Duran Duran should be the theme song for the entire
show. (There's an ordinary world, somehow I have to find. And as I try to make my way to the
ordinary world, I will learn to survive.)
ALSO FROM RED FIVE: "Bring Him Home" From Les Miserables makes me think of Quinn and Artuto.
And "Morning Glory" by Oasis fits perfectly with the episode "The Dream World".
Omicon Dedicates these next songs :
"I'll Be Missing You" by Puff Daddy & Faith Evans to Arturo.
"Love Potion #9" to Rembrandt.
"Angel Eyes" by Ace of Base to Quinn.
"All I Really Want" by Alais Morrisette to Wade.
"BITCH" by Meridith Brooks to Maggie.
Informant sends these next few.
"You were meant for me" by Jewel From Quinn to Wade.
"Don't Speak" by No Doubt to Sabrina Lloyd from Wade Wells.
It might fit some how, I am NOT trying to make her feel bad !
"The Partridge Family Theme Song" to Maggie from an Unknown Source.
*Thank you to every one sending in these great dedications ! Keep 'em coming !*
WHAT-IF ? By Informant
Informant -What if - The depression never ended ?
SandyJeanne -What if- The south had won the Cival War ?
Hitler had succeeded in taking over the world ?
The Industrial age had never occured?
Columbus (Lief Erickson) had never discoverd America ?
Czaritza - What if- The ice age had never ended ?
From SandyJeanne-What-If: Martha Stewart was President? Oooh, scary but - it's a good thing !

Email your dedications
or What if's to me and I will post them !
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