REACTIES EN AANVULLINGEN 4Wie iets boeiends over "dit onderwerp" kwijt wil kan dat hier laten plaatsen. Mail dan naar NIEUWE MAJESTIC 12 DOCUMENTENEind november '98 verscheen er een nieuwe lading MAJESTIC 12 documenten op internet. De bron is echter dubieus zoals uit dit artikel van de Times blijkt. Aan de andere kant is het misschien wel logisch dat juist een steenrijke "New Ager" met dergelijke informatie komt. Het blijft leuk om te speculeren waar ze vandaan komen als ze echt zijn. Had Clinton genoeg van alle leugens? Hebben we die openheid aan de nieuwe Duitse regering en de Groenen te danken? Gezien de uitlatingen van ex-Stasihoofd Erich Komorowsky helemaal niet zo vreemd en bovendien wijken de nieuwe documenten in helemaal niets af van zijn verhaal! Desinformatie van de Russen?
Joe Firmage is a Californian New Ager, a hippy-speaking child of Salt Lake City Mormons, whose stated ambition is to explore 100 new planets. There aren't many reasons why anyone would listen when this man starts claiming he has documents proving the US government recovered alien corpses from a crashed UFO - except, at the age of 28, Joseph P. Firmage has already made two multimillion-dollar fortunes. His first business, Serius, writing operating system codes, sold for $24 million in 1993. His second, USWeb, is about to become the world's biggest specialist in online business services. Now Firmage says he is sinking $2 million of his own capital into Project Kairos, preparing humanity to meet the extra-terrestrials who imparted wisdom to our ancestors. On November 25 he launched a research institute called the International Space Sciences Organisation, to explore the technology that will connect us to the aliens. To encourage mankind to abandon the profit motive, he is developing EarthCity, an online shopping scheme that will fund charities. And to open our minds to his message, he has published The Truth at - a book on the web telling the history of UFO visits to Earth. Like all truths, this one is beautiful but puzzling. Instead of an index, there's a poem. Readers navigate through the chapters along a twining double helix of DNA that glows and flashes as the cursor shifts. The style floats from far-out to spaced-out. Firmage's press officer, Melinda Mattei, makes things clearer. Top secret documents, she says, are being released through the site. Dr Robert Wood, a former physicist with McDonnell Douglas, has declared them genuine. The papers are said to prove a wrecked UFO was captured by the US military in 1947. Autopsies were carried out on the occupants. Inside the highest security cordon ever created, technicians probed the ship. Their discoveries were "seeded" into private industry, and included advances in micro-circuitry and fibre optics. "For the first time in 50 years, society is now ready to hear the rest of the story," says Firmage. At least he's putting his money where his mouth is. copyright 1998 Times Newspapers Ltd.
De nieuwe documenten bevatten, als ze echt zijn, een schat aan nieuwe informatie: De documenten zijn te vinden bij:
Ik kreeg de volgende email. Het boek is meer dan 1 MB en in .doc en dus voor iedereen met Windows te lezen. Pas vanaf het tweede deel begint het leuk te worden. The Kairos wrote:Hello friend, My name is Joseph P. Firmage. You are receiving this message either because you have visited my Internet book site at, or someone considered it important to refer your e-mail address to me to include in this distribution. Broadcast messages from me will not be frequent, so don't worry about me cluttering up your mailbox. Following this brief introduction, I have provided below a URL which will direct you to an "editor's cut" condensed edition of my book, The Truth, published on November 25th, 1998. This condensed edition is first available only in a Microsoft Word 97 file format, other formats will be added later. A hardback version of the complete book as it stands will become available later this year. I understand and appreciate that it is impossible for many of you to allocate enough time to read a several hundred page book, particularly online, so I have taken the time to provide a proper summary of its contents and claims. I've spent millions of dollars to communicate this information at no cost to you, so it is not asking much to take a quiet moment and at the very least read this shortened version. I don't ask that you believe, just that you read and consider. The Truth represents a rather large hypothesis, whose overall conclusion has enormous implications for every single human on Earth. I have written the book from the perspective of a generalist, with the collaboration of many well-respected specialists. The specialization in which I have been most deeply educated is computer science, and more recently, the Internet economy. But that's only the latest step in my particular journey. It started from a passion for the stars, sparked by wondrous science fiction shown throughout my youth. It grew into a commitment to science, and physics in particular. The desire to comprehend the deepest functions and meaning of physics evolved into a study of scientific anomalies - always where fundamental new discoveries emerge. Unfortunately, 5-10 years ago, such anomalies found no root in a rational explanatory hypothesis, and therefore the underlying observations have been rejected by science. Frustrated, I left the domain years ago to concentrate exclusively on a growing involvement in computing and communications and various related enterprises. Sparked again 14 months ago by one of the most remarkable events in my life to date, I returned to these domains to study more recent developments, now aided by the communications reach of the Internet. I found extremely well-respected scientists whose remarkable new theories began to clearly explain the anomalies. The pieces of those old puzzles then began to assemble into a majestic picture, motivating me to return attention to studying a broad cross-section of works as a generalist. Adding fuel to the fire is a growing understanding that the future of our biosphere and our civilization is at risk and depends in fundamental ways upon the types of discoveries I discuss on the book. Why are generalists useful to the world? Because we predict the future for the whole of civilization, not simply a single branch of study. As within any field of specialists, many generalists are frequently wrong and many generalists are frequently right. I've chosen to put forth a testable hypothesis which is concisely stated in 17 phrases. The details underneath these phrases are each important, but more important is the coherence of the overall pattern. It is certain that several of the details in a work of this scale are incorrect. But the plausibility of the overall hypothesis requires only that there is good evidence for each primary logical step. Naturally, there should be a lot of evidence supporting each logical step in order to make the assertions I am making. I believe such evidence is now in print, across my book and in those books referenced by me. You might think that I am distraught over wild exaggerations in the press and the resulting possibility of damage to my credibility and career, given my choice to communicate this information so publicly. Indeed, though I am no longer with the firm, I have helped to create a $2+ billion dollar enterprise at the pinnacle of the Internet communications revolution just before the dawn of the new millennium. It's a great place and time to build a career. But, actually, I am more excited than ever before in my life, despite the frightening challenges we all face that I describe below. What I have put together is quality information, I have studied it for over a decade, and its implications are an order of magnitude more fundamental than you have imagined. The implications fire the imagination. This book simply does not fit into the class of the fringe or fantasy. I do not mean to diminish the works of others who've tackled this subject matter, for I have built my hypothesis in part upon their preliminary research into a phenomenon almost completely foreign to open science. But whatever the ultimate truth may turn out to be, it will have to explain all of the subjects addressed in this book, for everything in this book observes significant phenomenon that are or have actually occurred. I am not aware of an alternative theory that connects each of these large pieces. One thing is certain: there is a human saga, and we must decipher every major clue discussed in this book to understand it. Even granting this, you may ask why I should bother doing this. Why should I not keep this to myself, and pursue whatever passions I have as a private study? Why? Because you are my brothers and sisters in a sense more meaningful than the cultural frameworks we use to separate ourselves into groups: we are all part of the race of homo sapiens beings, a fragile yet ancient creation just now waking up to its potential. I care about you, and I am deeply concerned for our shared long term future, the legacy we shall leave. We are destroying our children, our culture, even the ancient biosphere that made us, as we encourage a mindlessly uncontrolled praise of wealth. The Earth has a water cycle and a carbon cycle. It must have a profit cycle. And it will, even if it becomes so disfunctional as to fail humanity, before returning to health. As the great scientist Carl Sagan long maintained, the discovery of extraterrestrial life will ultimately become the single greatest unifying force ever for humanity. We will need that kind of unity to overcome the next century's challenges. Meanwhile, the Cosmos beckons us, as if to say "demonstrate the judgment to deserve access to this domain". In this story, the CEO in me has become a human being, the scientist has turned from a pessimist to an optimist, the skeptic has opened his mind, and the spirit in everything I have sensed with clarity. Whether you agree with my conclusions or not, if a critical number of us can cross similar thresholds in our pursuit of truth, in whatever direction it may lead each of us, a genuine transformation of our society will occur. Welcome to The Truth, ,a story that will go on forever. Print this out, it's about 240 pages long. Take it to a quiet place, and read it through at one time. If you find it as fascinating as I do, please forward this message to as many people as you can. My primary objective is to spread this knowledge as far as possible. We can all agree to let the history books determine whether my hypothesis is correct. The complete book, and a recently started personal journal that will track its evolution, can be found at And to my brilliant co-authors, thank you again.
JOSEPH P. FIRMAGE INTERDOCOnlang was er bij de VPRO een voormalig geheim agent van de Binnenlandse Veiligheidsdienst op de radio. De man wilde anoniem blijven en vertelde dat de westerse veiligheidsdiensten een documentatiecentrum voor multinationals hadden ingericht. In Nederland hadden bijv. de Shell, Philips, Akzo en Unilever toegang tot geheime informatie die door de verschillende veiligheidsdiensten bij elkaar was gespioneerd. De multinationals waren de financiers van dit documentatiecentrum.D666 EN DE BILDERBERGERSWaar ken ik de naam Kohnstamm toch van? Max Kohnstamm was/is adviseur van de Bilderbergers! Hij was de prive-secretaris van Wilhelmina en is de vader van ... Hier wat boeiende links over Kohnstamm senior en junior:Bilderbergers (degelijk artikel met informatie van een Britse Bilderberger; let op de adviseurs!) De baantjes van Max Kohnstamm Staatssecretaris van Binnenlandse Zaken Ik mag de Nederlandse vertegenwoordigers van de Bilderbergers trouwens tot de bezoekers van mijn site rekenen, zo zag ik op mijn tellers. Waarom zitten er trouwens geen vrouwen bij de Bilderbergers en in de top van multinationals? Heeft het iets met Vrijmetselaars enzo te maken? Waarom zijn die vertegenwoordigers met blauw bloed heilig?
DE HEER KAN NIET MEERFeministische theologen zijn van mening dat "de Heer" in de nieuwe Bijbelvertaling de lading niet dekt. Ze zijn zelfs een briefkaartenactie begonnen om de bijvelvertalers aan te sporen om JHWH te vertalen met iets anders dan HERE. Ze weten alleen niet door wat HERE vervangen moet worden!JHWH: JaHWeH of JeHoVaH is letterlijk: "Ik ben" Het woord Jahweh vertaalden de vertalers tot nu toe altijd met "HERE". Elohim is letterlijk: "Goden" De term "Here God" moet dus zijn: "Ik ben Goden" Dat "Ik ben Goden" een (communistische) buitenaardse beschaving is (zowel enkelvoud als meervoud) kan er ook bij de feministische schriftgeleerde farizeeers niet in! [CENSUUR] Deuteronomium 6:4: "Hoor Israel: de HERE is onze God; de HERE is een!" Oorspronkelijke tekst: "Shema Israel, Yehovah Elohim, Yehovah echad!" Dit moet dus zijn: "Hoor Israel: Ik ben (is) Goden, Ik ben verenigd (of Een). " MANNEN IN VREEMDE WITTE PAKKENVoor de mensen die de Roswell-autopsiefilm hebben gezien zijn de "mannen in vreemde witte pakken", die door veel mensen in de Bijlmer zijn gezien op 4 en 5 oktober 1992 op de rampplek, niets nieuws. Er bestaan ook getuigenverklaringen van mensen die in 1947 in Roswell dergelijke pakken hebben gezien. Dit voor degenen die aan de echtheid van de autopsiefilm twijfelen. Deze pakken vertonen wel heel veel overeenkomsten! Er bestaat na het eindrapport van de Bijlmerenquete nog steeds geen duidelijkheid over wie die mannen in vreemde witte pakken nou eigenlijk waren. Het is slechts speculeren naar de vraag of de "MAJESTIC 12" ook maar iets met de lading van het vliegtuig van EL AL te maken had. Nee, er zijn geen vreemde buitenaardse lichamen of brokstukken gevonden. Dat neemt niet weg dat er eventueel bacteriologische oorlogsvoeringswapens van een buitenaardse herkomst aan boord van het toestel hebben kunnen zijn. (Zie HIGH-LIGHTS OF THE NEW MAJESTIC 12 DOCUMENTS op deze site) Er zijn wel degelijk getuigenverklaringen over "Engelstalige mannen in vreemde witte pakken". Verder is er bij de zaakwaarnemer van een voormalig medewerker van EL AL een inval geweest van Engelstalige mannen die bij het doorzoeken van zijn papieren "These are the originals" riepen. Tientallen mensen verklaarden dat ze het rampvliegtuig een derde rondje hebben zien maken. Uit de banden van de verkeerstoren is gebleken dat dit niet het geval was. Wat was hier dan wel aan de hand? Natuurlijk sluit men een "paranormaal fenomeen" uit! Zelf heb ik ook twee "fantoomvliegtuigen" gezien in 1994. De Bijlmerenquete heeft, voor zover ik weet, geen navraag gedaan bij Amerikaanse veiligheidsdiensten over vreemde witte pakken. Nou geloof ik ook niet dat ze antwoord zouden krijgen op een dergelijke vraag. Medewerkers van Boeing zouden wel onderzoek op de rampplek hebben gedaan. Eventuele geheime agenten uit Amerika zullen zich natuurlijk voordoen als legitieme onderzoekers van Boeing. Op dezelfde manier deden geheime agenten van Israel zich voor als medewerkers van EL AL. Dr Wood van Boeing of McDonnell Douglas verklaarde de MAJESTIC 12 documenten voor echt. (Zie HIGH-LIGHTS OF THE NEW MAJESTIC 12 DOCUMENTS op deze site) De kans is groot dat de vermiste cockpit voicerecorder ergens in V.S. ligt. Enkele toevalligheden: DEEL 5 |