Concerning Pantheons
By Jedediah Palmer-Palmer of the Fraternity of Order
Sages who study the powers, and the pantheons in which
they congregate, observe that not one, but two hierarchical systems exist
in pantheons: Firstly, there's the explicity, potency-based ranking, whereby
the powers are classified into Greater, Intermediate, Lesser, Demi-powers
and sometimes other classes. But less obvious is the prominence-based ranking,
whereby some powers are at the forefront of divine and planar affairs,
and others wait in the background. This second ranking is crucial, however,
as it rates whether the pantheon is top-heavy or not. A pantheon is described
as top-heavy (colloquially speaking) if it has four or more greater powers
in it. Of course, some pantheons seem to defy this rule. (On Hallowed
Ground, page 37.) One clue to unravelling this phenomenon is the division
of powers, loosely, into primary and secondary ranks. The
primary powers may be as weak as demipowers, and the secondary ones may
be greater powers, but it's the primaries that are most intricately concerned
by planar politics, and they are the ones who count, as it were, toward
the top-heavy status of the pantheon. Also regarded as secondary powers
are those who straddle two or more pantheons, when taken as part of their
less-favoured group. Here, for the reader's delectation, are the results
of experimental research theology by the Fraternity for the past 200 years,
concerning divisions of the powers.
NOTE: This document contains a few spoilers (in particular,
partial casualty lists) for Dead Gods. If you're a player, or don't
want anything about that adventure disclosed, go no further.
PANTHEON NAME (Other titles)
Primary powers:
- Pantheon leader
- Assistants to the pantheon leader
- Other primary deities (power ranking: (G)reater, (I)ntermediate,
(L)esser and (D)emipower. Also (A)rchomental/(A)byssal lord, according
to context.)
- Assistants to the other primary deities
Secondary powers:
Dead powers:
- Any deities from this pantheon who have moved to the
Primary powers:
- Eadro (I)
- Persana (I)
- Surminare (L)
- Trishina (L)
Sceondary powers:
- Ahto (G)
- Deep Sashelas (I; elven power)
- Earendil (D; Norse power)
- Habbakuk (I; Krynnish power)
- Manannan mac Lir (I; Celtic power)
- Nesirie (I; Cerilian power)
- O-Wata-Tsu-Mi (I; Japanese power)
- Procan (I; Oerth power)
- Poseidon/Neptune (G; Greco-Roman power)
- Water Lion (L)
Primary powers:
- Quetzalcoatl (G)
- Coatlicue (I)
- Huitzilopochtli (G)
- Mictecacihuatl (I)
- Mictlantecuhtli (I)
- Tezcatlipoca (G)
- Tlaloc (G)
- Xipe Totec (I)
- Xiuhtecuhtli (I)
Secondary powers:
Dead powers:
Primary powers:
- The Dark Lord of Nessus
- Bel (D)
- Dispater (D)
- Fierana (L)
- Levistus (L)
- Malagard (L)
- Minauros (D)
- Molikroth (I)
- Triel (L)
Secondary powers:
- Gargauth (D; Torillian power)
- Moloch (L; renegade
- Tiamat (L; draconic power)
Dead powers:
Primary powers:
- Anu (G)
- Anshar (L)
- Druaga (L)
- Girru (L)
- Ishtar (G)
- Marduk (G)
- Nergal (L)
Secondary powers:
- Adonis (L; Greco-Roman power)
- Ramman (L)
- Tiamat (L; Draconic)
Dead powers:
Primary powers:
- Hruggek (I)
- Grankhul (L)
- Skiggaret (D)
CELTIC PANTHEON (Tuatha de Danann)
- The Daghda (G)
- Arawn (I)
- Belenus (I)
- Brigantia (I)
- Ceridwen (L)
- Diancecht (I)
- Dunatis (L)
- Epona (L)
- Giobhniu (I)
- Lugh (I)
- Mannanan mac Lir (I)
- Math Mathonwy (I)
- Nehalennia (I)
- The Morrighan (I)
- Macha (D)
- Fen (D)
- Neman (D)
- Badb (D)
- Nemhain (D; it's unclear
whether Nemhain and Neman are the same blood.)
- Nuada (G)
- Oghma (I; also Torillian)
- Silvanus (G; also Torillian)
Secondary powers:
- Andraste (L)
- Apollo (I; Greco-Roman power)
- Earendil (D; Norse power)
- Fionnghuala (D; Faerie power)
- Hecate (I; Greco-Roman power)
- Hercules (D; Greco-Roman power)
- Hermes/Mercury (I; Greco-Roman power)
- Mithras (I; an aspect of the Vedic power Mitra)
- Nastrond (G; dark
- Oberon (L; Faerie power)
- Sovereignty (G)
- Titania (G; Faerie power)
- Wayland (L; Norse power)
CHINESE PANTHEON (The Celestial Bureaucracy)
Primary powers:
- Yu-Huang-Shang-ti (G)
- Lady Meng (G)
- Dragon King (G)
- Chih-Nii (I)
- Chung Kuel (I)
- Fu HSing (I)
- K'ung Fu-tzu (L)
- Kuan-ti (I)
- Kuan Yin (I)
- Lao Tzu (L)
- Lei Kung (I)
- Liu (I)
- Lu Hsing (I)
- Shou Hsing (I)
- Sung Chiang (I)
- Yen-Wang-Yeh (I)
Dead powers:
DARK POWERS (including lost gods and gods of monster
races without pantheons)
Primary powers:
- Baphomet (L)
- Cegilune (L)
- Demogorgon (L)
- Ilsensine (G)
- Kanchelsis (I)
- Mellifleur/Velsharoon (L; has a separate Torillian identity)
- Merrshaulk/Sseth/Varae (I; focus of a Torillian beast-cult)
- Moloch (L; also a Baatoran
- Nastrond (G)
- Psilofyr (I)
- Sekolah (I)
- Shekinester (G)
Secondary powers:
- Blibdoolpoolp (I)
- Dark God (?)
- Elder Elemental God (G; also an elemental power)
- Great Mother (G; beholder power)
- Jubliex (L)
- Laogzed (D)
- Panzuriel (I)
- Ramenos (L)
- Ravana (I; a Vedic
- Stalker (D)
- Tartarachus (L)
- Vaprak (L)
Dead powers:
Primary powers:
- Io (G?)
- Bahamut (L)
- Chronepsis (I)
- Faluzure (L)
- Tiamat (L)
Secondary powers:
- The Dragon King (G; Chinese power)
- Jazirian (G; couatl god)
- Nathair Sgiathach (I; Faerie power)
Primary powers:
- Lolth (I)
- Eilistraee (L)
- Kiaransalee (D)
- Vhaeraun (L)
Secondary powers:
- Elder Elemental God/Jubilex (G; dark power)
- Wayland (L; Norse power)
- Zinzerena (D)
DWARVEN PANTHEON (including derro and duergar)
Primary powers:
- Moradin (G)
- Abbathor (I)
- Berronar Truesilver (I)
- Clangeddin Silverbeard (I)
- Dugmaren Brightmantle (L)
- Dumathoin (I)
- Muamman Duathal (L)
- Vergadain (I)
Secondary powers:
- Diinkarazan (D)
- Diirinka (I)
- Laduguer (I)
EGYPTIAN PANTHEON (The Heliopolitan Ennead and the Hermopolitan
Primary powers:
- Ra (G)
- Anhur (L)
- Anubis (Guardian of the dead gods)
- Apshai (D)
- Bast (L; also the Torillian demipower Sharess)
- Bes (L)
- Geb (I)
- Horus (L)
- Isis (I)
- Nephythys (I)
- Nut (I)
- Osiris (I)
- Ptah (L)
- Seker (L)
- Set (I)
- Shu (I)
- Tefnut (I)
- Thoth (L)
Secondary powers:
Primary powers:
- Elder Elemental God (G)
- Akadi (G)
- Grumbar (G)
- Istishia (G)
- Kossuth (G)
Secondary powers:
- Ben-Hadar (A)
- Caliph Husam (undisclosed strength)
- Chan (A)
- Chilimba (D)
- Cryonax (A)
- Ehkahk (D)
- Imix (A)
- Kabril Khan (undisclosed strength)
- Ogremoch (A)
- Olhydra (A)
- Padishah Kalbari (undisclosed strength)
- Sultan Marrake (undisclosed strength)
- Sunnis (A)
- Yan-C-Bin (A)
- Zaaman Rul (A)
Dead powers:
Primary powers:
- Corellon Larethian (G)
- Kirith Sotheril (L; Dragon #236)
- Tethrin Veralde (D; Dragon #236)
- Aerdrie Faenya (I)
- Araleth Letheranil (L; Dragon #236)
- Deep Sashelas (I)
- Erevan Ilesere (I)
- Fenmarel Mestarine (L)
- Hanali Celanil (I)
- Melira Taralen (L; Dragon #236)
- Labelas Enoreth (I)
- Sehanine Moonbow (I)
- Naralis Analor (L; Dragon #236)
- Solonor Thelandira (I)
Secondary powers:
- Frey (I; Norse power)
- Freya (I; Norse power)
- Tarsellis Meunniduin (I; Dragon #236)
- Rellavar Danuvien (L; Dragon #236)
FAERIE PANTHEON (Seelie and Unseelie Courts)
Primary powers:
- Titania (G)
- Caoimhin (D)
- Damh (L)
- Eachthighern (L)
- Emmantiensien (I)
- Fionnghuala (D)
- Nathair Sgaithach (I)
- The Queen of Air and Darkness (I)
- Skerrit (L)
- Squelaiche (D)
- Verenestra (L)
Secondary powers:
- Rellavar Danuvien (L; Dragon #236; elvish power)
FINNISH PANTHEON (Gods of the Kalevala)
Primary powers:
- Ukko (G)
- Ahto (G)
- Hiisi (G)
- Ilmatar (L)
- Loviatar (D; also a Torillian power)
- Mielikki (L; also a Torillian power)
- Surma (D)
- Tuonetar (G)
- Tuoni (G)
- Untamo (L)
Dead powers:
Primary powers:
- Annam (G)
- Diancastra (D)
- Grolantor (I)
- Hiatea (G)
- Iallanis (L)
- Karontor (L)
- Kostchtchie (D)
- Memnor (I)
- Stronmaus (G)
- Skoraeus Stonebones (I)
Secondary powers
- Surtr (L; Norse power)
- Thrym (L; Norse power)
Primary powers:
Secondary powers:
GNOMISH PANTHEON (including svirfnebli)
Primary powers:
- Garl Glittergold (G)
- Baervan Wildwanderer (I)
- Baravar Cloakshadow (L)
- Flandal Steelskin (I)
- Gaerdal Ironhand (L)
- Nebelun the Meddler (L)
- Segojan Earthcaller (I)
- Urdlen (I)
Sceondary powers:
- Calladuran Smoothhands (I)
- Gond Wonderbringer (I; Torillian power)
GOBLIN PANTHEON (including hobgoblins)
Primary powers:
- Maglubiyet (G)
- Bargrivyek (L)
- Nomog-Geaya (L)
GRECO-ROMAN PANTHEON (Olympians; Roman names follow
Greek ones)
Primary powers:
- Zeus/Jupiter (G)
- Aphrodite/Venus (I)
- Apollo (I)
- Ares/Mars (I)
- Deimos (D)
- Mors (D)
- Phobos (D)
- Artemis/Diana (I)
- Athena/Minerva (I)
- Demeter/Ceres (I)
- Dionysus/Bacchus (I)
- Eileithyia/Nekhbet
(L; also an Egyptian power)
- Eris (I)
- Ate (D)
- Famine (D)
- Forgetfulness (D)
- Labour (D)
- Murderous Quarrel (D)
- Strife (D)
- Eros (I)
- The Furies (L)
- The Graces (L)
- Hades/Pluto (G)
- Hecate (I)
- Helius (L)
- Hephaestus/Vulcan (I)
- Hera/Juno (G)
- Hermes/Mercury (I)
- The Moirae (L)
- The Muses (D; see also
Mnemosyne under 'Titans')
- Nike (L)
- Nyx (I)
- Pan/Faunus (L)
- Poseidon/Neptune (G)
- Tyche (L)
Secondary powers:
- Epona (L; Celtic power)
- Erebus (I)
- Mithras (I; an aspect of the Vedic power Mitra)
the Forever Tree; this list is obviously incomplete)
Primary powers:
- The Centipede (D)
- Deep One (D)
- Father Fish (L)
- The Flower (L)
- Mother Sah (L)
- Old Master Snake (L)
- Old Mother Spider (D)
- The Scorpion (D)
- The Swarm (L)
- The Worm (L)
- Young Warrior Lizard (D)
Primary powers:
- Yondalla (G)
- Arvoreen (I)
- Brandobaris (L)
- Cyrrollalee (I)
- Sheela Peryroyl (I)
- Urogalan (D)
INDIAN PANTHEON (Vedic Pantheon; NB: all these powers
are considered to be aspects of Brahman)
Primary powers:
- Brahman (no power status; transcendent)
- Agni (I)
- Brihaspati (I)
- Indra (I)
- Kali (I)
- Karttikeya (D)
- Lakshmi (L)
- Mitra (I; also widely worshipped as Mithras)
- Puchan (I)
- Ratri (L)
- Ravana (I)
- Rudra (I)
- Savitri (I)
- Siva (G)
- Soma (I)
- Surya (I)
- Tvashtri (D)
- Ushas (I)
- Varuna (I)
- Vayu (L)
- Vishnu (G)
- Yama (I)
Primary powers:
- Sila (G)
- Tarqeq (G)
- Sedna (G)
JAPANESE PANTHEON (The Ancestors of Fujiyama)
Primary powers:
- Izanagi (G)
- Izanami (G)
- Amaterasu-no-mikoto (I)
- Ama-Tsu-Mara (I)
- Amatsu-Mikaboshi (I)
- Hachiman (I)
- Ho Masubi (I)
- Inari (I)
- Kishijoten (L)
- Kura Okami (I)
- Nai No Kami (I)
- O-Kuni-Nushi (I)
- O-Wata-Tsu-Mi (I)
- Raiden (I)
- Shina-Tsu-Hiko (I)
- Susano-o (I)
- Tsuki-Yomi (I)
Secondary powers:
Dead powers:
KOBOLD PANTHEON (including urds and xvart)
Primary powers:
- Kurtulmak (I)
- Gaknulak (D)
- Kuraulyek (D)
- Raxivart (D; I have no source for Raxivart - only hearsay)
Secondary powers:
- Morrigu Morrighan (I; Celtic power)
- Nastrond (G; dark power)
Primary powers:
- Semuanya (L)
- Sess'inek (D)
Secondary powers:
Primary powers:
- Balador (L)
- Daragor (L)
- Eshebala (L)
- Ferrix (L)
- Squerrik (L)
Primary powers:
- Itzamna (G)
- Ahau Kin (G)
- The Bacabs (L)
- Chac (I)
- Ix Chel (G)
NORSE PANTHEON (Aesir and Vanir; Germanic names follow
Norse ones where applicable)
Primary powers:
- Odin/Wotan (G)
- Aegir (I)
- Baldur (I)
- Bragi (I)
- Forseti (I)
- Frey (I)
- Freya (I)
- Heimdall (I)
- Hel (I)
- Idun (I)
- Loki (I)
- The Norns (?)
- Sif (I)
- Surtr (L)
- Thor (I)
- Thrym (L)
- Tyr/Tiwaz (I; also a Torillian power)
- Uller (L)
- The Valkyries (D)
- Vidar (L)
Secondary powers:
Primary powers:
- Gruumsh (G)
- Bahgtru (I)
- Ilneval (I)
- Luthic (L)
- Shargaas (I)
- Yurtrus (I)
Secondary powers:
Dead powers:
or Zoroastrian Pantheon)
Primary powers:
- Ahura Mazdah (G)
- Angra Mainyu (G)
Secondary powers:
- Mithras (I; an aspect of the Vedic god Mitra)
Dead powers:
SKY POWERS (excluding draconic powers)
Primary powers:
- Jazirian (G)
- Koriel (I)
- Quorlinn (L)
- Remnis (L)
- Stillsong (?)
- Syranita (I)
Secondary powers:
- Aerdrie Faenya (I; elvish power)
- Akadi (G; elemental power)
- Chan (A; archomental)
- Eachthighern (L; faerie power)
- Pazrael (A; Abyssal lord)
- Yan-C-Bin (A; archomental)
Primary powers:
- Svarog (G)
- Dazhbog (I)
- Makosh (I)
- Perun (I)
- Rod (I)
- Stribog (L)
- Svantovit (I)
- Veles (I)
SUMERIAN PANTHEON (Lords of the Eastern Heights)
Primary powers:
- Enlil (G)
- Inanna (G)
- Ki (G)
- Nanna-Sin (L)
- Nin-Hursag (L)
Secondary powers:
Dead powers:
Primary powers:
- Cronus (G)
- Coeus (D)
- Crius (D)
- Gaea (G)
- Hyperion (L)
- Iapetus (D)
- Mnemosyne (D; also sometimes counted as a Muse)
- Oceanos (I)
- Phoebe (L)
- Rhea (G)
- Tethys (D)
- Thea (D)
- Themis (D)
- Uranus (G)
Secondary powers:
- Epimetheus (D)
- Prometheus (D)
Primary powers:
- Baal (G)
- Anath (I)
- Ashera (I)
- El (G)
Secondary powers:
Dead powers:
UZO PANTHEON (Ozuna and Azina deities)
Primary powers: