Ugaritic Powers
(For On Hallowed Ground)
The Ugaritic, sometimes called Canaanite, pantheon has been the subject of much controversy in the past, as accusations have flown that their powers are weak, or run away from from fights. However, more recently, their followers have got along nicely, and the priests of Baal have not had to hold flamethrowing contests. Many Ugaritic powers have fertility aspects, as the arid lands occupied by their followers need all the help they can get with crops and suchlike.
Greater Power, "Lord"
AoC: Storms, fertility. Pantheon leader.
Symbol: A raincloud
Home P/L/R: Arcadia/Buxenus (formerly Nemausus)/The Palace of Storms
Known Proxies: Ahat (male human proxy/F9/LG)
Baal is the leader of the Ugaritic pantheon, but he is not the most powerful god in it. That is reserved for El (q.v.). He showed his worthiness to rule by defeating the abyssal sea-god Yam. These days Baal is mostly concerned with fighting Mot, a being who is not a power but a symbol for death, sometimes revered by the Dustmen. Baal can never defeat Mot, because as he himself showed in defeating Yam, gods are not totally invincible, and so can never overcome death. The lands where Baal is worshipped are dry in the summer and wet in the autumn, and so Baal's giving of water to his faithful is vital for the survival of their crops, and he is justly honoured for this.
Baal's realm, the Palace of Storms, is an enormous sprawling mansion, perfectly symmetrical, that was amongst the realms left stranded by the Arcadia Incident (see Planes of Law). Quite where it is to be found now is unknown, but occasionally it shows up near Heliopolis. The Palace is centred on the banqueting hall where Baal celebrated his triumph over Yam.
Intermediate Power, "Sister of Baal"
AoC: Fertility, war
WAL: Any nonchaotic
Symbol: None known
Home P/L/R: Arcadia/Buxenus (formerly Nemausus)/The Palace of Storms
Proxies: Anat (female human proxy/F11/LN), rumoured to be a daughter of the Egyptian power Ra.
Anath is a curious power. She normally aids and abets Baal in everything he does, but seems to be very covetous and has clashed with the storm god many times over the loyalty of worshippers. She normally dwells in Baal's realm, but withraws to the nearby mountains when she falls from favour.
Intermediate Power, "Bride of El"
AoC: Fertility, motherhood
WAL: Any non-evil
Symbol: None known
Home P/L/R: Bytopia/Dothion/Pastures New
Known Proxies: None
Ashera is the principal consort of the creator god El, and is the mother of many powers. She is often linked to Ishtar, and in fact the two are good friends and strongly sympathetic to one another. It may be that the two goddesses are cousins, both descended from the same ancient creatures that gave rise to the Ugaritic, Babylonian (or Hittite) and Sumerian pantheons. Pastures New, her realm in Bytopia, is a small nation containing many small villages, built mainly from mud bricks.
Greater Power, "Father of Gods and Men"
AoC: Creation, authority
WAL: Any
Symbol: None known
Home P/R: Mechanus/Unknown
Known Proxies: None
El is the greatest, most powerful Ugaritic god. He is credited with being the father of over seventy other powers, possibly including some members of the Babylonian and Sumerian pantheons. His consorts were Baal's sister Anath and the mother-goddess Ashera (who is often connected with Ishtar). El is a fearsome and mighty power, but he is mainly passive unlike the warlike Baal and Anath. His realm in Mechanus has never been located, and may not even exist.
I haven't covered all the Ugaritic pantheon here. Two more members, about whom I could dig up but little information, are listed in the table below.
Name | Status | Portfolio | AL | WAL | Plane/Layer/Realm Name |
Anath | Intermediate | Fertility, war | LN | Any non-chaotic | Arcadia/Buxenus/The Palace of Storms |
Ashera | Intermediate | Fertility, motherhood | LG | Any non-evil | Bytopia/Dothion/Pastures New |
Baal | Greater | Storms, fertility, leadership | LN(G) | LN, LG, LE, NG, N | Arcadia/Buxenus/The Palace of Storms |
El | Greater | Creation, authority | LN | Any | Mechanus? |
Nikkal | Lesser | The Moon | LG | Any except CE | Mt Celestia/Lunia/Moonshine |
Yarikh | Lesser | The Moon | LG | Any except CE | Mt. Celestia/Lunia/Moonshine |