Green Bay Packers


What can I say? I may not have been born in Wisconsin, but I am definitely a CHEESEHEAD and proud of it! My husband has been a Cheesehead since birth, and I'm a Cheesehead by marriage. And my husband is now a very proud part-owner of the Green Bay Packers.   He's been a Green Bay Packer Stockholder since November 1997!

The Packers have had some pretty costly injuries this season, what with Edgar Bennett being out for the season since the first preseason game with a torn left achilles tendon, Craig Newsome's injury and all the other bangs and bruises they've had to endure. Still, the Green & Gold are holding their own because the rest of the team has been able to step up and make plays. But nobody else can get injured! Nobody! The rest of the Pack has been strong this year, so strong, in fact that they now have a chance to repeat as Super Bowl Champions!!!

The Pack Are Goin' Back!

The Green Bay Packers kicked some serious San Francisco 49er butt on January 11, 1998 and have earned a repeat trip to the Super Bowl.  On January 25, they will go against the Denver Broncos at Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego.  If the Packers win they will become only the second team in NFL history to win back to back Super Bowls twice (the Pittsburgh Steelers are the other team).


Brett Favre's Favre: For the Record is GREAT! It is written in such a way that it seems that Brett is right there with you just chatting with you, like it's just you and Brett sitting down for a chat. It's a great book! Well written. Serious in parts, incredibly funny in others. I HIGHLY recommend it. You can find it at most bookstores and on It is published by Doubleday

Check out the Packers 1997 Schedule and Results!


Excellent Packers Web Sites:
The Green Bay Packers
Milwaukee Journal Sentinal's Packer Plus On-Line
The Green Bay Press Gazette's Packers News


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