All that the Extraterrestrial Highway really is, is Nevada Highway 375, which runs out in the middle of absolutely no-where. Last summer, while traveling accross the country, I decided to see what the hype was all about. I'll have to admit, it was none to impressive, at least while I was there. The picture above is one that I took while driving down that abandoned stretch of highway. Now, I didn't stay over night on the road or anything, but I understand that is when all of the excitement really happens. The E.T. Highway runs next to Area 51, so it only goes to say that there are undoubtedly a high number of UFO sightings.
The truth about The Extraterrestrial Highway, or at least as I understand it to be, is that Fox essentially bought this stretch of highway from the state of Nevada to hype-up the movie Independance Day. They put a time capsule up at  the Little Ali-Inn in Racheal, Nevada. Here are some articles about the E.T. Highway that I found on the web.
Rural Road May help ET find Home
Preview Vacations: Travel Update- Guides: Nevada ET Highway
Part II: Road to Nowhere
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