As the story is told, Area 51/S4 is a secret military installation located in the desert of Nevada nestled in the mountains near the small town of Rachel, Nevada. It is located approximately 75 miles north west of Las Vegas. Area 51 is heavily gaurded by armed gaurds driving in white Jeep Cherokees. If you are unfortunate enough to pass the one inconspicuous warning sign the gaurds have orders to shoot first and then ask questions later. The area is also closely monitored by sophisticated monitoring equipment with "looking and listening" capabilities.

The site is publically known as the Nellis Air Force Base bombing range. Now, why if this place is just a bombing range, why the advanced security measures? It just doesn't make any sense.

People who have worked in Area 51/S4, also known as dreamland, have made some amazing statements regaurding this site. One such individual is Bob Lazar. Bob Lazar descibes dreamland as a UFO research facility. He claims that the area has several different models of space craft. the aprticular one that he worked on was called the "sport model"for it's small sleak design.

The workers are shuttled to and from Area 51 via a jet which departs Las Vegas and lands at the air strip at Groom Lake, which is the dry lake bed in which Area 51 sits. Area 51 is depicted in the movie Independance Day, I don't disagree with the way the secrete facility was depicted. For what I know of the area. it seems to be pretty accurate, other than the fact that in the movie there was only one craft there. then again, I don't claim to be an expert about Area 51, and what they have there is unknown except for the few people. What I speculate is there is purely based on other people say is there and by my imagination. I feel that is the best way do be able to accept the possibility of UFO's, Aliens, secret military bases, and lies and deception of the part of the government.

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