Jerry's Poetry

Sometimes this poetry isn't effective on the first reading. It can often be better appreciated upon initial reading
Owed to Captain Cola

Quietly ushering in tomorrow
you only use revolution
justifying our bright,
individual fire
as pretty pretense lying empty
in silence
during every avaricious deal.
For our rationalizations
yesterday owns us

Owed to the Robber Baron of the Information Industry

Wrapped in nothingness, demon of worldly success,
some under-clothed king sulks
Missing a crucial ingredient needed to open sensitive hearts
ruling utterly lost empty souls

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Owed to a Princess

die princess die
though we sympathize
we don't believe in fairy tales
of noble aristocrats
we would like to see our daughters
grow up to kick some ass

die princess die
I can sympathize
but your gala royal wedding
was a monumental bore
which amounted to the purchase
of a well-bred, high-priced whore

die princess die
though I sympathize
your adventure in the spotlight
was your proudly chosen path
you were like a sad clown crying
because she made people laugh

die princess die
though I sympathize
with the tragedy of dying
in a shattered limousine
as the gleeful paparazzi
swarm over the morbid scene

die princess die
though I sympathize
please do the world a favor
as you fade into the past
inspire a million little girls
to kick some royal ass

Written 9/26/01 hearts go out

I'm like everyone else, but
I'm told my
because I run.
I go out to run before dawn
just to feel my blood flowing
my legs flowing
my body
the sweat
and the beneficial side effects like a
and seeing the sun rise through the mist of a grey September morning
before I wash the sweat from my body in the shower
before I step out and my wife tells me
in very plain, simple words
that something that could
has happened.
"...and now both towers have crumbled to the ground."
I run
for the beneficial side effects
like seeing the sun rise through the mist of a grey September morning
before I know thousands of beating hearts were suddenly
crushed into stillness
before, like millions of others
my heart stops
my heart breaks
my heart goes out
Thoughts on running.
The Zone

It could be anywhere.
Any piece of pavement
running in the midst of normal people passing
oblivious in cars
Any remote trail
dust collecting in the creases of my elbows
Any night in a park
passing trees, ducking branches, dimly remembering
things my ancestors did
I've never done.

I can only ever get there after several stubborn miles
miles going nowhere
until something brings me out
Maybe someone passes
or I glance at my watch
or I'm struck by a desire
to just finish this run

A step quicker
and suddenly I'm there

The legs move without much effort
My friend momentum follows
one footstep to the next
until footsteps blur
striding so easy there are no strides
only moving
only flowing
I am running but it's not running
which now moves me
my feet only play on the ground
as the earth passes under me
breath flows in
and out of me
on its own
it isn't running now that moves me
like swimming downstream
in a deep, fast river
and becoming water
it isn't running now that moves me
It's the world I set in motion
running miles ago
days ago
years ago
and all the rushing air, all the rolling earth,
all the flowing body
asks in return
to run like this forever
is to never stop
Random Haiku (Hit reload to write a new one.)
