The following U.S.S. Kelly equipment is available. To order contact The Chief Engineer or your Department head. Be sure to check the revision dates for each item, to be sure you have the latest info.
U.S.S. Kelly comm badges are available for order. This is what they look like. All departmental insignia are available for order. Cost is $18.00.
Information updated 4/21/98
Name badges
We have 2 styles available:
Our old (original) style costs $3.50. On an envelope write the color for your badge (usually your department color: Red for Command, and Tactical/Con; Yellow (Gold) for Engineering, Security, Communications , and Ops; Blue for all others), your name and rank (optional), your department, the ship name & registry, and if you like, the city. There is a maximum of 4 lines. For example:
LT (jg) George Bogler
Chief Engineer
U.S.S. Kelly NCC 73400
Salt Lake City, UT
The new style has a silver background bordered with your departmental color. The text can be either printed or engraved. The fastener is magnetic, so no more poking holes in your uniform & struggling to get the badge properly oriented.
Cost is $5.80 for printed and $6.80 for engraved (includes departmental comm badge graphic and 1 line of text). Each additional line of text is $0.50 so realistically plan for $8.80 engraved, or $7.80 printed, for the amount of detail shown below.
(This is a scanned image of an actual badge. It is larger than the real badge and the image is much darker)information updated 4/21/98>
Business cards are available in 2 styles: Ship, and Personal.
Ship business cards list the Command Staff & general contact info
Personal cards will feature your name, rank and dept, and will your choice of your departmental symbol or combadge symbol. (The following images are at 147% of scale. Ignore the dotted lines). Cost is $1.50 per sheet of 10 cards (minimum oreder is 1 full sheet).Information updated 11/30/98.
Kelly T-Shirts are available for order. The following options are available:Departmental Colors:
Red (Command, Tactical, Conn)
Blue (Science, Medical, Records)
Yellow (Communication, Engineering, Security)
Gray shirts are for use by any department
The cost is $15.00 per shirt, and we will get them printed when we have collected a MINIMUM of 10 PAID orders.
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