Pictures from Halloween Weekend 2003... Even though they don't seem like halloween pictures.
The bluffs from the top of the bluff.
 Again, the bluffs from the top of the bluff. |
 The town from the top of the bluff. |
 The town, again...better picture of downtown and big blue bridge. |
 Once more... the town. Take note of the field and the university. |
 The UW-L marching band, from on top of the bluffs. |
 The back of the Chart Heat Exchangers plant... from on the bluff. |
 The bubble-gum pink house. |
 Big blue bridge and construction of the second big blue bridge... |
 Cemetery on Losey. |
 The eagle statue and fountain that symbolizes the seven rivers in the region. |
 The eagle statue again, a little closer.. |
 Giant mutant catfishes take control of the downtown buildings. |
 Statue of indians playing the game of lacrosse, for which the town is named. I like that there is a guy getting trampled. |
 Pearl Stret building. People painted in the windows. Best ice cream in town. |
 The itty-bitty, super evil, mastermind squirrel evades capture on film. |
 The reason for the pictures is the fact that the squirrel is black. "Are you sure it's not a dog?" |
 Boys... loitering. Needs to be in front of a no loitering sign. |
 Bret is under the blanket... Go here for the before or, uh... after picture. |
 Uh... Bret in his fancy costume. |
 I suppose it's only fair to have a picture of me up. |
 Sheri doing dangerous stunts. Don't try this at home kids... |