Pre Armageddon
The adventures in Medieval Spawn Witchblade.
Good Guys
Read all about Ramat's team of Avatars.
The Bad Guys
Read about Matthew Royale and his helpers.
Cover gallery
All the covers so far
Image gallery
Some images from the first issues
The Story so far
What has happened so far
The Issue Guide
Short recaps of the first issues
Future issues
What will happen in the near future
Original Art
Check out Brando's black and white pencils
Topcow and Arcanum links
Brando Checklist
What has Brandon Peterson done before Arcanum.
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More pictures as soon as issue 6 is out.
 | An example of the cool 3D backgrounds created by Lea Mai Nguyen |
 | Another 3D background picture |
 | Baron close-up |
 | Pinup of Blake and his Avatars |
 | Benitez in action |
 | Benitez in action |
 | Lord Cardinale as a trophy |
 | Royale killing somebody |
 | Georgi from the dark side |
 | Hawke after killing lots of people |
 | Hawke hunting for Ming with cool dogs |
 | Marie close-up |
 | Marie in action |
 | Ming and Baron |
 | Ming using her powers |
 | Ramat Nassir in action |
 | Ramat Nassir close-up |
 | Baron close-up |
 | Baron killing Royale... |
 | ...Royale getting killed |
 | Rolaye and the sword |
 | Sato beating Marie |
 | The good guys in action (nice colors) |
 | Team pinup |
 | Full page team pinup form issue 4 |