SRTCG New Rules Listing

This page lists new rules introduced in various net.expansions for Shadowrun: The Trading Card Game. These rules are listed alphabetically. Many only appear in one expansion. The new rules on Areas, Daytime/Nighttime and Runner-vs-Runner combat have been incorporated into the post-2060 expansions, and present some significant changes to the game.

SRTCG traits and keywords: Anti-social Biotech Fame Guard Recon

SR: 2060 traits and keywords: Advance Influence Upgrade

HIGH SEAS traits and keywords: Aqualogy Animal Critter Marine Trade Counters

CONTAINMENT ZONE traits and keywords: Greed Salvage GASLIGHT Investigation Tailing METAL SHOP Allergies Double Skills Narcoject Zero-Level Skills EVIL EVIL THINGS Regneration Daytime/Nighttime

Advance: You may begin the game with Runners who have an Advance option listed as their special ability. You do not need to pay the Runner's normal deployment cost, but a requirement or drawback may be listed after the Advance text. For example:
BONECRUNCHER / Street Samurai / 6¥
5/5 Troll. Anti-social. Firearms-1, Streetwise-1.
Advance: Lose 10 Reputation

Other cards (such as Gear) may also be listed as Advanced. You may choose to play this Gear on any Runners that you advance, but you must pay the deployment cost from your starting Credstick of 4¥.

You may only Advance Runners (and Gear) at the beginning of the game. Once the game is under way, you must deploy Runners from your hand as normal. You do not need to meet the Advance requirements. Since you may begin the game with Advanced Runners and Gear in play, they do not count toward the 60/6 deck construction size requirements; however, they do count toward the maximum number of each particular card you may have in your deck.

Allergy: Some Runners have allergies to particular substances, such as Cyberware, fur (Awakened Challenges and Critters) or even other Runners. These Runners receive -2/-0 and may not use Gear while the allergy-causing substance is present. If the Allergy is caused by Gear, that means Gear specifically held by that Runner; it it's a type of Challenge, the Runner must be present during a shadowrun when that type of Challenge is revealed.

For example, Cielindo is an elf Decker with Allergy: Cyberware. If Cielindo's owner deploys a Cranial Cyberdeck (Gear/Cyberware/Cyberdeck) on Cielindo, she would receive -2/-0 until the Cranial Cyberdeck was trashed. (She'll be a helluva Decker in the meanwhile!) Note that multiple afflictions of the same Allergy have no additional drawback; Cielindo could have some Dermal Plating implanted with no additional effect.

Second example: Blister is an Ork Street Samurai with Allergy: Awakened/Critters. If Blister runs into a Hellhound (an Awakened/Corporate Challenge) on a shadowrun, Blister will be at -2/0 for the duration of the combat. Once he passes that Challenge -- and stumbles onto the Killer Drone -- the Allergy is no longer in affect.

Similarly, if Blister enters Runner-vs-Runner combat against someone holding or using a Critter (such as a Guard Dog), Blister will be at -2/0 for the duration of the combat, itching and scratching while the Guard Dog growls at him.

Animal: the High Seas net.expansion introduces a new skill, Animal. Runners with the Animal skill are able to handle non-Awakened wildlife, from guard dogs to tigers and other "mundane" creatures. Runners with the Animal skill can also use a new type of Gear, Critters. Animal may be an innate skill or come from a chipped Skillsoft. Some Challenges list the Animal skill among their sleaze requirements.
High Seas expansion

Anti-social: If a Runner with the Anti-social trait is present during a shadowrun, the shadowrunning team automatically fails to sleaze any Challenge with the Social sleaze requirement. The alarm is triggered for the remainder of the run.

A Runner with Anti-social-2 may not be deployed while the player has any non-Anti-Social Runners in play.

Aqualogies: Aqualogies are underwater arcologies -- vast complexes able to indefinitely support a limited human population. Since their location provides them a natural protection, aqualogies tend to be where megacorporations conduct their cutting-edge research. When scored as an Objective, Aqualogies come into play as a Location controlled by the shadowrunning player. Each Aqualogy has its own unique ability.
High Seas expansion



Commando: When wounded, a Runner with the Commando trait may voluntarily pull out of a shadowrun between Challenges. The rest of the shadowrun team continues on the shadowrun as normal.

Commando may be followed by a number indicating the minimum amount of damage a Runner may take before pulling out. Example:

LYONESSE / Street Samurai / 6¥
3/4 Elf. Commando (2), Stamina. Athletics-1, Leadership-1, Melee-1.

If Lyonesse were on a shadowrun and took one damage from a Sentry Drone, she would not be able to pull out. But if she took two or three points of damage instead, she would be able to return to the Safehouse.

If the number is followed by an asterisk (*), the Runner must return to the Safehouse after receiving wounds.
Street Life expansion

Critters: Runners with the Animal skill may use Critter Gear cards. All Critters have their own Threat Rating, and may be used during a shadowrun in a manner similar to Drones -- a Runner may control a number of Critters equal to his Animal skill. In addition, each Critter may have its own special abilities.

Some rare few Critters are Awakened, like miniature dracoforms and kua-kua birds. Although difficult to tame, these wonderful creatures provide special benefits to those they choose to call master. High Seas expansion


Deck Construction Rules:

Districts: There are eleven Districts in the Seattle Metroplex of 2060. Each District is represented by its own card. Districts have no deployment cost; they may be put into play at any time during their owner's Legwork. Each District is Unique and Prime; there can only be one Council Island in play, for instance. Although Districts are similar to Locations, they cannot be targeted by effects which target Locations (such as Cherry Bomb's special ability).
Street Life expansion

Double Skills: Some Runners are have more than one listing of the same skill. These Runners are exceptionally talented in that skill, as both skil listings are cumulative. Bonuses to the skill only affect one rating, however, so a Runner with Double Decking-1 who uses a Fuchi Cyber-6 (Decking +2) would end up with Decking-3, Decking-1 (but an effective Decking-4 skill). When determining which Gear a Runner may use, use only the higher of the two listed skills: a Runner with Double Firearms-1 would not be able to use a Ranger Arms-3, for example.

When a Runner with a Double skill is affected by a Whoops! or similar effect, the owner of the Whoops! determines which skil listing to remove.

A Challenges may have two separate listings of the same skill in its sleaze requirement:
MARINE EXPEDITIONARY UNIT / Challenge (Military/Personnel)
5/5 (A2). Any player may turn a Mercenary he or she controls to assist the Runner team in combat against a Marine Expeditionary Unit. At the end of combat, return all present Mercenaries to the Safehouse.
Sleaze: Firearms-2, Firearms-2 OR Gunnery-1, Gunnery-1

The Marine Expeditionary Unit may be sleazed by two different Runners with the Gunnery skill, or one Runner with Double Gunnery. (The same, obviously, applies to Firearms.) One Runner with Gunnery-2, however, is not enough to sleaze this Challenge.

Gambles: Some cards count as ''gambles'' -- cards whose effect is determined on the number of tokens on them when they come into play. The player announces that she is playing a Gamble -- but does not name the specific card -- and places that card face down. Each player then has an opportunity to put tokens on the card, at a cost of 1¥ or one Trade counter per token. (Each player should take the tokens which are going to be played and hide them in their hand, so that the exact number is unknown at first.) The card is then revealed, and then each player simultaneously reveals how many tokens he was going to play. The effect of the card is then determined.

Greed: Oooh. Shiny!
That about sums up the Greedy Runner's take on certain things in life. These Runners like to hold on to things; they'd never trade away a precious belonging -- that is, any Gear they are holding -- to another Runner.

Greed may be limited to particular type of Gear, such as
Greed: Pistols
Greed: Spells
Greed: Matrix Gear
Greed: DocWagon cards
and so on.

Hermit: A Runner with the Hermit trait may not visit Locations.

Influence: Runners with Influence represent the movers, shakers, and rules-breakers of the Shadowrun universe. A player may choose to not to gain Nuyen or draw cards during his Refresh phase, and instead gain Reputation equal to the combined Influence of all unturned Runners he controls.
Street Life expansion

Investigation: Just as Deckers are able to Recon Challenges, and Shamans can use Biotech to heal Runners, Detectives (and some other Runners) are able to Investigate another player.

Like Biotech and Recon, Investigate comes in a number of levels, designated Investigate-1, Investigate-2, and so on. Like Biotech, a Runner may only Investigate during his or her owner's Legwork phase.

In its simplest form, you turn the Runner performing the Investigation and draw a number of cards from an opponent's draw pile equal to the level of the Investigation. (After admiring the cards for a suitable length of time, just return them your opponent, who shuffles them back into his draw pile.) Additional Runner abilities and Specials affect the outcome of the Investigation.
Seattle By Gaslight


Marine: Some Locations lie beneath the ocean's surface or even under the sea floor. Because of the natural protection offered by these areas, these Locations tend to be where the megacorps perform their most sensitive research. These Locations can only be visited by Runners with the Marine trait. Some have this ability naturally; Gear cards, such as the Riverine or Water Elemental can also give this trait to their users or others.

Challenges may also have the Marine trait listed in their sleaze requirements.

In addition, some Objectives are treated as Marine Locations -- only Runners with the Marine trait may attempt shadowruns against them. As always, Deckers can assist any shadowrun from their owner's Safehouse. If for some reason a Runner loses the Marine trait in the middle of a Marine shadowrun, that Runner is returned to the Safehouse, unturned.
High Seas expansion

Martial Arts: Rising Sun expansion only

The Matrix:

Narcoject: Some Weapons are designed only to stun their victims, and not deliver any permanent damage. These Weapons use a non-lethal ammunition called Narcoject.

A Runner using a Narcoject Weapon only inflicts Fatigue, not actual damage. A Runner wounded by a Narcoject weapon must still turn to heal Fatigue damage as normal. Challenges are not wounded by Narcoject Weapons.
Metal Shop expansion

Nocturnal: Some Runners and Challenges are only active during the night. These cards are considered Nocturnal.

A Nocturnal Runner is turned at the beginning of every day. If a Nocturnal Runner undertakes any activity during the day, he or she is at -2/-0.

If a Nocturnal Challenge is revealed during a Daytime shadowrun, treat that Challenge as a bluff.

Runner-vs-Runner Combat:


Salvage: In the ??? of the Containment Zone, Runners need every last piece of equipment they can get their hands on. Some will even attack other Runners to acquire a needed piece of gear.

A Runner with the Salvage trait may, after defeating another Runner in Runner-vs-Runner combat, claim any Gear the defeated Runner was holding. There is no cost to deploy this Gear on its new owner, but the Runner must be able to use the Gear in question. (A Decker, for example, would not be able to Salvage a Spirit or Drone.)

A Runner may be limited in his ability to Salvage Gear:
Salvage: Weapons
Salvage: Cyberware
and so on.

Containment Zone expansion


Stamina: A Runner with Stamina ignores the effect of Fatigue. This may be limited to an amount of damage the Runner may resist. For example:
ZIG-ZAG / Street Samurai / 7¥
4/5 Dwarf. Stamina (3). Athletics-1, Melee-1, Stealth-1.

Zig-Zag is only able to ignore the first three points of damage he takes, even if his Body is increased by way of Muscle Replacement or Dermal Plating.

The Stamina trait may also be used to indicate a further hardiness against particular types of disease or infection. A Runner with Stamina: Virus is immune to the effect of Virus tokens (nor does he suffer Fatigue).

The Street: Outside of the safety of the Sprawl lies the concrete jungle, the Street. Like the Matrix, the Street is not represented by a game card, even though Runners may travel to and from it during the course of play.

Runners with the word "Street" in their profession (e.g., Street Samurai, Street Shaman) are deployed onto the Street instead of their owner's Safehouse.

After completing or pulling out of a shadowrun, Runners return to the Street at the end of their owner's turn. Runners may otherwise freely move to (or from) the Street to any Location their owner controls, or Open Locations opponents control during their owner's Legwork phase.

Tailing: A Detective with the Tailing trait may turn to follow another Runner as he visits Contacts, Locations, or even attempting a shadowrun. This ability may be limited by the use of a keyword; e.g., a Runner with Tailing: Corporate HQs may only follow a Runner to Locations so designated. A Runner is able to Tail another Runner to a Location (or Contact or Objective) regardless of who owns the Location or if it is Open or Closed. The Tailing Runner must meet any other requirements of that Location. A Lone Star Detective tailing a Decker, for example, would not be able to visit a Matrix Location which only Deckers could visit. Also, the Tailing Runner's owner must pay any costs required to visit.

A Detective with Tailing, Tailing: Shadowruns or Tailing: Objectives may only join a shadowrunning team with less than the maximum number of Runners.
Seattle By Gaslight

Trade Counters: As the merchant lanes still remain a primary source of trade in 2060, players may come to own Trade counters for uses described on various cards. Trade counters may take the form of Drugs, Oil, or Orichalcum, and may be played either on Runners or the player, as described by the cards that generate them. Once a player owns these Trade counters, cards may grant secondary uses for them. Trade tokens do not count as Nuyen in terms of cards that effect the Credstick (Sticky Fingers, Mafia Goons, and others). However, some cards allow you to spend Trade counters instead of Nuyen, at the rate of 1 counter for 1 Nuyen.

Drug tokens from Club Vortex are meant to count as Trade counters.
High Seas expansion

Upgrade: In the rough trade of shadowrunning, Runners quickly hone their skills and become experts in their field. Some Runners may be Upgraded -- after completing a task or meeting a requirement, the "old" version of the Runner may be discarded for an "experienced" version. Most of the Upgraded Runners have 2060 after their name. Example:

Zero-Level Skills: Some Runners have skills listed as Skill-0. These Runners have a working knowledge of their skill, but none of the underlying theory. These Runners are treated as having the skill for any Specials or Gear played on them. (A Runner with Piloting-0 may be used to pull off a Drive-By, for example; a Runner with Firearms-0 may hold and use a FN HAR, and so on.) These skills do not count when attempting to sleaze Challenges unless they are increased past the zero level.

In addition, Runners with Animal, Conjuring, Decking, or Piloting at skill level 0 may hold (respectively) Critters, Spirits, Programs, and Drones, but they may not actually use any until their skill level is increased.

The Lawyer Chant:

Shadowrun is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original Shadowrun material © 1994 by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used with tacit permission. Any use of FASA Corporation's copyrighted material or trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.

This page was last updated in the 20thcentury.

All opinions expressed herein are my mom's.