version 2.0 - 11/23/97

Other Card List Spoilers

About the Rising Sun net.expansion

RISING SUN Card Spoilers

(Alphabetical order)

ALEKHINI / Martial Artist / 4¥
3/3. Human; Tae Kwon Do Apprentice. Melee-1, Technical-1. Alekhini may use Ninjitsu Gear and visit Ninjitsu Locations.
Creator: Matb

ASAMI RUKO / Martial Artist / 5¥
5/3. Human; Tae Kwon Do Apprentice. Athletics-2. When engaged in Runner-on-Runner combat, either player may choose to have their Runner deal no damage and instead gain 5 Reputation.
Creator: Matb

ASHRAM / Location / 4¥
2¥: Place a Runner underneath Ashram; remove all damage tokens and Specials from Runner. Return Runner to play at the beginning of your next Legwork phase. If Ashram is trashed from play, all Runners underneath Ashram are fragged. Creator: Matb

BLIND LUCK / Special / 2¥
Trash Special card in play.
Flavor: "The Irish don't know how good they have it."
Creator: Forrest

BOLA / Gear (Ranged Weapon/Martial Arts) / 2¥
Trash Bolas when user engages in Runner-on-Runner combat. User deals no damage for this combat. Opponent Runner does not unturn during owner's next Refresh phase.
Creator: Forrest

BLOOD DEBT / Special (Stinger) / 4¥
Play when an opponent's Runner is trashed. That Runner is returned to the safehouse, turned, with no damage. Trash Blood Debt to prevent Runner from attacking any of your Runners. Frag Blood Debt to end a shadowrun Runner is present on.
Creator: Forrest

/ Gear (Ranged Weapon/Martial Arts) / 2¥
+1/+0 to user. Silenced. Martial Artists may use this as an Indirect Fire weapon.
Creator: Forrest

BURO / Decker / 4¥
3/2. Human; Ninjitsu Apprentice. Decking-1, Stealth-1. 5 Reputation: Shuffle target Challenge Stack.
Creator: Matb

/ Shaman / 6¥
2/4. Human; Tae Kwon Do Master, Hermit. Animal-2, Melee-1, Stealth-1. Turn to give target Awakened Challenge +1/+1 until end of turn.
[An ancient Chinese man, demonstrating a Monkey style maneuver to a young Troll apprentice.] Creator: Matb

CHIANG-MA / Martial Artist / 7¥
5/6. Human; Aikido Apprentice; Athletics-2, Melee-1, Stealth-1. When Chaing-ma is deployed, all Runners with Aikido gain +0/+1 until the end of turn.
Creator: Matb

CONTROL THOUGHTS / Gear (Magic/Spell) / 1¥
Play on Mage. Turn and roll D6 when a Street or Personnel Challenge is revealed (+1 for each level of Leadership, Social, or Sorcery). If the result is higher than the Challenge's initial Threat Rating, trash that Challenge. If the result is lower, the alarm is triggered.
Creator: Both of us, sort of.

DANIEL TANIMOTO / Martial Artist / 7/1¥
6/6 (A1). Human; Tae Kwon Do Grandmaster (False Master). Firearms-1, Leadership-1, Melee-3. When Tanimoto is trashed or fragged from play, trash all Tae Kwon Do Gear and Locations in play.
Creator: Matb

DELAYING ACTION / Special (Stinger) / 4¥
Unique. The total Reputation needed to increase the game is increased by 10.
Creator: Forrest

2¥: Put a 5/5 Merc token into play. This token counts as a Runner. Each player, beginning clockwise with the owner, has an opportunity to "bid" on Merc, in increments of 1¥ or 5 Reputation. (A bid with Reputation automatically beats any bid without). The player with the highest final bid gains control of Merc. At the end of controller's turn, remove Merc token from play.
Creator: Matb

DORITOMO / Mercenary / 9¥
7/6 (A1). Troll, Tae Kwon Do Apprentice. Gunnery-1, Melee-2. Roll D6 when Doritomo attacks or is attacked by another Runner. On a 5+, opponent may not use Gear until end of turn.
Creator: Matb

/ Challenge (Personnel)
Runner team must fight two (4/4 A1) Challenges. You may trash a Runner who has participated in a previous combat this shadowrun to sleaze Down the River.
Sleaze: Stealth-1 Street-2
Flavor: "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime."
Creator: Forrest

X¥: Trash Emergency Trauma Team to immediately end your shadowrun. All Runners are returned to the safehouse turned. X = Number of Runners on shadowrunning team.
"Doc Wagon ain't the only people out there, dammit!"
[A pair of combat medics, trying to haul a wounded Troll to his feet, as a gunner opens up with a Vindicator.]
Creator: Forrest

FAWAZ KAWAZ / Physical Adept / 6¥
4/3. Human; Ninjitsu Master, Anti-social. Melee-1, Stealth-2. Fawaz Kawaz has Sorcery-1 for the purpose of sleazing. 3¥: Trash a spell from your hand and turn Fawaz Kawaz if he is unturned. Fawaz Kawaz may use that spell as if it were just cast.
Creator: Matb

GHOST DANCE / Objective
Reputation Award: 20. All Awakened Challenges gain +1/+1.
BONUS: Turn a Shaman to add +5 Reputation
Creator: Forrest with additional suggestions from Matb

GRAPPLING HOOK / Gear (Miscellaneous) / 2¥
Play on a Runner with Athletics. Roll D6 when a Barrier Challenge is revealed (Martial Artists with Ninjitsu get a +1 to this roll). 1: Trash Grappling Hook. 2-5: No effect. 6+: Challenge is trashed.
Creator: Forrest

HAND CLAW / Gear (Miscellaneous/Martial Arts) / 2¥
Roll D6 when a Barrier Challenge is revealed. Martial Artists with Ninjitsu may add +1 to this roll. 1: Trash Hand Claw. 2-5: No effect. 6+: Challenge is [considered sleazed for this Runner only -- use Invisibility text]. Trash Hand Claw to gain +1/+0 until end of combat.
Creator: Forrest

HIRYU / Martial Artist / 8¥
5/5. Human; Ninjitsu Master. Demolitions-1, Firearms-1, Melee-2. During your Legwork, you may turn Hiryu and trash a Runner you control. Search through your draw pile and select a Ninjitsu card with deployment cost less that of trashed Runner. Put the card you select directly into play.
Creator: Matb

HISAMA / Mercenary / 6¥
Text: 4/4. Dwarf; Aikido Apprentice. Athletics-1, Street-1. You may turn and trash Hisama. Until the end of turn, target Runner may not use any innate abilities.
Creator: Matb

/ Shaman / 6/2¥
4/5. Human; Tae Kwon Do Grandmaster. Athletics-1, Conjuring-1, Melee-1. 4¥: Turn and frag the top two cards of your draw pile. Gain Reputation equal to the lesser of their deployment costs.
Creator: Matb

KAMA / Gear (Ranged Weapon/Martial Arts) / 2¥
+1/+0 to user. Martial Artists gain an additional +0/+1 when in combat against other Runners.
Creator: Forrest

KIME [Focus] / Special / 1/1¥
Target Runner gains Stamina.
Creator: Forrest

KISAWA / Martial Artist / 5¥
3/4. Human; Aikido Apprentice. Melee-2, Street-1. Kisawa gains Guard while unturned.
Creator: Matb

Reputation Award: 10. If owner has no ¥ on his Credstick when shadowrun begins, all Challenges receive -2/-2.
BONUS: Owner gains 3¥.
Creator: Matb

MIDATO / Martial Artist / 3¥ 3/2. Human; Ninjitsu Apprentice. Melee-1.
Creator: Matb

MORITOMO / Kamikaze Samurai / 5¥
3/4. Human; Ninjitsu Apprentice. Firearms-1, Melee-1, Stealth-1. Trash Moritomo to have him deal damage to a Challenge first. (If a Challenge is killed this way, it deals no damage.)
Creator: Matb

NINJA CATHOLE / Location / 4¥
Place a Runner with Ninjitsu under Ninja Cathole when it is first deployed.
2¥: Exchange target Ninjitsu Runner you control with Runner underneath Ninja Cathole. This action may be performed during combat before damage is resolved.
Creator: Matb

NOCHIKO / Martial Artist / 8¥
5/6 (A1). Ork; Tae Kwon Do Master. Athletics-1, Melee-2, Street-1. 1¥: Double the Attack Bonus of a Hand-to-Hand Weapon Nochiko is holding. Frag Weapon at end of combat.
[A tall Ork in a gi, performing an overhead chop on a pyramid-shaped pile of skulls.]
Creator: Matb

NUNCHAKUS / Gear (Hand-to-Hand Weapon/Martial Arts) / 2¥
+1/+1 to user. May be deployed on a Martial Artist for 1¥.
Creator: Forrest

OKUDEN [Hidden Teaching] / Special / 2¥
Play on a Runner with T'ai Chi. Heal all Spirits on this Runner.
Creator: Forrest

OTURI / Martial Artist / 5¥
4/3. Human; Aikido Apprentice. Social-1, Street-1. Trash Oturi when one Runner directly attacks another. Return both Runners to the safehouse unharmed and unturned.
Creator: Matb

REOCCURING NIGHTMARE / Challenge (Awakened)
Place Reoccurring Nightmare on a random Runner. Runner may "exorcise" Reoccuring Nightmare by fighting (4/4 A1) Awakened Challenge. Roll D6 every Refresh phase. 1-3: Runner unturns as normal. 4-5: Runner stays turned. 6+: Runner stays turned and takes 1 damage.
Sleaze: Conjure-3
Creator: Forrest

SUZUKI AURORA / Gear (Vehicle/Bike) / 2¥
+1 Piloting to user. If Suzuki Aurora is trashed, user takes 1AP damage.
"I've got two words for you: 'Death Trap.' "
Creator: Forrest

Reputation Award: 35. No Indoor Challenges. Between each Challenge, roll D6 for each Runner that does not have a Vehicle (+1 for each level of Athletics). 1-3: Return this Runner to the safehouse turned. 4+: No effect. Creator: Forrest with editing by Matb

SAFEHOUSE RAID / Challenge (Street)
Owner of shadowrunning team must trash all cards in his hand. If there are any Runners in his or her safehouse, treat this as a bluff.
"I knew we should have left someone minding the store"
Creator: Forrest

SAI / Gear (Hand-to-Hand Weapon/Martial Arts) / 3¥
Play on a Runner with Martial Arts. +1/+0 to user. Instead of dealing damage, user may roll D6 before combat. 1-2: No effect. 3-5: Trash Sai and target Weapon on opponent Runner. 6+: Trash weapon on target opponent Runner. Do not trash Sai.
Creator: Matb

SHADOW OF THE MASTER / Special (Stinger) / 3¥
Play just after a Grandmaster of any Martial Art is trashed from play. Target Martial Artist becomes a Grandmaster of that Martial Art until the end of your next turn.
Creator: Forrest

SNAKE-HEADED WHIP / Special (Gear) / 2¥
+1/+0 to user. Turn user to ....

STRIKE SEVEN TIMES / Special (Stinger) / 4¥
Play on a Martial Artist after combat. On a 4+, Martial Artist inflicts damage a second time. User may not deal damage for the remainder of the turn.
Creator: Forrest

TACHI-DORI / Special (Stinger) / 3¥
Target Runner may not use any Gear this turn.
Creator: Forrest

Reputation Award: 40. If shadowrunning team does not have a Runner of at least Master rank in any Martial Art, all Challenges receive +1/+1. If shadowrunning team does not have a Runner of at least Grandmaster rank in any Martial Art, all Challenges receive an additional +1/+1.
Creator: Matb

THE FLEAS OF A THOUSAND CAMELS / Special (Stinger) / 1¥
Play on target Troll or Ork Runner before a Challenge is revealed. That Runner may not participate in the next Challenge (either sleazing or combat).
Creator: Forrest

THE OLD ONE-TWO / Special (Stinger) / 2¥
Play on a Runner who is not using a Weapon. Runner gains +X/+0 until the end of combat. (X = Runner's Melee skill). Martial Artists gain an additional +2/+0. Creator: Forrest

THREE-SECTION STAFF / Gear (Hand-to-Hand Weapons/Martial Arts / 3¥
+1/+2 to user. Roll D6 after each combat user survives (+1 if user is a Martial Artist with Tae Kwon Do). On a 5+, user deals an additional 3 damage.
Creator: Forrest

TONFA / Gear (Hand-to-Hand Weapon/Martial Arts) / 1¥
+1/+0 to user. May be given to a Martial Artist at no cost.
Creator: Forrest

TSUNE / Samurai / 8/2¥
7/5 (A1). Human; Aikido Master, Stamina. Athletics-2, Melee-1, Stealth-1. All players must pay 2¥ before beginning a shadowrun.
Creator: Matb

WAKIZASHI / Gear (Hand-to-Hand Weapon/Martial Arts) / 3¥
+2/+0 to user. Martial Artists may use both Wakizashi and Katana at the same time.
Creator: Forrest

ZANSHIN / Special (Stinger) / 4¥
Unique. Search your trash pile for a card and place into your hand. For an additional 4¥. you may search your draw pile instead of your trash.
Creator: Forrest

The Lawyer Chant:

Shadowrun is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original Shadowrun material © 1994 by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used without permission. Any use of FASA Corporation's copyrighted material or trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.

This page was last updated in the 20th century.

All opinions expressed herein are my mom's.