Starship 5074 - Free Information Resources



.Created and Designed by

 Rebekkah Wheeler


Please come in.  This is my dog Guava, she is an American Staffordshire Terrier.   On Earth they call her a Pit Bull.  She is a very good companion to travel with, but she likes to speak Klingon and Vulcan all the time.  She says your entrance pass is okay, so please come in.

Hello, I’m Rebekkah.  Welcome to my office on the ship.  I really like this job of cruising the cyber universe to find web sites to keep everyone busy. The sites are for free graphics, information, instructions or just my favorite interests.  The Just for Fun room is games and cute programs.  I really enjoy designing web pages and crocheting also.  I crochet for charity and friends all the time.  

I work at the Pentagon  when I am on planet.  It also has it’s own dimension and is like it’s own city.   My job is interesting (no I can't tell you about it, I don't want to have to vaporize you), and I like the place and no they don’t let me in the basement.  All the real secrets are transported to other planets with cloaking devices.   
This is my house on Earth.  It is located in a place called Lake Ridge.  That is in Woodbridge, Virginia in the United States.  I enjoy my vacations.  When I am off planet I have a friend living there.  

Yes, there is Guava again.  She is talking to my boyfriend, Brian.  I think she is trying to teach him Vulcan.  He likes to stay on Earth and enjoy his house with a hot tub. I enjoy it too and have my Command Center set up there.  I spend a lot of R & R time at his house, Guava enjoys it too.
Sorry, but you will have to excuse me now.  I have a Star Fleet dinner to go to on Risa.  There are always plenty of social events in this part of the galaxy.  Please, take a tour of the ship and enjoy exploring the universe.

 Live long and prosper.


The Captain's 


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Last Updated 01/09/00