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Have you read "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"- By Douglas Adams?
If no, then why not?
What are some of your favourite songs?
Any songs on my pages that you dont like?
Do you like Whipped Cream?
Hell Yeah
Ew! Buncha depraved pervs!
What do you like to do with whipped cream?
Who is your favourite cartoon charater/show?
Where do you think my page needs the most help?

What do you think is the best part of my page so far?

What do you think of the Barenaked Ladies?
Have you seen any of my other pages?
If yes which of these have you seen?
My bnl page
My pics page
My Eeyore page
My links page
(please specify)
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my form - my game -
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my purity
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my knowledge - my love