Blindness-Related News

This page was last updated on July 15th, 2001.


Current News (within the last few months)
Archived News

First of all, I will let you know that I created this part of my site on a spur-of-the-moment type thing. I will not promise that it will always be accurate, or contain every piece of blindness-related news on the Web. I will post stories here that catch my attention, but I'm not going to go scrounging around the Web looking for every last bit of information. You have been warned!

If you would like to get recent blindness-related news by e-mail, subscribe to the Newsdesk mailing list. Note: This is NOT a discussion list and it is moderated.

Having said that, enjoy...

Current News (within the last few months)

Here are news articles from the past month or two. Each article will open in a new browser window when you open it. To get back to this page just close the new browser window.

Siblings see world through mind's eye - June 15, 2001, from

Olympic swimmer battles blindness - June 13, 2001, from theCalgary Herald.

Advocates of the blind rally at Michigan State - June 9, 2001, from the Associated Press.

An inner light in scaling Mt. Everest - June 7, 2001, from the Christian Science Monitor.

Guide dog association complaint over motel treatment of blind woman - May 28th, 2001, from ABC News Online (Australia).

Leading by Walking His Own Path - May 18th, 2001, from

Deaf, blind student designs computer Braille device - May 17th, 2001, from

The Blind Physicist Who May Find ET - May 16th, 2001, from BusinessWeek Online.

A Candle in the Darkness - May 9th, 2001, from the LA Times.

Drug for blindness in 'preemies' studied - May 9th, 2001, from the Boston Globe.

Utah Software Aids Blind - May 7th, 2001, from the Salt Lake Tribune.

Touch of Class - May 7th, 2001, from

Blind climber poised to reach top of Everest - May 6th, 2001, from The Sunday Times.

Blind since birth, 21-year-old adjusts to new sense of sight - May 6th, 2001, from the Lawrence Journal.

Nation Losing Touch With Braille - May 1st, 2001, from the New York Times.

Archived News

I don't have any news to archive yet! Check back in a few months!

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