Special Services Division

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Starfleet's 12th fleet serves as the backbone for some of the Special Service's Division most important operations and is thus made up of a variety of different starships. Regardless of the fleet's small size, it incorporates some of Starfleet's most advanced technologies at this time. Because of the recent addition of the fleet to the directorship of the SSD, we are looking for skilled crew and officers to man the ships. For more information on applying for a position, please visit the Fleet Application form. The ships have been split up into two squadrons, Alpha and Bravo, which can be found below. In addition, the fleet flagship, the U.S.S. Thanus, can be found in the Alpha squadron. To view the ships, please click on the main ship image or the energize button.


Alpha SquadronBravo Squadron


The SSD 12th fleet is, as of this time, without ship commanders and crew. Thus, the SSD Commander, Vice-Admiral Brim, is actively looking for officers to take command positions within the fleet. The SSD Fleet is under the direction of the Operations Division within the SSD. To see which positions are available, please visit the fleet command staff roster. For information on joining the command staff of the fleet, please click on the Fleet Application form.

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