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The Cosmic Companions

Fan Fiction Stories Page

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This page provides a quick link to Fan Fiction stories submitted to us. Most are either written by TCC members, the rest are submissions. We take stories from anyone. And just like our site, the stories can be of any genre. Almost anything is welcome. And new stories are added frequently.

A note on disclaimers: Some people choose to write disclaimers; minutae to inform you what show or movie a story is based on and who owns it. Some don't. I fit into that category. I will tell you what show or movie a story was based on, so you can decide if you want to read it. The other crap I ignore. My motto is: Disclaimers are for those people seeking a profit from their work. This is the internet, all of these stories are freely available, we not making a cent off of this, so disclaimers are pointless.

Stories written by Cosmic Companions members or friends will be subdivided by author. Other stories, such as one's taken off the net, forwarded to us, or submitted will be listed under the heading "Various". Authors of those stories will be listed under story titles.

Enjoy! Thank you for visiting, and, happy reading.

Stories by Jason Edwards

The Choice
A "Farscape" short story.

The Final Leap
A "Quantum Leap" short story.

What Price Peace?
An original short story.

Peace Of Mind
A "Star Wars" novel. Prologue & Chapter 1.

The Doctor's Trek - part 1
A "Doctor Who" - "Star Trek: Voyager" Crossover.

Stories by CLV Collins

Submitted Entries

Various authors:

Check back frequently for new stories!

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Site designed by Jason Edwards, copyright 2001 TCCFO.