Hello SF fan, I'm back. Geocities inadvertently deleted my entire website and it took 6 weeks to get my old URL back. As a result I lost the Babylon 5 quiz. I am trying to get it back but I'm not sure if I will be able to.
I've finally opened my Canadian Science Fiction website. It is packed with Canadian authors, actors, filmmakers, magazines and anything else Canadian in the SF world. Welcome to Babylers SF Page.
If you like something different, check out my Lexx site. Lexx is a leading edge Canadian/German production. It is Science Fiction at its weirdest. If you haven't yet seen this show, do yourself a favor and watch it.
I am constantly adding or changing this site so visit often and please leave me some suggestions in my mail box.
Thanks for stopping by. Come back soon,
*** | Excellent | |
**** | Exceptional | ||
***** | The very best in the Genre |
Electronic mail address
Web address
Page created by: babyler@hotmail.com