155 Words of Spenderfic
Author: Drovar
Summary: Well not to be left out of the game,
here's my 155 word Spenderfic.
155 Words: *Oh Yeah* - Suddenly
Psychic Spender 1/?
Author: Drovar
Summary: Suddenly psychic
Spender learns some surprising things.
155 Words or Less: Spender's
Thoughts on Death
Author: Kristina Corey-Cecilia
Summary: Just as the title
155 Words: Spender and Scully's Autopsy
Author: AV
Summary: Just as the title says.
Words or Less: Waiting
Author: Kristina Corey-Cecilia
Summary: Just as the title says.
155 Words or Less:
Author: Kristina Corey-Cecilia
Summary: Just as the title says
Also be sure to check out Miss Elise's new 155 Words
series on
the the Threesomes and More
page. Spender arrives in part 4 :)
For more great stories, visit The
Ferret Cage, the premiere source of Spenderfic on the
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