19 November 2004
I'm fairly sure that, by now, you've noticed that I haven't updated here in oh... say... five months. That's because I haven't written anything. At least, not here. I've mentioned my blog, haven't I?
Go there. It's random.
29 June 2004
New story time again! And this time, it's actually of some length! Fear Effect: Retribution is my latest jaunt into the dark, violent realm of Hana Tsu-Vaschel, and it definitly earns its R rating (for swearing, nudity, violence, and some sexual situations).
My goal was to have this story posted yesterday, on Hana's birthday. That very obviously didn't work, since I freakin' LOST the first half of this story. Thankfully, around 3am or so, I found it in one of my folders. Of course, by then it was the 29th, and I was irritated, but whatever....
I'll see you next month! Until then, Bon apetit!
13 June 2004
I've got a new Fear Effect story up. A Matter of Choice is a what-if. Namely, a pretty wierd take on what if Hana's parents hadn't died and how Hana's life would've turned out. Rated R for swearing, nudity, and some sexual references. And it's not funny at all. Not even a little. Which I think is something of a first for me.
I see a bad moon rising...
Wait, that's got nothing to do until Fear Effect... whatever.
28 May 2004
30 days and counting... Until what? You'll just have to wait...
There's a new section up in my site. Tales of Lassane is my online GURPS fantasy campaign, which I'll be starting Monday. Certain sections of the site aren't up yet, but most of the really important info is done. I still have two open spots, if GURPSing is your thing. Even if you're not interested in playing, check back every once in a while to read the Campaign logs. Trust me, my PCs have no idea what's in store for them...
And finally, for all the latest and greatest info and insight into my wierd little mind, make sure you check out my blog, The Ferret Pit. Read never before seen Elfquest fanfiction. Learn what I ponder in my spare time. And find out why I'm always so broke. Just make sure you leave comments. Comments make me happy!
'Til next month people. Ja!
16 April 2004
For those of you wondering what exactly I have been doing all this time, the anwswer is simple: work and school. Whatever free time is left over gets divvyed up according to priority: newspaper deadlines comes first, research projects come next, .hack//INFECTION comes third. And then comes the writing.
But, hey, don't feel too bad. I've got some random Elfquest going on in my blog, if you're feeling elvish. And I am currently writing s'more Fear Effect and Sailor Moon fanfiction. It's just pretty low in my priorities at this particular moment in time.
29 February 2004
I have a weblog! That will mean absoluetly nothing to the 97% of the population that doesn't visit my website, but, hey, I know it's there, and that's all that's really important. (I say that a lot, don't I?)
Anyway, we're going to use my shiny new Pit 'O Ferrets as an example in consistency. In other words, let's see how long I actually bother to update my blog. Keep track of my progress (or lack thereof) right here.
31 December 2003
Happy Non-denominational winter season!
Tis the season for massive bouts of video gaming. I recently recieved a Gamecube and an Xbox (and a PS2, which is undergoing repairs), so I can finally get started on my game review page! Yippee! I think I'll review Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, first. (Just so I can have a reason to obsess over David Hayter and Solid Snake s'more.)
(Mm... David Hayter's voice....)
Anyway... to commermorate my sudden influx of digital entertainment, and as a kickstart to the New Year, I present Fear Effect: Resolutions, another example of why Hana and Rain shouldn't be allowed to do anything together. Standard disclaimers apply: This fanfic is Rated R for adult language and at least three instances of Hana being herself. Parental discretion is advised.
My links page has also been updated. Why is that important? Because I finally found out where Chris Davies' moved his website to, that's why! Chris Davies! The guy that inspired me to write fanfiction in the first place! The guy who's writing I revere almost as much as Dean Koontz-san's! You need to read his fanfiction. I repeat, You MUST READ HIS FANFICTION!
Okay, so I really like his fanfiction... sue me.
Happy New Years, minna-san!
17 October 2003
Short update: I've been working on an original story that I'm trying to get published (and so I can make some moolah, even if it is one cent a word (Canadian)), so my fanfiction is taking a wee little vacation. I apologize to everyone that... um... well, Sorry. :)
Also, go watch "Those Who Hunt Elves." It's funny. And Kotono Mitsuishi (Arisugawa Juri/Tsukino Usagi) is the voice of Celcia! She's a funny lady... *snicker*
28 September 2003
Since I'm extrodinarily late with this month's update (for which I apologize for. Again.), I'll be giving you guys a bonus during October. I don't know what that bonus is, yet, but I'm sure its going to be interesting. Until then, I've got my first MST up, that bad piece of parasite EVE I promised - EVE 15 RYO EVE. I wasn't able to get in contact with the author to get permission for this so, if you're reading this Ryo, don't take any offense. It was meant in fun.
In other news, while digging through my comic store's bargain bin, I managed to find this little item for the low, low price of $2.50. I finally have "A Forbidden Pansee" (the insert song from the final episode). You have *no* idea how happy that makes me. I also picked up an issue of Kia Asamiya's Phoenix Resurrection: Dark Angel. I'm thinking about getting the rest of it.
Let's see... anything else? Well, everything else still stands: Dead by Dawn is being re-written, a couple of Silent Mobius one-shots are in the works, and Ctrl-alt-delete with soon follow. And, of course, there's the prequel to Life's Lessons. That's coming, too.
Oh, I forgot to mention the prequel, didn't I? How silly of me...
8 September 2003
A new month, a new job-hunt, a new update to the site. I feel kinda guilty, looking for a job while I'm actually still at my current job... but, I need something a bit more... um... "Jobbish" then restaruant work if I'm going to pay off my bills and finish school. Tuition's a pain, and I can't file for Finacial Aid on my own until I"m twenty-five. Which sucks, majorly.
And of course, there's my "new" car, Ugly. 1995 Ford Escort. Everything's fine with it but... it's pink.
And I hate pink. (Ma calls it "iridescent fuschia," which is beside the point. It's still ugly.)
On the writing side of business, I've been mostly busy. Having finished up to Chapter Three of Dead by Dawn, I got a disgusting case of writer's block, realized I didn't like it, and scrapped the entire story. So, it's back to the drawing board for that one.
Ctrl-Alt-Delete might wait until I've done a few Silent Mobius one-shots, just to flesh some things out, and so I can get a real feel for Miss Maverick. Expect those soon.
So, what have I written? How many of you know what a MST is? That many? Good. Well, I've been doing a MST of a bad piece of parasite EVE. A couple more passovers with the red pen, and that baby'll be up here next week. I've also got a special little trailer coming up either tomorrow or Wednesday, a little hint of what's to come so to speak.
And that's basically it. Have an excellent week, guys!
23 August 2003
Maudlin (adj): weakly and effusively sentimental.
Being female, I'm hormonally obligated to be maudlin at least once a month. Of course, being evil, I perfer to be as psychologically traumatizing as possible. Therefore, I put my mood to good use and wrote something.
No, it's not Dead by Dawn.
It's not Ctrl-Alt-Delete, either.
It's Shifting Perspective, a Tales of Destiny fanfic centered primarily around my other favorite video game duo, Rutee and Mary. It's both weakly sentimental and psychologically traumatizing, and thus fulfills both of my hormonally-driven emotional requirements for the month.
That's right. Tales of Destiny. Rent the game, and don't you dare let Dalis die. *grin*
23 August 2003
Maudlin (adj): weakly and effusively sentimental.
Being female, I'm hormonally obligated to be maudlin at least once a month. Of course, being evil, I perfer to be as psychologically traumatizing as possible. Therefore, I put my mood to good use and wrote something.
No, it's not Dead by Dawn.
It's not Ctrl-Alt-Delete, either.
It's Shifting Perspective, a Tales of Destiny fanfic centered primarily around my other favorite video game duo, Rutee and Mary. It's both weakly sentimental and psychologically traumatizing, and thus fulfills both of my hormonally-driven emotional requirements for the month.
That's right. Tales of Destiny. Rent the game, and don't you dare let Dalis die. *grin*
22 August 2003
What is that... twenty-three days since my last update? Hm, well... I place the blame on three things: the Final Fantasy Tactics All-Random Challenge, Deus Ex, and my nice shiny copy of Phantasy Star Online. (Ver 1, Dreamcast). Now, according to the message board at GameFAQs.com, my copy shouldn't even work online, with it being used and all. And yet, it works. Flawlessly. Very odd, but I don't care.
What I do care about is the fact that my first five minutes online, my character was hacked, my data was corrupted and, in my irritation, all the files on my VMU got erased... including my near-perfect files for Soul Calibur and Jet Grind Radio. Now I've gotta unlock everything all over again... Not to mention doing the stupid block puzzles in Legacy of Kain, that stupid Mission 8 in Starlancer (It was perfect! Perfect! No torps on the Reliant! You have no idea how hard that is on Hard!!!) and having to suffer through Yuriko in order to get Powered Akira again in Project Justice. *sighs*
Oh well. Nobody cares about my griping anyway... *mutter*
In the fanfiction side of things, Dead by Dawn is not turning out as I expected, and that's driving me crazy, so it might be delayed more than I thought. Ctrl-Alt-Delete, however, is turning out just as I expected. I'll put up whichever one I think I'll have done first.
Also, I've finally decided on a name for my multiverse. How does "Perfect Unity" sound? Or, "Absolute Unity?" Hm... Okay, I guess I haven't really settled on a name, but I'm getting closer.
And, finally, while reading Seito_no_Senshi's web-blog, I got these results on some quizzes...
*smug grin*
Good times...
9 August 2003
Okay, so I lied. There's actually one more chapter to Life's Lessons then there's the Epilogue.
I know, I know. I'm an evil, mean, horrible person that should be flayed alive. Well, how's this to make up for my transgressions? Chapter 30 and the Epilogue. No waiting until Monday. No agonizing over what's going to happen to <insert character name here>. Just plain, simple, END. I'll even throw in my Author's Notes... once I've written them up.
So go ahead, consider me evil! I don't care. Because, as Minako elegantly puts it, "It's over!"
6 August 2003
"Ano, Hitomi-chan? Would you like a strawberry?"
"Why, yes, I would Lei Fang."
"Say 'Ah...'"
"Ah... Ack!"
"Oops! How clumsy of me! It seems that I have accidentally shoved two of my fingers into your mouth. I hope there were no pre-pubescent males watching us, or else they might have taken this entirely out of context. Tee hee!"
"Oh, Lei Fang, you don't need to worry. The only male here is Zach, and Helena castrated him when we arrived on the island."
"You're right, Hitomi-chan. As usual... Let's go play volleyball!"
Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball is a very, very silly game. *grin*
3 August 2003
I know what you're here for. You're here for the final chapter of Life's Lessons, aren't you? Aren't you! You know you are...
Well, here it is! Go read it, you blood-sucking vampires! *runs away crying*
Coming Soon...
Hmph... well, next week we've got the Epilogue for Life's Lessons... Unless I decide to be nice and
release it later this week. Probably Thursday or Friday. Not like I'm guranteeing anything. Because, y'know, I'm mean and E-Ville. Dead by Dawn (parasite EVE) will follow sometime thereafter... Maybe...
Well, I am working on that Mana Isozaki thingy (Who the Heck is she, anyway?) and that "Favorite 100 Silent Mobius moments" thingy (provided I can actually find 100 favorite moments...)...
Okay, I really don't know what'll be up next. Why don't you tell me? *grin*
28 July 2003
I've got a complaint against Battle.net. It's too darn intimidating. Here I am, finally deciding to play Starcraft and Diablo online, and I'm too afraid of hackers and whatever to try playing or asking people to play.
Well... that and hackerspeak. I hate hackerspeak. Use the whole keyboard, you morons! That's what all those keys are there for! ARGH! All of you piss me off! (And I apologize to any of my readers that type like that. :)
Moving along... Green Eyes: Redux, the third parasite EVE story where I screw with Aya's head, is now up and available for reading. Standard warnings apply: fairly dark, oddness abounds, and I mess up continuity at some point. (Hey, if anybody can prove to me that Aya had a twin sister, then I'll stop saying they weren't twins. Until then, my story, my rules. *g*)
I've also done a change to the Timeline. It's now in Multi-Techno-Color! Follow your favorite series through the years simply by looking for whatever color the text is in! Wow! (And I mean, wow. This thing is so colorful... It's like a clown threw up...)
Also, don't forget to sign my guestbook or send me emails to let me know if you liked (or didn't like) anything. The only way for me to get better is to know what I'm doing wrong. Who knows? You might even help me write faster. ("Feedback is the Mother of Creation," as Minako-chan would put it. *cheesy grin*)
Lessee... anything else? Oh! If anyone wants to do fanart for me, go for it! My drawings are all kinds of crappy, although my sister did say I'm doing better. (My stick-figures have actual bodies, now! Yay!) And I've got two, count 'em, two! of those nifty Soul Calibur 2 lithographs you get when you reserve the game. Soul Calibur art rules.
Carpe Diem! Carpe Nocturne! Carpe Jugular!
Coming Soon...
Chapter 29 will be next week, of course. The week after that, I'm not entirely sure. I haven't even started Ctrl-Alt-Del yet. I'm not satisfied enough with Dead by Dawn, either. Hmm.. Well... I'll come up with something, I'm sure...
21 July 2003
The League of Extraordinary Gentleman lied. It wasn't extraordinary. It wasn't bad. It wasn't good. It just wasn't. I didn't like the camera didn't the fight scenes. Jumped around way too much, gave me a headache.
On the plus side, that thing with Dorian Gray was perhaps the freakiest thing I have ever seen. I am never having a self-portrait made. (And people were afraid photographs sucked souls... *shudder*)
Anyway, for this week's update, I've go so much stuff in the Trashcan that you won't even miss Chapter 29. Instead of the video game angle, I threw out all my unfinished, original stuff. The Session's been broken up into five parts because it's so big. It might take you all week just to finish.
Bon apetite!
Coming Soon...
Shifting some things around... Life's Lessons 29 will be the first Monday in August. Green Eyes:
Redux should be next week. And... hm... I'll give you the status of Checkmate next week, also. I may
be dumping that one into the Trashcan...
14 July 2003
Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me!
I'm twenty-two today; one step closer to being thirty. Oh well. For my birthday, my sister took me to a new Japanese resteraunt. I had so much sushi I thought I was gonna puke. (Correction: I actually had maki rolls, not sushi.) And I got a job. Part-time only, just something to help me pay some bills until my real job shows up, and to keep me from going crazy in the house all day with nothing to do.
But, probably the biggest thing today would be this: Chapter 28 of Life's Lessons. It's really getting down to the wires, folks! Hop on over there and read it, why don't ya?
Coming Soon...
You mean other than the final chapter of Life's Lessons? Well, I am working on
Ctrl-Alt-Delete, my first ever Silent Mobius fanfic, cleaning up two parasite EVE fanfics (Green
Eyes: Redux and Checkmate: King versus Queen), finishing up the parasite EVE multi-part Dead
by Dawn, and... hm... I guess I could update the Trashcan; that Metal Gear Solid fanfic wasn't really
going anywhere...
Wow. That's a lot of stuff. I better start prioritizing.
7 July 2003
I'm BACK! MWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAhahahaha*cough**hack* eh...
Welcome to the re-vamped Blueberry Enterprises, now featuring 200% more pastel colors! Yeah, I know it's a lot more feminine than this website is used to being, but, hey, change is good. And if it isn't, then that's what the Guestbook is for: Feedback! So, why don't you hop on over there and leave some for me?
Anyway, to commemorate this joyous occasion, I've put up a whole slew of stuff that most people hav never seen; from the tales of Finnath, Bardic Wannabe, to the amazing Trashcan O' Fiction to an actual, updated Links page to the brand-spanking new 27th chapter of Life's Lessons. It's a veritable smorgasbord of reading delights! Wow!
I hope you guys had a great Fourth of July (or Canada Day for my Canadian pals). I'll see ya next week!
Coming Soon...
Lesee.... How 'bout some Silent Mobius/Sailor Moon fanfiction?