"In the Beginning there was the Wyrm.
The Wyrm died, and from its body the world, Lassane, was born.
Its hide became the land.
Its blood became the seas.
Its final breath became the wind.
Its heart became fire, bringing forth heat and life.
"From the Wyrm's scales came the plants and creatures of the earth.
From its talons came the Elder races.
And from its teeth came the gods.
"Pader, god of war.
Adana, goddess of peace.
Kana, goddess of chaos.
And Kana's twin, Karla, goddess of order.
The gods and Lassane were in harmony, and peace ruled the lands.
"But, soon, the gods begin to quarrel amongst themselves.
The quarrels erupted into fights, and then into war...
"And so begin the War of the Gods.
In explosive battles they divided the world into Light and Dark, and fought across Lassane.
Only Kana, the goddess of Darkness, and Karla, goddess of Light, remained.
"Their battle raged across the heavens.
The seas boiled.
The land fractured.
Finally, on the continent of Isian's western coast, they fought to the bitter end.
"Kana, on the brink of death, cursed the land.
Karla separated the cursed land from the continent, and created an island in the western sea.
But her effort was in vain:
"Magic was dying in Lassane.
-from Evian's "History of Man"
Welcome to the official Tales of Lassane website. This website was designed to provide information for my online GURPS campaign as well as be a reference guide for my players.
Feel free to email me (or 343-144-413 for ICQ) if you have any questions.
3 November: With the game's move to 4th Edition, I've uploaded the conversion file so players (and I) can easily convert their PCs. Feel free to gnab. Note: Adobe Acrobat is required to read the file.
17 July: Added Campaign Logs, transcripts of first four sessions; added slavery page
Campaign Information
The Disclaimer: The material presented here is all my own creation and is the intellectual property of Blueberry Enterprises. It is intended with the use of the GURPS game system from Steve Jackson Games. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Steve Jackson Games. GURPS is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games. All rights reserved SJ Games. I have no idea if this stuff is in accordance with their online policy, so I'll say it like this: I didn't create GURPS. Steve Jackson Games did. Don't sue me.
The Second Disclaimer: The vast majority of this website's design was borrowed/adapted/stolen from Tim Emrick's Adventures in Aracadyn website. With his permission, of course. What, you'd think I'd be silly enough to do all this work and not attribute it's fundemental design to the guy that I took it from? Who the heck do you think I am? Huh? HUH?!
Don't answer that...
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