House Rules
This is where we're going to put up all
our house-rules that we play by.
If a gang member successfully uses a medi-pack (i.e.
remain in base to base contact with a downed model
through the shooting and hand to hand phases, and that
model then recovers to a flesh wound), the model gains 3
experience points. This allows a model to spend an entire
game running around patching people up whilst still
gaining plenty of experience like his comrades who are
busy shooting/charging.
Blood-Axe Kommandos
Although these rules haven't yet been used in our campaign the page was already written and some people may find them interesting. Heer are dem Orkz.
Squat Gangs
- We have rules for Squat Gangs.
The idea behind our REP(utation) system was to rate the gangs according to performance, and
how much the hive fears them.
Gang Rating is a pretty poor way of reflecting how good the gangs are in a fight; a lucky invention
and the rating goes up by a heavy weapon, 400 points; the player can also be crap or unable to play
to their gang's strengths.
We also play alot of big gang fights, 3/4/5 even 6 gangs. It's dead easy for a lowly gang to
win these, especially if they let everybody beat the crap out of each other before moving in.
Gang rating doesn't reflect whether you win big time or little. We needed something to reflect this
and give us some competition.
We still use gang rating for working out whether its an even fight or not, and for underdog bonuses
So this is how it works: each gang starts with REP equal to their Gang Rating * 2%. Then after each fight
make the following adjustments.
- Winner
- +3 for winning
- +1 for every 200 points less gang rating than the highest rated gang.
- Loser
- -1 for every 200 points gang rating more than the winning gang.
- Everybody
- +2 for every player you beat (so if you bottle
out second in a three player game you get +2 rep, whilst the
winner gets +3 rep for winning and +4 rep for two players beaten plus any underdog bonus.)
- +1 for every down/out inflicted on other gangs
- -1 for every down/out taken
- +1 for every enemy you kill or capture (total of +2 as they must have been down/out too)
- -1 for every one of your gang killed/captured (total
of -2 as they must have been down/out too)
- N.B. Only models that are still down at the end of the game count towards rep, models that recover to flesh wounds do not affect rep.
- Discretionary
- These awards must be agreed by everybody. They are for fun, so any disagreement just ignore all of them
- up to +2 for good play, funny stuff, classic atmosphere etc
- +1 for man-of-the-match: awarded for daring-do eg diving of a building to land ontop of your opponent
- -1 for darwin-award: awarded for stupidity - natural selection would remove this spud from the genepool
The REP system seems to work pretty well. A big win and you can go up 12/15 points, a big loss and you can
go down 10 or so. The only real difficulty with REP is that you have to record downs and outs and who
they were against. We do this when we mark a wound. Its worth it though 'cos if you kick nine-bells out of another
gang it's remembered. The main benefit of REP is that it gives you a reason to challenge other gangs.
My gang Hades Suns have a long standing dispute with Mirabelles Men, you'll see the reason if you look at the
league table.
Guns for Hire
- Here are our rules for gangers becoming Guns for Hire along
with the currently available mercenaries.
Point Blank Shots
If a model does not move in its movement phase and shoots at a target within 1 inch (this would usually be if an enemy failed a charge) it will hit on a D6 roll of 2+.
Over Watch Shots
All overwatch shots are subject to the -1 to hit penalty for shooting at an emerging target. If the target has been there all along this represents the shooter spending more time looking for other targets and having to snap off a quick shot.
Direct and Indirect charges
A charge is defined to be direct if the charging
model can see it's target at the start of it's movement phase or is within spotting (initiative) distance of it's target. Otherwise the charge is defined to be indirect.
Only direct charges receive the +1 hand to hand bonus for charging.
Active Watch
Lawful gangs always count as having been reported to the authorities (and hence roll on the outlaw table) unless all opponents were outlaws.
We have a local precinct of Arbitrators for which full rules will be posted. The most important rule beyond the ones in Battles in the Underhive is that, in multi-player games, if a player doesn't get a third turn (due to bottling or whatever) then a squad of arbitrators arrives from that players board edge under that players control.
We allow models to stop part way up ladders. However a model on a ladder can only use one handed weapons and automatically falls if pinned.
Capturing territory in multi-player games
To capture territory in a multi-player game the number of casualty's inflicted on the target gang by the capturing gang is compared to the total number of casualties suffered by the capturing gang.