Guns for Hire

Sometimes when a gang dissolves due to lack of numbers and funds there are a few members who stand out from the crowd due to exceptional skills and abilities. Sometimes these individuals will leave a gang anyway if they are not content with the leadership and direction of the gang. We decided that such individuals should not be allowed to fade into obscurity and should instead have the chance to go it alone as a hired gun using the following rules.

Fee: When a ganger becomes available for hire his fee should be determined. This is equal to 20% of his total cost plus experience. Once hired he may begin gaining experience again and sometimes may even gain equipment but his hire fee does not change as long as he is continually hired by the same gang. Should the ganger at any point become unemployed again a new hire fee should be calculated.
Experience: Whilst in employment the mercenary can gain experience in the same manner as any other ganger. The mercenary may take skills from whatever tables he was originally entitled, unless he has over 200 experience, such an experienced individual may take skills from which ever tables were available to the leader of his original gang type as well (NB if the mercenary could never have become the gang leader, such as a scally from a scavvy gang, he may not choose from the leader's skill tables). The player currently hiring the mercenary may make any desisions needed as the mercenary will train to suit whatever roll he is being hired to fill.
Equipment: The mercenary cannot freely exchange equipment with the rest of the gang, however at times it may be sensible for him to change his equipment due to aquiring new skills. Whenever the mercenary gains an advance roll he may exchange equipment with the gang currently hiring him. The mercenary must retain at least the same value of equipment from the exchange, he will not agree to an exchange where he comes off worse. The mercenary may, however, make a gain of up to 10 credits worth of equipment from the exchange in which case he cost this much less to hire for the next game only. If an enemy ganger who was taken out of action is captured by the mercenary then the mercenary will take one piece of equipment from him before the usual rules for dealing with captives are concerned. When dealing with mercenaries equipment players should try to be realistic, for example the is very little reason why a mercenary would exchange his autogun for a lasgun, the weapons are too similar, if however a mercenary with a basic weapon kept gaining close combat skills and weapon skill bonuses he may well attempt to obtain assault weaponry. Ideally, the owner (see below) should be consulted on equipment gains/changes.
Owner: The player who originally owned the mercenary is still considered the owner of the mercenary. He is entitled to dictate the principles of the mercenary and so can decide not to allow some gangs to hire the character. The owner also has the ultimate say in the mercenaries equipment and should be consulted over drastic changes in style of equiping. (e.g. Exchanging his only basic weapon for assault weaponry).

The Drinking hole
Name Specialisation Owner Fee Current Employer
Ilyich Sniper Joe 46 None
Chief Sitting Rat Great Chieftain Gaius Mentor N/A

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