Mothers of Preschoolers

First Baptist Church of Modesto

because mothering matters

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MOPSTalk Feature Article

Developing Your Family Roots

By Laura Joseph

Jeremiah 17:8 He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.

In my family tree I can point back to several generations of strong Christians. I am glad and know that I am blessed to have those roots, and I pray fervently that I will not fail to pass on those roots of strong Christian faith to my child. I pray that I will cultivate the soil for my childrens heart to grow deep roots that grip a firm foundation in Christ There are 3 Principals that I have tried to base my parenting on that I believe will help to cultivate good roots: The first is to remember that my children will grow up to be just like me. So, that means that I need to be the type of person I want my children to be. Leading by example is sometimes a scary thing because the more I watch my children grow, the more I see how easily they pick up on things. My children hear everything, see everything and they will be just like me. The second is to remember that I have a responsibility to shape their character. It is my job as a parent to mold their character so that it is becoming more Christ like as they grow. My desire is to not allow excuses for bad behavior to keep me from disciplining my children. I also pray that God will give me discernment in knowing where my children need more discipline so that I don’t become blind to their faults. Third, is to remember that God has the answers. In the past I have searched countless books and websites looking for answers only to come up with ideas that I have already tried and watched fail. It was then that I finally went to God and asked for his answer to my dilemmas. Sometimes it’s tough to wait for God’s answer. He asks us to fully trust him and let him work in his time. That requires great patience and faith but it also comes with great peace. What these 3 principals have in common is that the focus is on me, and my, life rather than my child’s. I need to live that Godly life in front of my child. I need to be diligent in my discipline and responsibilities. I need to seek God and let the Holy Spirit work in my life. Those good roots have to grow deep in my heart first before I can pass them on to my family.