SETS: The following sets are divided into specific categories
for ease of browsing; however, if you would like to view them all, just
click on the first category below and continue through by using the "Next"
button. To save backgrounds and/or images, right-click and choose
"save as" from the pop-up menu. If you like a set, but find the background
too much, e-mail me and I'll gladly create a less-conspicuous, matching
tile. The buttons with strange names on them are actually the name
of the font used on the buttons. Since many of them are copyrighted,
I have provided links to the sites at which I
found them.
At anytime you may
return here by using the "Graphics" button; or to the main Pheatures page
by using the "Home" button. (BTW, more graphics can be found in the
Poetry pages.) |