Here lies the section which describes the Council of the Trees, leaders of the mighty great Caern of Tall Tree. The Mother has been Sept Warder for almost 3 decades, as she remains one of the most respected leaders in Garou History. A powerful Theurge, she is said to have direct contact with Gaia's Incarna herself. Many spirits speak of the Refuge, some of Gaia's best Theurges reside here under the Mother's rule.The Refuge: Council of the Trees
Mother Dreamweaver- a powerful pureblooded Theurge Uktena of
about 70 years old, she had long thinning white hair. She is slightly slumped over due to her old age, upon which an runed oaken staff ( caries her burden.KEEPER OF THE LAND
Athena Pureheart- a Black Fury Philodox. Counsel to the
Mother, she stands about 6' in height. Athena has an atheletic
form, followed by her almost platinum colored hair and
ice blue eyes made her appear like the Greek goddess
Trevor Moonshine- Galliard Child of Gaia. Short and stout, this little man always seemed neverous. A respected Child of Gaia, Trevor is very loyal to the Mother, and very kind to new pups. His kind heart has earned him his position as Master of the Rites.
Lord Angus Fang- Modi of the Get of Fenris, standing almost 7 feet tall, he had long blonde hair and deep sea green eyes. Possessing a few criss-crossing scars upon his face, itched upon it where long years of battle against many foes and friends alike. Within his hand he held the Grande Klaive known as a Dark Bone pullarm. Said to have been made from the spine of a Nexus Crawler, within this Get of Fenris hands it was a deadly weapon. Leader of the Guardians of Tall Tree, a Silver Pack, this mighty warrior holds much power within the Caern. The Guardians are said to be some of the best Gaia can offer to the Caern. Rumors speak that this Get of Fenris is out to take Tall Tree.
Lady Morganna Rouge- Theurge of the Fianna tribe, she stands about 5'11" with long crimson hair and deep green eyes. Rumors speak of her fay heritage as she possesses a almost storybook like beauty which none can almost compare to. A few celtic runes designed lightly upon her pale soft skin.
Silent Thunder- Theurge of the Wendigo tribe, Silent is a middle aged Native American descended to a long line of Wendigos who served the Caern of the Tall Tree most of their lives. Silent is the Arch Watcher, a position held with honor and pride. He is the leader of the Watchers, the first line of defence within the Caern. All who are visitors must past a mystical inspection before even allowed within the Lodge area. Friends to all the Spirits within the Caern, the Watchers are silent and yet eerie. They wear earth tone robes, etched with ancient runes of long ago. About 15 total, all Theurges, and all report to Silent Thunder. Rumors have it that Silent has many powerful Spirits, however, lucky he serves the Mother.