Now look, I don't think a woman out there wouldn't like to meet such a handsome man as Sean Connery. Ok - even though he might be older then most of us - or some of us are his age - we still like him. Even though our mothers and grandmothers saw Sean when he was doing 007 movies - we like him too. So I ask you, what woman out there with at least a little hesitancy wouldn't say that they liked Sean Connery? Or would like to see a few pictures of him? Okay - there you go. And I'll do you all a favor - here he is.
As 007: James Bond
As King Arthur in First Knight Also with another favorite of mine, Richard Gere It's fuzzy, it's little, but can you see Valentine Pelka in there, too?
Ten years ago as Ramirez in Highlander 1
In the Avengers (August 14, 1998)
See? Don't you just come away from this page with a smile on your face? Doesn't it make you feel better that you saw Sean Connery in some of his best movies? (Richard Gere being there helped too, I'm guessing) So I'm glad I made your day.