Here are a few of my favorite links...
Arranged in no particular order but when I got 'em.
Please write me if you would like to be added to the list...
Or if I need to give you credit for your pictures.
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Ricki's Trigun Animé Planet
A new website I'm just working on (2003-2004) and main reason this site doesn't get updated any more! If you like animé you'll like this site! And Trigun's main character has a strange likeness to our favorite immortals... he's over 150 years old!
The old Highlander Realm
My Friend Kath's WebPage... Pictures and Original Graphics... I can't remember what it's called now...
Jen's Highlander Fanfiction
Jen's stuff... (Although will probably be changing to anime?) Just a teensy peak into Highlander world until of course this website is gone too.
Bonnie D's done it - she's gotten together a collection of all of the borders, backgrounds, and bits that she's made herself to share with everyone. Proud to be displaying a couple of her unicorns at this site.
Alexa's Garden
This place is my webpage for romantic poetry and a work in progress as I practice to make a classy website. A Highlander website in disguise - Home to the Secret HL Ring!
The Official Highlander Website
I go here once in awhile, mainly to look at the online catalog for Highlander:The Store. It has a few neat things for Highlander including swords and movie info.
Lady Dolphina's Lake Shore Inn
My friend "M"'s page, she's got tons of her poetry and links to other neat sights.
My Bro's Webpage
You like Doom, Quake, and other computer games? My brother Andy has all sorts of neat stuff he's collected off the internet - but watch out - this one is weird.
Sword Buyers Guide by WarAngel
This site has the best Highlander spoof pictures I have ever seen. Want to see your favorite characters in revealing pictures? (no nudity but it is PG-13) Want to see the characters in unbelievably funny pictures? This place is the place for you!
New Link Alert - For people who liked my surprise page!
Sean Connery Page...
Look at great Sean Connery pictures and a special grouping of pictures that compare him to Adrian Paul - it's eye-opening!
Art Day
Want to know where Alexa gets all of her Eiffel Tower pictures? Go here - updated shots almost every day!
© 2002 Ricki