"We who are clay blended by
the Master Potter, come from the
kiln of Creation in many hues. How can people say one skin is
colored, when each has its own coloration? What should it
matter that one bowl is dark and the other pale, if each is of
good design and serves its purpose well."
Polingaysi Qoyawayma, Hopi
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to my pages.
Send your URL to me and I'll
add it to my links pages.

THE site for
information about the show
and the fight to get more first run episodes.
on SciFi pages.
Visit the SciFi Main
Currently SciFi has opted not to renew
The Sentinel. Go to the SOS site to
see what we're doing about it.
Keeper of:
 The twinkle in Blair's blue eyes.
Blair's silver
and turquoise
arrowhead choker.
The twinkle in
Jim's blue eyes.
Want to be a Keeper? To find out
how, go to Starfox's
site. |

Special thanks to Robyn for the beautiful banner!!!
Very special thanks to Daydreamer for letting me use the
banner that Robyn made especially for her, on my site.
A GOLD Dragon Lies Beneath!
I took the Inner Dragon online quiz and found out I am a Gold Dragon on the inside. My Inner Dragon is the most honorable of all. Golds are the third rarest of all the dragons (after Platinum and Chromatic dragons) and have a station in society that reflects their rarity. I am what one might call a Draconic Knight. Golds live by a strict code of chivalry and commitment. Remember
Draco? Yep, Gold Dragon. My appearance is fearsome and all-mighty but I'd never stoop so low as to bring any harm to a human. I'm one of only two dragon types that are aligned "Lawful Good" and demonstrate great magical proficiency. My piety, beauty, wisdom, and inner
strength are absolutely without parallel.
Of course, being a Gold Dragon isn't all high ethics and codes. I like to fly around scaring things, advise humans in their affairs, and
shape shift. Strike that, I LOVE to shape shift. And I'm great at it. In fact, who's to say I'm not really a Gold Dragon after all? My favorable attributes are honor, truth, kindness, gold, wisdom, bravery, and trustworthiness. If anyone threatens or tries to kill me, I could strike back with my breath weapon - Fire. But then, no one's tried anything that stupid in the last couple thousand years. After all, I'm about 54 feet long.
For Mom 1922-1998
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