Starfire's Favorite Things
Here's an incomplete list of some of my favorite things.
It's a long list because I have so many favorites!
Scroll down or use the links to jump to a section.
Please note: I've alphabetized the listings, so the
first one isn't necessarily the one I like most.
| Actors, Movies, Television, and Broadway |
| Books and Authors | Games |
Actors, Movies, Television, and Broadway
Some of the television programs do not air in Hawai'i at this time, but they may air elsewhere. Also, I'm not entirely certain if the anime is actually anime or not. E-mail me if you know for certain.
- Movie, Male: Kenneth Branagh--I think he rules as Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing.
- Movie, Female: Emma Thompson--"She were an excellent wife for Benedick [Branagh]." (Much Ado About Nothing, Act II.I)
- Television, Male: Eric Braeden--irreplaceable Victor Newman of The Young and the Restless.
- Television, Younger Male: Jensen Ackles and Bryan Datillo--Eric Brady's arrival in Salem helped Lucas Roberts turn over a new leaf (sort of) on Days of Our Lives' younger set.
- Television, Female: Diedre Hall and Susan Lucci--Marlena Evans with her glorious eyes and noble heart on Days of Our Lives competes with Erica Kane's flawless skin and maternal devotion on All My Children.
- Television, Younger Female: Melissa Joan Hart--Sabrina, the Teenage Witch has a "witchiness" about her.
- Television Miniseries, Male & Female: Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth--Miss Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy were brought to life, real life, in A&E's oustanding presentation of Pride and Prejudice. I'd like to buy the videos, but it's out of my budget right now.
- Inhuman Hero: Godzilla; Mighty Joe Young--Mighty monsters who save the day: who knew?
- Absolute Favorite: Angela Lansbury--I'd really like to see a new Murder, She Wrote movie.
Favorite Movies
- Action/Martial Arts: 3 Ninjas
- Adventure: Jurassic Park
- Animated/Live Action: Sleeping Beauty (Disney)
- Classic: Casablanca
- Comedy: Much Ado About Nothing (w/Kenneth Branagh & Emma Thompson)
- Drama: Sense and Sensibility (w/ Emma Thompson)
- Drama Miniseries: Pride and Prejudice (A&E, w/ Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth)
- Horror: Dracula has Risen from the Grave
- Monster: The Monster that Challenged the World
- Sci-fi: The Thing (1951, w/ James Arness)
- Drama, Daytime: All My Children; Days of Our Lives
- Drama, Primetime: Diagnosis Murder; Walker, Texas Ranger
- Drama, off-air: Murder, She Wrote
- Sitcom: Sabrina, the Teenage Witch
- Japanese Serials: Abarenbo Shogun; Shadow Spies
- American: Aladdin; The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest; X-Men
- American, off-air: Captain N, the GameMaster; He-Man; She-ra
- Anime: Dragon Ball Z; Robotech; Sailor Moon
- Anime, off-air: Teknoman; Thunderbirds 2086(?); Voltron
- Anime, video: Fire Emblem
- Broadway: Les Miserables; The Phantom of the Opera
- Television: The Sound of Music
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Books and Authors
For the sake of classification, a solo book stands alone, a sequence is a set of connected, inter-related books usually written by the same author(s), and a series consists of books that can stand by themselves often written by many different authors. There are some exceptions to these definitions, however.
- Drama: Much Ado About Nothing (William Shakespeare)
- Fantasy, Solo: Emerald House Rising (Peg Kerr)
- Fantasy, Sequence: The Tamuli (David Eddings)
- Fantasy, Series: Dragonlance
- Horror, Solo: Relic (Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child)
- Horror, Sequence: Night World (L.J. Smith)
- Horror, Series: Ravenloft
- Mystery, Solo: The List of 7 (by Mark Frost)
- Mystery, Series (adult): Murder, She Wrote (Jessica Fletcher & Donald Bain)
- Mystery, Series (young adult): Nancy Drew-Hardy Boys Super Mysteries (Carolyn Keene)
- Sci-fi, Solo: Remnant Population (Elizabeth Moon)
- Sci-fi, Sequence: Robotech (Jack McKinney); The Foreigner Universe trilogy (C.J. Cherryh)
- Sci-fi, Series: Star Trek (various series); Star Wars
- Fantasy: David Eddings' The Belgariad, The Mallorean, The Elenium, and The Tamuli series made for enjoyable reading, as did Belgarath the Sorcerer. Now I'm counting the days until I can buy Polgara the Sorceress in paperback.
- Horror: Brian Lumley's Necroscope series always sends chills down my spine.
- Sci-fi: Anne McCaffrey is the grande dame of science fiction in my book.
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These are some of the games I'm willing to play over and over (and over and over) again.
- Quest for Glory (I, II, III, and IV)
- SimTower
- Sim Farm
- Theme Park
Super Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
- Final Fantasy II
- Final Fantasy III
- Final Fantasy--Mystic Quest
- Super Mario RPG
Nintendo 64
- Mario Kart 64
- Super Mario 64
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