last updated: 30-07-2000

Errr... Looks like I wouldn't be able to update before I get
back from little enterprise that would take me away from Moscow and computer till
Till then, ladies and gentlemen.
is it summer already ?
Sorry ladies and gentlemen.
Naughty me ... Well, now I'm out of the torpor. One could copy/paste a Scroll of Awaken to
the message board if this one was truly interested in finding out if I was going to keep
my promices about posts, btw.
Some personal problems, if you wonder.
and another thing - I'm finished with the Academy. Applause.
Well, anyway. I did manage to finish RtB-6 in case anyone is
still alive and interested ... here we go.
hope soon to add several submissions I recieved and perhaps even finish one of my own
things, so don't haste to delete me from the favourites. Just thought I should post at
least this one as soon as I can.
other news, hit counter has gone crazy - or lazy. It dropped down to zero several times
before I could get to 1500, damn. And I was saving a bottle of champaign for this
That's all for now folks. Took me all day and half a night to get to this point, so no
strength now to write news.
and I'm still looking for someone to help me with the site.
Usually I first give the news, then updates and submissions in the very end, but I just
thought it unfair. People do write, people send their work here, unlike lazy me, they
deserve to go first.
Here we go.
like to express my gratitude to my good friend Nyohah. She's a
wonder. Her stories are marvels of their own, but hey, look a bit further. See what's
behind - and there's a person there. Now imagine an ammount of work, talent, time put in
these stories. All for your pleasure. Now - click her name and tell her how impressed you
are. Even a couple of lines make it all seem worthy.
Now, Part 7, final, of Bondage - enjoy !
Well, some words about me.
This time, I think, I managed to exceed even my own measure of "soon". Sorry
Please understand, it's hard time for me now. Besides all work, study and so on, it's a
hard moment in my personal life. Like there wasn't enough without this.
will rise and shine, of course, but for now I'm exhausted and gathering strength to pass
the Final of them all exam in the Academy. Then, I'll smile a wicked smile to myself.
Then, I'll create something as wicked.
those of you interested - RtB-6 is almost ready, needs a day or two to be put down, but
these never come, free days. Come in two weeks, I promise.
Hey, anyone interested can write me and subscribe for a newsletter. They won't come often
and won't be long. Just a couple of lines about as rare as a green sun, stating that
amaizingly I managed to squeeze something new out of my brain.
Well, what do you know ? I'm still alive.
Even if some may not like it.
So, how do you like the improved design ? I even thought of a new quizlet on
it, but gave up this idea since I'm not doing anything that big again any time soon. But
would you like them quizlets regular ? I tend to find them highly amusing. Cinescape for
And while we're on it, the results of the curent one are much pleasing.
Absolute majority ( 69%) of you want even more hardcore, 13% think it's level and 13%
think I've gone too far. Count yourself how much don't care.
Hey, maybe I'll make a Direcotor's Cut version one day. Sorry Sapfarah, vox
populi - vox dei ...
Hey, please, pretty please, with sugar on top - if you notice any glitches on the page,
drop me a line, will you ? Thanks in advance. Even if it's something little that doesn't
allow you to feel comfortable - I want to know about it.
In case you haven't noticed, new design includes a message board and a guest book ...
anything you feel like saying is appreciated. Just go to the AUDITORIUM
Anyway, back to the good news. Coming soon is my RtB-6, which I was not going to write
originally .... see what you guys and girls can do with my softness ? But right now comes
a new story from Nyohah, next part of Bondage. Enjoy,
it's HOT NEW AND (I'm sure) YOU GONNA LOVE IT ! Don't buy it as cheap advertising slogan it is, cause 1) I really think so
2) I promised to write exactly these words :-) And for those rare of you who do read
non-MK stuff, come soon for my Wicked Farytale ... It could be in this update if someone helped me with site management
... volunteers anyone ?