Powers: Storm can manipulate the weather and other elements in a variety of ways (including using wind to give her flight, and summoning lightning bolts are her favorite tricks).
Significant Relatives: Ainet, Foster mother.
Ororo later found herself taken in by a tribe, and mostly a woman named Aniet. She sooned discovered her powers of weather manipulation, and used it to prevent drought and floods, and was worshiped as a goddess. However, Xavier entered her life again, saying she was a mutant, not some onmipotant being. She joined him in the X-Men to rescue the origional X-Men who had been captured by Krakoa. She went on with the team afterward.
She had many adventures with the X-Men, including one where she became a slave of Dracula (nice choice!), and another where she became leader of the Morlocks though trail of combat (to save some captured X-Men) . After Cyclops left due to Jeans death, Storm took over as feild-comander, and lead the X-Men well. She also formed an "older sister" bond with Kitty and a "little sister" bond with Colossus.
Then she meet Forge (who called himself "The Maker" at the time), and the two started a romance. However, Forge doubled and took away storms powers. Possibly as a result, she started to sport a mohawk, a leather jacket and a gun. So yes, she stayed with the X-Men. Cyclops soon came back, however, and demanded to be leader. Storm defeated him in fair combat, and stayed leader. Boy, she's a toughie... Later, just before The fall of the Mutants, Forge gave her back her powers, only to have her "die" on national television while fighting The Advesary.
In actuality, she and the other X-Men were teleported to Austrailia, and given the ability to not be etected by mechanical means. However, the Reavers came along and tried to take thier base back, and the X-men escaped through the Seige Perrilous, whereupon Storm found herself in the body if a 12-year old, and landing on top of a man named Gambit. He follewed her back to the X-Mens mansion in Weschester, and became a member.
Peace never lasts. While investigating activity in Genosha, Storm was captured and made into a Mutate (a mutant who is effectivly turned into a zombie). However, she eventualy regained her mind, poweres, AND adult body. She continued to lead the X-Men, now as its membership became her, Wolverine, Jubilee, Gambit, Forge, Banshee, and Psylocke. They eventualy found Professor X and Rogue, who re-joined the team, and were subsiquently (and ironicly) rescued by X-Factor (the Origional X-Men) from the Shadow King (aka Amahal Fulok). The two teams merged to become the X-Men Blue strike force and X-men Gold Strike force, of which Storm was in charge.
Storm continued to lead the gold team (Her, Jean, Iceman, Colossus, Archangel, and eventualy Bishop) until the two X-teams merged, and people started leaving. However, Storm still remained a command figgure, and lead the X-men on several occasions. One such occasion was when a terrorist group Gene Nation (decendants of the Morlocks) started causing trouble. Storm battled thier leader, Marrow, and pulled out her heart (which was connected to a bomb which would've gone off had Storm not done this). Marrow got better, and to Storms disdain, Marrow joined the team (Under Calistos tutalage).
Storm now leads the new pared-down team (Wolverine, Marrow, Gambit, Rogue, Shadowcat, Colossus, and Nighcrawler), and they have started searching for Professor X, who dissapeered after Onslaught...
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