nd then the devil taketh Him up into the holy city, and setteth Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and saith unto Him, "If Thou be the Son of God, cast Thyself down. For it is written: "He shall give His angels charge concerning Thee," and "In their hands they shall bear Thee up, lest at any time, Thou dash Thy foot against a stone. (Matthew 4: 5-6) KJV


Satan, the feared adversary of God, displays some major features of a distinct personality:

1. Craftiness

Satan is a phenomenally intelligent being who is most crafty in his deceptions (Ephesians 6:11). Revelation 12:9 reveals his game plan for subverting the plan of salvation in premier fashion.

2. Subversiveness

Nowhere is this more apparent than in Matthew 4 where he attempts to seduce the Lord his God into sin with quotes from The book of Deuteronomy. He will use the most subversive means to sway the wicked of this world. Mercifully, we have the gracious provision of the eternal Word of God to save us.

3. Emotions

Knowing he has a finite time in which to operate, Satan vents great wrath ("thumon" in Greek) upon those he seeks to destroy (Revelation 12:12). His ego is penultimate since he seeks to usurp the Throne of God itself.

4. Persistence

In Ephesians 6:11, he schemes ("methodeia" in Greek) against unwary believers. In Revelation 12:9-10, he continually accuses them before God, prowling as a lion to devour whom he can (1 Peter 5:8).

Though Satan is subordinate and accountable to God (Job 1:7), his main motivation seems to be to destroy the elect -- those especially set apart by God for salvation. In Genesis 3, he started with Eve, faking her out with an ever-so subtle twist of Scripture - "hath God (really) said?"

Since the Garden, Satan and his malevolent minions have sought to thwart the very essense of human salvation -- the cross of Christ. After generations of deception, power displays and supreme chicanery (tainting the seed of men?), Satan has saved his best for last.

Be wary!

Angel Attributes | Angels in the Bible | Angel Classifications | Angel of the Lord | Angel Ministry
Demon Activity | Demons in the Bible | Demon Classifications | Demons- the Nephilim
Demons in the Spirit World | Satan the Adversary | Satan the Beast | Satan's Judgement
Satan's Names | Satan's Personality | Time of Ezekiel's Vision | Time of the Giants
Time: Personal Testimony | Time of the UFOs | Victory in Jesus Christ
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