The Demonic Realm

In His remarkable Olivet Discourse, Jesus presented to His apostles a list of events that would immediately precede His Second Coming. Our Lord specifically said that it will resemble the days before Noah entered the ark (Matt 24:37, Luke 17:26).

Just how bad was it then?

The Flood epic in Genesis tells of the bene ha Elohim (angelic "sons of God") who were created to reflect His glory while watching over the Earth. They were accused of taking attractive wives from among the benoth ha Adam (daughters of Adam). The Greek Septuagint of the 3rd Century B.C. calls these "men of renown" gigantes (earth-born) with the implication that they were giant in stature. More correctly, the Hebrew word is Nephilim "fallen ones," leading the believer to see them as angelic.

Jude 6 describes these as "angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation." Their modus operandi - seek to somehow contaminate the bloodline of Adam. Thus, they consistently try to counteract God's expressed plan for redemption. Throughout the centuries, they have tried nearly every means at their disposal to prevent the eventual birth of the prophesied Messiah.

Strangely, the mating of human beings with angels probably resulted in hybrid "Rosemary's Babies," evil spirits in possession of super-human bodies who have constantly tried to corrupt and destroy the human race spiritually.

Fortunately, our magnificent all-powerful God saw fit to give us an account of this plan in advance which miraculously includes the future defeat of the most nefarious of all - the Beast of Revelation.

Do NOT Believe Your Eyes

Many Christians today recognize those we call "extraterrestrials" to likely be angels, the most visible of whom are under the authority of Satan. Jesus warned that one of the signs of the end times was that the world would be extremely violent and self-absorbed as it was before the Flood.

Could this be why our merciful God commanded His chosen people to totally destroy (cherem, a dedicated thing in Hebrew) the Canaanites in the quest for their Promised Land?

The Bible warns that such advanced beings will continue to deceive mankind. Satan and his ungodly hosts unceasingly try to usurp the glory of the Creator.

But, thankfully, the Bible is clear on the judgment that will befall them. Look to this site for SOLID biblical information on mass deception in the latter times.

May the everlasting peace of the Divine Redeemer be yours as you make the decision to join His winning team. It is the only sure bet there is in this short life. And there is no more exciting time in human history to make it than NOW!

Angel Attributes | Angels in the Bible | Angel Classifications | Angel of the Lord | Angel Ministry
Demon Activity | Demons in the Bible | Demon Classifications | Demons- the Nephilim
Demons in the Spirit World | Satan the Adversary | Satan the Beast | Satan's Judgement
Satan's Names | Satan's Personality | Time of Ezekiel's Vision | Time of the Giants
Time: Personal Testimony | Time of the UFOs | Victory in Jesus Christ
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