"So, it's Siobhann you be looking for, eh?" says the barkeep as he swipes at a mug with his rag. "You'll be finding her up at the Conservatory." He leans forward. "Just between you and me, she's always a tad nervous before a performance. Likes to go over her songs and stories a bit. Go on up now and have a chat, or if you like, visit some the entertainers at the Bardic Guild. I warrant there's gaming a plenty in the Gamblers' Den. On the way, you'll pass the Scriveners' Hall, where our bards swap their tales and give each other a helping hand. 'Course, if you dinna want to see Siobhann just now, you can always send her a Missive." The barkeep slides a heavy, leather-bound tome toward you. "Dinna forget to check our Registry before you leave." Well met and merry meet. The Minstrel's Gallery has undergone some cosmetic changes to make your visit here more enjoyable. Be you one of our regulars or a weary traveler seeking succor from the road, raise a glass with the bards in the Gallery and enjoy your stay. If you've the mind, pray send a missive and let us know what you think of our new look. Dinna mind the wax puddles left from our candles ~ our scribes worked round the clock to make this a friendlier place. Our changes since the 10th of November, 1998, are recorded below. Trapped within another's frames? Do not despair, for Freedom> is but a click away. Or, if tis your wish, visit our other Gallery to be free from our own frames as well. New Searching for the Gallery's Codex of songs? You'll find it with the Conservatory. Tis part of the revamped look of the Gallery. Hopefully, you'll be finding your way around easier now. New So many fellow travelers have paused a while at the Gallery that the leather bindings on our old Registry were cracking. A new Registry has been installed. Be among the first to sign it. (Of course, you can still thumb through the old one to read the thoughts of those who've come before.) The link to our old Registry is available only on this (The Gallery) page. New The Song of Talieson has been added to our list of ancient bardic works. Find them in the Bardic Guild. I prithee, an thou hast enjoyed rest and merriment whilst pausing at the Gallery, scribe thy thoughts in the Registry below. Sign Guestbook | View Guestbook Many have taken their ease at the Gallery and raised a glass with the Songsmith. Read their thoughts in our original Registry. Many have taken their ease at the Gallery and raised a glass with the Songsmith. Read their thoughts in our original Registry. Or send a missive directly to Siobhann, the Songsmith songsmith@geocities.com weary travelers have found rest and enjoyment at the Gallery since the 10th day of October, in the year of our Lord, 1997. Scribed this 18th Day of November, 1998 Except for where otherwise noted, all works and character concepts are Copyrighted 1997 Special thanks to Cari at Celtic Art & Illumination for the use of the beautiful artwork you see here. They provide clipart for WebPages. If you're looking for Celtic images, this is the place to be. Gallery Bardic Guild Conservatory Scriveners' Hall FiresideTales Gamblers Den About the Songsmith Webrings & Awards
"So, it's Siobhann you be looking for, eh?" says the barkeep as he swipes at a mug with his rag. "You'll be finding her up at the Conservatory." He leans forward. "Just between you and me, she's always a tad nervous before a performance. Likes to go over her songs and stories a bit. Go on up now and have a chat, or if you like, visit some the entertainers at the Bardic Guild. I warrant there's gaming a plenty in the Gamblers' Den. On the way, you'll pass the Scriveners' Hall, where our bards swap their tales and give each other a helping hand. 'Course, if you dinna want to see Siobhann just now, you can always send her a Missive." The barkeep slides a heavy, leather-bound tome toward you. "Dinna forget to check our Registry before you leave."
I prithee, an thou hast enjoyed rest and merriment whilst pausing at the Gallery, scribe thy thoughts in the Registry below.
Sign Guestbook | View Guestbook Many have taken their ease at the Gallery and raised a glass with the Songsmith. Read their thoughts in our original Registry. Many have taken their ease at the Gallery and raised a glass with the Songsmith. Read their thoughts in our original Registry.
Or send a missive directly to Siobhann, the Songsmith songsmith@geocities.com
weary travelers have found rest and enjoyment at the Gallery since the 10th day of October, in the year of our Lord, 1997.
Scribed this 18th Day of November, 1998
Except for where otherwise noted, all works and character concepts are Copyrighted 1997