This site was developed in the hope that it will be of value both to people who have little experience of science fiction or fantasy, and those who have drawn ongoing inspiration from theseorca.jpg (9758 bytes) rich genres over the years.

Parsec is dedicated exclusively to SF/Fantasy that we consider to be excellent, since it is vital to showcase the gems that might otherwise be buried beneath a pile of forgettable work. And superb writing can indeed be forgotten: how many people today remember Charles Harness’s The Rose?

The ongoing mission of Parsec will therefore be to provide a space where works of quality are gathered together: for people to discover books or authors they haven’t read before, and also to refer those new to SF and Fantasy to some of the best works in both fields.

We hope you find your visit here stimulating.

Rupert Neethling and Sarah Dias, Cape Town, South Africa.


Sincere thanks are due to Andrew Smith at Mowbray Library,
Cape Town, for his enthusiastic support of our reading habits, and to
fellow-Capetonians Jane Beaumont, June Dwolatsky, M.A.,
Rethea Deetlefs, M.A., and Dr Nick Gevers for their insightful contributions.

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