
Do you think Tess and Kyle will get together?
Not on this planet!

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When Liz is accidentally shot during an argument at the Countdown Cafe, Max rushes forward and miraculously saves her life. She learns that Max, Michael and Isabel are actually aliens with special powers who have no idea about their planet.

The Morning After

A mysterious substitute teacher probes Michael's life and Sheriff Valenti is pestered by the FBI. Meanwhile, Michael contemplates breaking into Valenti's office to steal files pertaining to the 1959 murder victim who had the same mark that appeared on Liz after Max saved her life.


Isabel is concerned about Maria's nervous reactions to Sheriff Valenti, so she invades one of Maria's dreams to determine whether she can keep the aliens' secret. Meanwhile, counselor Topolsky holds career guidance sessions with the students; and Max meets a curator obsessed with finding aliens.

Leaving Normal

Liz's grandmother is rushed to the hospital after suffering a stroke, prompting Liz to reach out to Max for comfort. When Max arrives, Kyle tells him to stay away from his girlfriend. Meanwhile, Michael plots revenge on Kyle's friends, who assaulted Max without Kyle's knowledge; and Maria asks Isabelle for help waiting tables at the Crashdown Cafe.


Liz panics after she discovers that her journal, which contains all the info about the aliens, is missing. They suspect Liz's bf, Kyle, was the thief. In the end, it turns out that it was Michael who took the journal to find out exactly what Liz was thinking about them.

285 South

Michael's monomaniacal urge to find the geodesic dome that's been stalking his dreams leads him to hijack Maria's car to Texas. Meanwhile, a bizarre homework assignment -- motivated by increasing government interest in reports of alien activity in Roswell -- forces Liz, Isabel and Max into a bonding experience of their own.

River Dog

Michael and Maria kiss, Liz and Kyle have another fight and Isabel takes a mysterious necklace from the geodesic dome.

Blood Brothers

Max is injured in a car accident and taken to a hospital, where a sample of his blood is drawn, forcing Michael and Liz to find a way to replace the sample with a vial of Alex's blood. After Max is discharged, Michael spies Topolsky's men rummaging through Max's hospital room.

Heat Wave

Unseasonably hot weather sparks romance as Michael's relationship with Maria heats up, and Kyle finds a new girlfriend -- just as Liz's infatuation for Max intensifies. Elsewhere, Sheriff Valenti courts Maria's mother, who he once arrested for interfering with a structural demolition, and Isabel enters into one of Alex's dreams, only to find her likeness already there.

The Balance

Michael discovers a picture of the cave drawings in Max's notebook and sets out to find Riverdog, only to return home sick after participating in a Native American ritual. Meanwhile, Max and Liz go on their first date, and Alex slips up in front of Milton.

The Toy House

Max's mother gets a glimpse of him using his powers to put out a grease fire that threatens her life, and she begins to question his secretive nature. Meanwhile, Liz tends to Kyle after he's injured during a basketball game, which makes Max jealous; and Isabel pressures Max to reveal their secret to their mother.

Into the Woods

A bright flash of light in the sky is witnessed by several people in the woods near River Dog's reservation, leading Max and Isabel to investigate the incident during a school camping trip. Liz is forced to endure the outing with her father and pays Maria to accompany them.

The Convention

A convention at the UFO Center attracts an alien hunter who claims to know what really happened the night of the 1972 murder that ended the career of Sheriff Valenti's father. Meanwhile, Max takes on extra duties at the center to help keep his mind off of Liz; and Maria's mother organizes a wrestling match that features a mystery performer.

Blind Date

Liz wins a radio contest and her prize is a blind date with a guy the station selects using her criteria. The catch: the couple's activities are reported live by an annoying DJ who accompanies them. Meanwhile, Maria joins Alex's band and immediately takes over, making major changes just before an important tryout. Max becomes drunk and does puts on an incredibly sweet show for her. In the end, she is asked to choose between three guys, her date, Kyle, or Max. Max kisses her in front of the crowd right before his mind clears again and realizes what he has done.

Independence Day Michael shows up at school with a black eye after a violent encounter with his foster father. Isabel urges him to report the incident, but Michael is reluctant to draw attention to himself. Meanwhile, Maria and Liz experience an embarrassing run-in with Sheriff Valenti when they catch him making out with Maria's mother.

Sexual Healing

Liz and Max give in to their feelings for each other, and their kisses connect them telepathically. Liz sees images that may be Max's memories of his trip to Earth, while Max experiences visions of Liz's past. Meanwhile, Michael and Maria experiment with their own make-out sessions, and Isabel despairs in her solitude.


FBI agent Topolsky returns to warn Liz that a covert alien hunter inside the Bureau is pursuing Max and his friends -- and that he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Meanwhile, Isabel befriends Tess, a new female student who immediately arouses Max and Michael's suspicions.

Tess, Lies, and Videotape

Max develops an uncontrollable attraction to Tess that includes intense sexual daydreams, and Sheriff Valenti learns that Topolsky was killed in a suspicious fire. Meanwhile, someone has secretly placed a video camera inside Michael's apartment.

Four Square

Harding finds the video camera hidden in his house and gives it to Valenti. The lawman then tells Max that his safety depends upon his willingness to share information. Meanwhile, Tess reveals a personal secret to Isabel.

Max to the Max

Tess's book suggests that she and Max are predetermined mates, as are Michael and Isabel, who thinks she might be pregnant -- with Michael's baby. Meanwhile, Nasedo disguises himself as Max and kidnaps Liz as part of a plan to trap FBI agent Pierce.

White Room

Max finds himself in a white room with no windows or doors, facing questions by Agent Pierce. Isabel telepathically contacts Max, who leaves her clues to his location. Michael, Isabel and Tess then set out on a rescue mission. Destiny

Max, Michael, Isabel, and Tess get a message from their mother by using the two orb communicators, sending off a pulse all over the world. They learn that Max was the leader in their former life and that Tess was his queen. Isabel and Michael, Max's second in command, were in love. Liz is deeply troubled by Max's destiny.